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Added RMS tidal velocity code; added FESOM high-res to
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Kaitlin Naughten committed Jul 7, 2017
1 parent f3b9235 commit 01a12fd
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Showing 3 changed files with 117 additions and 31 deletions.
18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions file_guide.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -300,6 +300,14 @@ Build a monthly climatology of the extra surface
the concatenated ROMS averages file and
the desired output forcing file.

get_rms_tide_vel.m: Matlab script (the horror!) which calls the TMD/CATS2008a
tidal model:
to get the RMS tidal velocity (sum of 10 constituents) for
each point on the ROMS grid. Outputs to a NetCDF file, which
can be used as a forcing file in MetROMS if you activate


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1124,18 +1132,18 @@ Plot a section of the coastline from 25-45E. On the left,

***FIGURES FOR FESOM INTERCOMPARISON*** Make a 2x1 plot showing horizontal grid resolution (square Make a 3x1 plot showing horizontal grid resolution (square
root of the area of each rectanuglar grid cell or triangular
element) in MetROMS (left) and FESOM (right), zoomed into the
Antarctic continental shelf.
element) in MetROMS, FESOM low-res, and FESOM high-res, zoomed
into the Antarctic continental shelf.
To run: First clone my "fesomtools" GitHub repository and
replace '/short/y99/kaa561/fesomtools' (near the top
of the file) with the path to the cloned repository
on your system. Then open python or ipython and type
"run". The script will prompt you for
the path to the ROMS grid file and FESOM mesh
directory, and whether you want to save the figure (and
if so, what filename) or display it on the screen.
directories, and whether you want to save the figure
(and if so, what filename) or display it on the screen. Plot MetROMS and FESOM timeseries together, for Drake
Passage transport, total Antarctic sea ice area, volume, and
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57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions get_rms_tide_vel.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
% Read ROMS grid
id ='','NOWRITE');
lat_id = netcdf.inqVarID(id, 'lat_rho');
lat = netcdf.getVar(id, lat_id);
lon_id = netcdf.inqVarID(id, 'lon_rho');
lon = netcdf.getVar(id, lon_id);
h_id = netcdf.inqVarID(id, 'h');
h = netcdf.getVar(id, h_id);
zice_id = netcdf.inqVarID(id, 'zice');
zice = netcdf.getVar(id, zice_id);

% Make sure longitude is in the range (-180, 180)
index = lon > 180;
lon(index) = lon(index)-360;
num_lon = size(lon,1);
num_lat = size(lon,2);

% Get water column thickness
wct = h + zice;

% Call TMD for the amplitudes of tidal transports U and V in m^2/s
% for each tidal constituent
[amp_U,~,~,~] = tmd_extract_HC('DATA/Model_CATS2008a_opt', lat, lon, 'U');
[amp_V,~,~,~] = tmd_extract_HC('DATA/Model_CATS2008a_opt', lat, lon, 'V');
% Get directionless amplitude with sqrt(amp_U^2 + amp_V^2)
% Divide by sqrt(2) for RMS of sinusoid
rms_components = sqrt(amp_U.^2 + amp_V.^2)/sqrt(2);
% Sum the tidal consitutents and divide by water column thickness for
% result in m/s
rms_tide_vel_tmp = squeeze(sum(rms_components, 1))./wct;
% Add a time axis of size 1
rms_tide_vel = zeros([1, size(rms_tide_vel_tmp,1), size(rms_tide_vel_tmp,2)]);
rms_tide_vel(1,:,:) = rms_tide_vel_tmp;

% Remove NaNs
index = isnan(rms_tide_vel);
rms_tide_vel(index) = 0.0;
% Set to zero outside ice shelf cavities
index = zice==0;
rms_tide_vel(index) = 0;

% Write to file
id = netcdf.create('', 'CLOBBER');
time_dim = netcdf.defDim(id, 'rms_time', netcdf.getConstant('NC_UNLIMITED'));
eta_dim = netcdf.defDim(id, 'eta_rho', num_lat);
xi_dim = netcdf.defDim(id, 'xi_rho', num_lon);
time_id = netcdf.defVar(id, 'rms_time', 'double', time_dim);
netcdf.putAtt(id, time_id, 'calendar', 'none');
tide_id = netcdf.defVar(id, 'tide_RMSvel', 'NC_DOUBLE', [xi_dim, eta_dim, time_dim]);
netcdf.putAtt(id, tide_id, 'units', 'm/s');
netcdf.putVar(id, time_id, 0, 1, [0.]);
start = [0, 0, 0];
count = [num_lon, num_lat, 1];
netcdf.putVar(id, tide_id, start, count, rms_tide_vel);
73 changes: 47 additions & 26 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,16 +8,17 @@
sys.path.insert(0, '/short/y99/kaa561/fesomtools')
from patches import *

