- update to 3.7.0
- Send to Masterbox =>Fill with Captured Boxes
- return to R3F towing and updating cargo space
- mag repack ignore tacer and colour
- allow mag repack as long as ammo is same
- fix broken complete logic
- scaled zone completion
- add town warn sys chat
- slightly increase airport size
ACE Compat below this point
- update to 3.6.1
- remove MHQs from respawn menu
- add inintal CBA settings
- re-position flags
- make more items ACE draggable
- add revive param
- set mission varaibles
- update to 3.6.7
- fix code bug
- disable R3F log and mag repack if ace
- update readme
- add ACE and TFAR stuff to arsernal if running
- Disable damage effects
- disable revive if ACE detected
- Add editor notes
- add ACE + TFAR conversion Notes files
- remove cba from Tanoa map
- fix bad configs
- Replace Jeep with truck for Malden and Altis
- updated name