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Joseph R. Kiniry edited this page Mar 6, 2013 · 1 revision

= Aion Demonstration = ''2 Sep 2011''

In these weeks before the election, and on election day itself, our private partners, Aion and Siemens, are conducting a demonstration of prototype e-voting equipment that they have designed and constructed prior to DemTech being formed. This demonstration has been planned for many months before these industrial partners joined DemTech.

DemTech wishes to make it perfectly clear that we researchers/academics have little to do with this demonstration. We have reflected upon the design of the demonstration, have been given several demos of the systems, and members of our team have reflected upon the design of the questionnaire which is being sent to citizens who experimentally vote on the system, but we have had no hand in the design or development of the e-voting hardware itself.

Given the above, as we did not design the demonstration and it is "pre-DemTech", we have no vested interest in, or bearing on, the demonstration or the data collected in the course of the demonstation.

We are, of course, like other members of the public, interested in the general results of the questionnaire and we look forward to its publication. Witnessing how our industry partners are conducting the demonstration and gathering citizens' reactions to e-voting systems will be quite valuable to our performing these actions ourselves, in concert with our partners, in the future.

Carsten Schürmann, Joseph Kiniry, Randi Markussen (2 September 2011; revised 9 September 2011)

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