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Added scripts to calculate ocean heat content, salt content, and TKE
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Kaitlin Alexander committed Dec 10, 2015
1 parent 70d4d54 commit 2716b38
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Showing 5 changed files with 197 additions and 29 deletions.
Binary file removed calc_z.pyc
Binary file not shown.
28 changes: 17 additions & 11 deletions file_guide.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,19 +241,25 @@ Extracts the volume values written in the ocean.log files (you
timestep length and the output frequency for ocean.log
(INFOSTEP in if you are using ROMS-CICE-MCT). Calculate the total ocean heat content at each timestep of the
given ocean averages file, and plot the timeseries. This script
also contains useful code for calculating volume integrals.
To run: Open python or ipython, and type "run". The
script will prompt you for paths to the ocean averages
and ROMS grid files. Calculates and plots the total heat content at each timestep of
the given ocean averages file. This file also contains useful code
for calculating volume averages.
To run: Open python or ipython, and type "run".
The script will prompt you for paths to the ocean averages
file and the grid file. Calculate the total ocean salt content at each timestep of
the given ocean averages file, and plot the timeseries.
To run: Open python or ipython, and type "run".
The script will prompt you for paths to the ocean
averages and ROMS grid files. Calculates and plots the total salt content at each timestep
of the given ocean averages file.
To run: Open python or ipython, and type
"run". The script will prompt you
for paths to the ocean averages file and the grid
file. Calculates and plots the total kinetic energy at each timestep of
the given ocean averages file.
To run: Open python or ipython, and type "run". The
script will prompt you for paths to the ocean averages file
and the grid file.


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18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from calc_z import *

# Calculate the total ocean heat content at each timestep of the given ocean
# Calculate and plot the total heat content at each timestep of the given ocean
# averages file.
def plot_ohc (file_path, grid_path):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ def plot_ohc (file_path, grid_path):
lon[index2] = lon[index2] - 360

# Interpolate to get longitude at the edges of each cell
w_bdry = (lon[:,0] + lon[:,num_lon-1] - 360)/2
middle_lon = (lon[:,0:num_lon-1] + lon[:,1:num_lon])/2
e_bdry = (lon[:,0] + 360 + lon[:,num_lon-1])/2
w_bdry = (lon[:,0] + lon[:,-1] - 360)/2
middle_lon = (lon[:,0:-1] + lon[:,1:])/2
e_bdry = (lon[:,0] + 360 + lon[:,-1])/2
lon_edges = ma.concatenate((w_bdry[:,None], middle_lon, e_bdry[:,None]), axis=1)
# Subtract to get the change in longitude over each cell
dlon = abs(lon_edges[:,1:num_lon+1] - lon_edges[:,0:num_lon])
dlon = abs(lon_edges[:,1:] - lon_edges[:,0:-1])

# Similarly for latitude
s_bdry = lat[0,:]
middle_lat = (lat[0:num_lat-1,:] + lat[1:num_lat,:])/2
n_bdry = lat[num_lat-1,:]*0 - 50
middle_lat = (lat[0:-1,:] + lat[1:,:])/2
n_bdry = lat[-1,:]*0 - 50
lat_edges = ma.concatenate((s_bdry[None,:], middle_lat, n_bdry[None,:]))
dlat = lat_edges[1:num_lat+1,:] - lat_edges[0:num_lat,:]
dlat = lat_edges[1:,:] - lat_edges[0:-1,:]

# Convert from spherical to Cartesian coordinates
# dy = r*dlat where dlat is converted to radians
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def plot_ohc (file_path, grid_path):
plot(time, ohc)
ylabel('Ocean Heat Content (J)')
ylabel('Southern Ocean Heat Content (J)')

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162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from calc_z import *

# Calculate and plot the total kinetic energy at each timestep of the given
# ocean averages file.
def plot_tke (file_path, grid_path):

# Grid parameters
theta_s = 0.9
theta_b = 4.0
hc = 40
N = 31
# Radius of the Earth in m
r = 6.371e6
# Degrees to radians conversion factor
deg2rad = pi/180.0

# Read grid variables
id = Dataset(grid_path, 'r')
h = id.variables['h'][:,:]
zice = id.variables['zice'][:,:]
# Interpolate h and zice to u and v grids
h_u = 0.5*(h[:,0:-1] + h[:,1:])
h_v = 0.5*(h[0:-1,:] + h[1:,:])
zice_u = 0.5*(zice[:,0:-1] + zice[:,1:])
zice_v = 0.5*(zice[0:-1,:] + zice[1:,:])
lon_u = id.variables['lon_u'][:,:]
lat_u = id.variables['lat_u'][:,:]
mask_u = id.variables['mask_u'][:,:]
lon_v = id.variables['lon_v'][:,:]
lat_v = id.variables['lat_v'][:,:]
mask_v = id.variables['mask_v'][:,:]

