A platform that helps with integration tests and troubleshooting/support
SecObserve is an open source vulnerability and license management system for software development teams and cloud environments. It supports a variety of open source vulnerability scanners and integ…
Contributor License Agreement assistant (CLA assistant)
stackabletech / k8s-openapi
Forked from Arnavion/k8s-openapiRust bindings for the Kubernetes client API
Home of stackable-cockpit, stackablectl and stackable-cockpitd
An issue-only repository to host a roadmap for Stackable
A Rust library to interact with installations of the Stackable Data Platform
stackabletech / openshift-certified-operators
Forked from redhat-openshift-ecosystem/certified-operatorsProduction catalog for Red Hat Certified Operator Bundles
Test suite expander for Stackable Kuttl tests.
stackabletech / YCSB
Forked from brianfrankcooper/YCSBYahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark
stackabletech / schemars
Forked from GREsau/schemarsGenerate JSON Schema documents from Rust code
An authorizer for use with Apache NiFi which uses Open Policy Agent as authorization backend
Stackable Operator for network listeners and load balancers
Test repo to try out build action for product docker images
This is our Svelte project for the "Configurator" on our homepage
Config files for Jenkins jobs ran by our infrastructure