# Make a 2x1 plot showing horizontal grid resolution (square root of the area
# of each rectanuglar grid cell or triangular element) in MetROMS (left) and
# FESOM (right), zoomed into the Antarctic continental shelf.
# Make a 3x1 plot showing horizontal grid resolution (square root of the area
# of each rectanuglar grid cell or triangular element) in MetROMS, FESOM
# low-res, and FESOM high-res, zoomed into the Antarctic continental shelf.
# Input:
# roms_grid_file = path to ROMS grid file
# fesom_mesh_dir = path to FESOM mesh directory
# fesom_mesh_low, fesom_mesh_high = paths to FESOM low-res and high-res mesh
# directories
# save = optional boolean indicating to save the figure, rather than display it
# on screen
# fig_name = if save=True, filename for figure
def mip_grid_res (roms_grid_file, fesom_mesh_dir, save=False, fig_name=None):
def mip_grid_res (roms_grid_file, fesom_mesh_low, fesom_mesh_high, save=False, fig_name=None):

# Spatial bounds on plot
lat_max = -63 + 90
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,38 +46,57 @@ def mip_grid_res (roms_grid_file, fesom_mesh_dir, save=False, fig_name=None):
roms_x = -(roms_lat+90)*cos(roms_lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
roms_y = (roms_lat+90)*sin(roms_lon*deg2rad+pi/2)

print 'Processing FESOM'
print 'Processing FESOM low-res'
# Build triangular patches for each element
elements, patches = make_patches(fesom_mesh_dir, circumpolar)
elements_low, patches_low = make_patches(fesom_mesh_low, circumpolar)
# Calculate the resolution at each element
fesom_res = []
for elm in elements:
fesom_res_low = []
for elm in elements_low:

print 'Processing FESOM high-res'
# Build triangular patches for each element
elements_high, patches_high = make_patches(fesom_mesh_high, circumpolar)
# Calculate the resolution at each element
fesom_res_high = []
for elm in elements_high:

print 'Plotting'
fig = figure(figsize=(20,9))
fig = figure(figsize=(27,9))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1, aspect='equal')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1, aspect='equal')
pcolor(roms_x, roms_y, roms_res, vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1], cmap='jet')
xlim([-lat_max, lat_max])
ylim([-lat_max, lat_max])
title('MetROMS', fontsize=24)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2, aspect='equal')
img = PatchCollection(patches, cmap='jet')
img.set_clim(vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1])
title('MetROMS', fontsize=28)
# FESOM low-res
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,2, aspect='equal')
img_low = PatchCollection(patches_low, cmap='jet')
img_low.set_clim(vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1])
xlim([-lat_max, lat_max])
ylim([-lat_max, lat_max])
title('FESOM low-res', fontsize=28)
# FESOM high-res
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,3, aspect='equal')
img_high = PatchCollection(patches_high, cmap='jet')
img_high.set_clim(vmin=limits[0], vmax=limits[1])
xlim([-lat_max, lat_max])
ylim([-lat_max, lat_max])
title('FESOM', fontsize=24)
title('FESOM high-res', fontsize=28)
cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.92, 0.2, 0.01, 0.6])
cbar = colorbar(img, cax=cbaxes, extend='max', ticks=arange(limits[0], limits[1]+5, 5))
suptitle('Horizontal grid resolution (km)', fontsize=30)
cbar = colorbar(img_high, cax=cbaxes, extend='max', ticks=arange(limits[0], limits[1]+5, 5))
suptitle('Horizontal grid resolution (km)', fontsize=36)

if save:
Expand All @@ -89,15 +109,16 @@ def mip_grid_res (roms_grid_file, fesom_mesh_dir, save=False, fig_name=None):
if __name__ == "__main__":

roms_grid_file = raw_input("Path to ROMS grid file: ")
fesom_mesh_dir = raw_input("Path to FESOM mesh directory: ")
fesom_mesh_low = raw_input("Path to FESOM low-res mesh directory: ")
fesom_mesh_high = raw_input("Path to FESOM high-res mesh directory: ")
action = raw_input("Save figure (s) or display in window (d)? ")
if action == 's':
save = True
fig_name = raw_input("File name for figure: ")
elif action == 'd':
save = False
fig_name = None
mip_grid_res (roms_grid_file, fesom_mesh_dir, save, fig_name)
mip_grid_res (roms_grid_file, fesom_mesh_low, fesom_mesh_high, save, fig_name)

Expand Down

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