# Mask lat and lon at land points
lon_u = ma.masked_where(mask_u==0, lon_u)
lat_u = ma.masked_where(mask_u==0, lat_u)
lon_v = ma.masked_where(mask_v==0, lon_v)
lat_v = ma.masked_where(mask_v==0, lat_v)
# Save dimensions
num_lat_u = size(lon_u, 0)
num_lon_u = size(lon_u, 1)
num_lat_v = size(lon_v, 0)
num_lon_v = size(lon_v, 1)

# Add or subtract 360 from longitude values which wrap around
# so that longitude increases monotonically from west to east
i_u = tile(arange(1, num_lon_u+1), (num_lat_u, 1))
index1_u = nonzero((i_u > 1200)*(lon_u < 100))
lon_u[index1_u] = lon_u[index1_u] + 360
index2_u = nonzero((i_u < 200)*(lon_u > 300))
lon_u[index2_u] = lon_u[index2_u] - 360
# Repeat for v grid
i_v = tile(arange(1, num_lon_v+1), (num_lat_v, 1))
index1_v = nonzero((i_v > 1200)*(lon_v < 100))
lon_v[index1_v] = lon_v[index1_v] + 360
index2_v = nonzero((i_v < 200)*(lon_v > 300))
lon_v[index2_v] = lon_v[index2_v] - 360

# Interpolate to get longitude at the edges of each cell
w_bdry_u = (lon_u[:,0] + lon_u[:,-1] - 360)/2
middle_lon_u = (lon_u[:,0:-1] + lon_u[:,1:])/2
e_bdry_u = (lon_u[:,0] + 360 + lon_u[:,-1])/2
lon_u_edges = ma.concatenate((w_bdry_u[:,None], middle_lon_u, e_bdry_u[:,None]), axis=1)
# Subtract to get the change in longitude over each cell
dlon_u = abs(lon_u_edges[:,1:] - lon_u_edges[:,0:-1])
# Repeat for v grid
w_bdry_v = (lon_v[:,0] + lon_v[:,-1] - 360)/2
middle_lon_v = (lon_v[:,0:-1] + lon_v[:,1:])/2
e_bdry_v = (lon_v[:,0] + 360 + lon_v[:,-1])/2
lon_v_edges = ma.concatenate((w_bdry_v[:,None], middle_lon_v, e_bdry_v[:,None]), axis=1)
dlon_v = abs(lon_v_edges[:,1:] - lon_v_edges[:,0:-1])

# Similarly for latitude
s_bdry_u = lat_u[0,:]
middle_lat_u = (lat_u[0:-1,:] + lat_u[1:,:])/2
n_bdry_u = lat_u[-1,:]*0 - 50
lat_u_edges = ma.concatenate((s_bdry_u[None,:], middle_lat_u, n_bdry_u[None,:]))
dlat_u = lat_u_edges[1:,:] - lat_u_edges[0:-1,:]
# Repeat for v grid
s_bdry_v = lat_v[0,:]
middle_lat_v = (lat_v[0:-1,:] + lat_v[1:,:])/2
n_bdry_v = lat_v[-1,:]*0 - 50
lat_v_edges = ma.concatenate((s_bdry_v[None,:], middle_lat_v, n_bdry_v[None,:]))
dlat_v = lat_v_edges[1:,:] - lat_v_edges[0:-1,:]

# Convert from spherical to Cartesian coordinates
# dy = r*dlat where dlat is converted to radians
dy_u_2d = r*dlat_u*pi/180.0
dy_v_2d = r*dlat_v*pi/180.0
# Copy into a 3D array, same at each depth level
dy_u = tile(dy_u_2d, (N,1,1))
dy_v = tile(dy_v_2d, (N,1,1))
# dx = r*cos(lat)*dlon where lat and dlon are converted to radians
dx_u_2d = r*cos(pi*lat_u/180.0)*dlon_u*pi/180.0
dx_v_2d = r*cos(pi*lat_v/180.0)*dlon_v*pi/180.0
dx_u = tile(dx_u_2d, (N,1,1))
dx_v = tile(dx_v_2d, (N,1,1))

