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Using ipset
Since ipset feature has been implemented. This is an Netfilter extension which able:
- to store multiple IP addresses or port numbers and match against the collection by iptables at one swoop;
- to dynamically update iptables rules against IP addresses or ports without performance penalty;
- to express complex IP address and ports based rulesets with one single iptables rule and benefit from the speed of IP sets.
This is an example of using ipset utility with two different set types: iphash and nethash. The example shows how to block incoming connection form Tor nodes (iphash set type — number of ip addresses) and how to block incoming connection from whole countries (nethash set type - number of ip subnets).
Please, enable and format JFFS through WEB UI, place this content to /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
# Loading ipset modules
lsmod | grep "ipt_set" > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
for module in ip_set ip_set_nethash ip_set_iphash ipt_set
insmod $module
# Preparing folder to cache downloaded files
[ -d "$IPSET_LISTS_DIR" ] || mkdir -p $IPSET_LISTS_DIR
# Block traffic from Tor nodes
if [ "$(ipset --swap TorNodes TorNodes 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown set')" != "" ]
ipset -N TorNodes iphash
[ -e $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/tor.lst ] || wget -q -O $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/tor.lst http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/ip_list_all.php/Tor_ip_list_ALL.csv
for IP in $(cat $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/tor.lst)
ipset -A TorNodes $IP
[ -z "$(iptables-save | grep TorNodes)" ] && iptables -I INPUT -m set --set TorNodes src -j DROP
# Block incoming traffic from some countries. cn and pk is for China and Pakistan. See other countries code at http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/
if [ "$(ipset --swap BlockedCountries BlockedCountries 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown set')" != "" ]
ipset -N BlockedCountries nethash
for country in pk cn
[ -e $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/$country.lst ] || wget -q -O $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/$country.lst http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries/$country.zone
for IP in $(cat $IPSET_LISTS_DIR/$country.lst)
ipset -A BlockedCountries $IP
[ -z "$(iptables-save | grep BlockedCountries)" ] && iptables -I INPUT -m set --set BlockedCountries src -j DROP
and make it executable:
chmod +x /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
You may run /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
from command line or reboot router to apply new blocking rules immediately.
Another example is a PeerGuardian functionality right on router.
Please do not add this script to /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
because it executes too long (~25 min on RT-N66U). Place following content to /jffs/scripts/peerguardian.sh
# Loading ipset modules
lsmod | grep "ipt_set" > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
for module in ip_set ip_set_iptreemap ipt_set
insmod $module
# PeerGuardian rules
if [ "$(ipset --swap BluetackLevel1 BluetackLevel1 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown set')" != "" ]
ipset --create BluetackLevel1 iptreemap
[ -e /tmp/bluetack_lev1.lst ] || wget -q -O - "http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level1&fileformat=p2p&archiveformat=gz" | \
gunzip | cut -d: -f2 | grep -E "^[-0-9.]+$" > /tmp/bluetack_lev1.lst
for IP in $(cat /tmp/bluetack_lev1.lst)
ipset -A BluetackLevel1 $IP
iptables -I FORWARD -m set --set BluetackLevel1 src,dst -j DROP
and run it:
sh /jffs/scripts/peerguardian.sh
Please don't close SSH-session until it finishes. Script will blocks over 8 000 000 IP's addresses which anti-p2p activity has been seen from.
Below is a speed optimized version of the peerguardian.sh script above. It does the same thing, but takes less than 30 seconds to run (the shortest run took 20 seconds on my RT-N66U). It might now be possible to run it from /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
The script utilizes two sets: primary "BluetackLevel1" and temporary "BluetackLevel2". The IPs are bulk loaded into the temporary one and then swapped into the primary. Because of this approach it can also be run periodically on a running router to refresh the active set.
# PeerGuardian rules
# Loading ipset modules
lsmod | grep "ipt_set" > /dev/null 2>&1 || \
for module in ip_set ip_set_iptreemap ipt_set; do
insmod $module
# Create the BluetackLevel1 (primary) if does not exists
if [ "$(ipset --swap BluetackLevel1 BluetackLevel1 2>&1 | grep 'Unknown set')" != "" ]; then
ipset --create BluetackLevel1 iptreemap && \
iptables -I FORWARD -m set --set BluetackLevel1 src,dst -j DROP
# Destroy this transient set just in case
ipset --destroy BluetackLevel2 > /dev/null 2>&1
# Load the latest rule(s)
(echo -e "-N BluetackLevel2 iptreemap\n" && \
nice wget -q -O - "http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level1&fileformat=p2p&archiveformat=gz" | \
nice gunzip | nice cut -d: -f2 | nice grep -E "^[-0-9.]+$" | \
nice sed 's/^/-A BluetackLevel2 /' && \
echo -e "\nCOMMIT\n" \
) | \
nice ipset --restore && \
nice ipset --swap BluetackLevel2 BluetackLevel1 && \
nice ipset --destroy BluetackLevel2
exit $?