# Get a 3D array of z-coordinates on u and v grids
# sc_r and Cs_r are unused in this script
z_u, sc_r, Cs_r = calc_z(h_u, zice_u, lon_u, lat_u, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N)
z_v, sc_r, Cs_r = calc_z(h_v, zice_v, lon_v, lat_v, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N)
# We have z at the midpoint of each cell, now find it on the top and
# bottom edges of each cell
z_u_edges = zeros((size(z_u,0)+1, size(z_u,1), size(z_u,2)))
z_u_edges[1:-1,:,:] = 0.5*(z_u[0:-1,:,:] + z_u[1:,:,:])
# At surface, z = 0; at bottom, set z to be the same as the midpoint of
# the deepest cell
z_u_edges[0,:,:] = z_u[0,:,:]
# Now find dz
dz_u = z_u_edges[1:,:,:] - z_u_edges[0:-1,:,:]
# Repeat on the v grid
z_v_edges = zeros((size(z_v,0)+1, size(z_v,1), size(z_v,2)))
z_v_edges[1:-1,:,:] = 0.5*(z_v[0:-1,:,:] + z_v[1:,:,:])
z_v_edges[0,:,:] = z_v[0,:,:]
dz_v = z_v_edges[1:,:,:] - z_v_edges[0:-1,:,:]
# Calculate dV for each grid
dV_u = dx_u*dy_u*dz_u
dV_v = dx_v*dy_v*dz_v

# Read time data and convert from seconds to years
id = Dataset(file_path, 'r')
time = id.variables['ocean_time'][:]/(365*24*60*60)
# Read reference density
rho0 = id.variables['rho0'][:]

avgke = zeros(size(time))
for t in range(size(time)):
# Read u, v, and rho at this timestep
u = id.variables['u'][t,:,:,:]
v = id.variables['v'][t,:,:,:]
rho = id.variables['rho'][t,:,:,:] + rho0
# Interpolate rho onto u and v grids
rho_u = 0.5*(rho[:,:,0:-1] + rho[:,:,1:])
rho_v = 0.5*(rho[:,0:-1,:] + rho[:,1:,:])
# Integrate 0.5*rho*vel^2 over volume on each grid, add for TKE
avgke[t] = sum(0.5*rho_u*u**2*dV_u) + sum(0.5*rho_v*v**2*dV_v)

# Plot results
plot(time, avgke)
ylabel('Southern Ocean Total Kinetic Energy (J)')

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

file_path = raw_input("Path to ocean averages file: ")
grid_path = raw_input("Path to grid file: ")
plot_tke(file_path, grid_path)

18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from calc_z import *

# Calculate the total ocean salt content at each timestep of the given ocean
# Calculate and plot the total salt content at each timestep of the given ocean
# averages file.
def plot_totalsalt (file_path, grid_path):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ def plot_totalsalt (file_path, grid_path):
lon[index2] = lon[index2] - 360

# Interpolate to get longitude at the edges of each cell
w_bdry = (lon[:,0] + lon[:,num_lon-1] - 360)/2
middle_lon = (lon[:,0:num_lon-1] + lon[:,1:num_lon])/2
e_bdry = (lon[:,0] + 360 + lon[:,num_lon-1])/2
w_bdry = (lon[:,0] + lon[:,-1] - 360)/2
middle_lon = (lon[:,0:-1] + lon[:,1:])/2
e_bdry = (lon[:,0] + 360 + lon[:,-1])/2
lon_edges = ma.concatenate((w_bdry[:,None], middle_lon, e_bdry[:,None]), axis=1)
# Subtract to get the change in longitude over each cell
dlon = abs(lon_edges[:,1:num_lon+1] - lon_edges[:,0:num_lon])
dlon = abs(lon_edges[:,1:] - lon_edges[:,0:-1])

# Similarly for latitude
s_bdry = lat[0,:]
middle_lat = (lat[0:num_lat-1,:] + lat[1:num_lat,:])/2
n_bdry = lat[num_lat-1,:]*0 - 50
middle_lat = (lat[0:-1,:] + lat[1:,:])/2
n_bdry = lat[-1,:]*0 - 50
lat_edges = ma.concatenate((s_bdry[None,:], middle_lat, n_bdry[None,:]))
dlat = lat_edges[1:num_lat+1,:] - lat_edges[0:num_lat,:]
dlat = lat_edges[1:,:] - lat_edges[0:-1,:]

# Convert from spherical to Cartesian coordinates
# dy = r*dlat where dlat is converted to radians
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def plot_totalsalt (file_path, grid_path):
plot(time, totalsalt)
ylabel('Ocean Salt Content (kg)')
ylabel('Southern Ocean Salt Content (kg)')

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