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Kaitlin Naughten committed Apr 3, 2017
1 parent c6c5791 commit 3158d8b
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Showing 10 changed files with 772 additions and 51 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def circumpolar_cice_plot (file_path, var_name, tstep, colour_bounds=None, save=
contourf(x, y, data, lev, cmap=colour_map, extend='both')
cbar = colorbar()
title('Sea ice concentration\n' + str( + ' ' + month_names[time.month-1] + ' ' + str(time.year), fontsize=24)
title(var_name + ' (' + units +')\n' + str( + ' ' + month_names[time.month-1] + ' ' + str(time.year), fontsize=24)
#title(var_name+' ('+units+')', fontsize=30)

Expand Down
246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
from numpy import *
from netCDF4 import Dataset, num2date
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from rotate_vector_roms import *
from rotate_vector_cice import *
from monthly_avg_roms import *
from monthly_avg_cice import *

def common_grid (roms_file, cice_file, out_file):

# Resolution of common grid (degrees, same for lat and lon)
res = 0.25
# Northern boundary to interpolate to
nbdry = -50
# Radius of the Earth in metres
r = 6.371e6
# Degrees to radians conversion factor
deg2rad = pi/180.0

print 'Calculating grids'

# Make the latitude and longitude arrays for the common grid
lon_common = arange(-180, 180+res, res)
lat_common = arange(-90, nbdry+res, res)
# Get a 2D version of each to calculate dx and dy in metres
lat_2d, lon_2d = meshgrid(lat_common, lon_common)
# dx = r*cos(lat)*dlon where lat and dlon (i.e. res) are in radians
dx = r*cos(lat_2d*deg2rad)*res*deg2rad
# dy = r*dlat where dlat (i.e. res) is in radians
# This is constant so reshape to an array of the right dimensions
dy = zeros(shape(dx)) + r*res*deg2rad

# Read the ROMS grid
id = Dataset(roms_file, 'r')
# We only need lat and lon on the rho grid
lon_rho = id.variables['lon_rho'][:,:]
lat_rho = id.variables['lat_rho'][:,:]
# Get shape of u and v grids
u_shape = id.variables['lon_u'].shape
v_shape = id.variables['lon_v'].shape
# Read land mask
mask_roms = id.variables['mask_rho'][:,:]
# Mask out ice shelves too
zice = id.variables['zice'][:,:]
mask_roms[zice != 0] = 0.0
# Read angle (for rotation of vector components)
angle_roms = id.variables['angle'][:,:]
# Get time as an array of Date objects
time_id = id.variables['ocean_time']
time = num2date(time_id[:], units=time_id.units, calendar=time_id.calendar.lower())

# Read the CICE grid
id = Dataset(cice_file, 'r')
# We only need lat and lon on the velocity grid
lon_cice = id.variables['ULON'][:,:]
lat_cice = id.variables['ULAT'][:,:]
# Read angle (for rotation of vector components)
angle_cice = id.variables['ANGLE'][:,:]

# Make sure longitude is between -180 and 180
index = lon_rho > 180
lon_rho[index] = lon_rho[index] - 360
index = lon_cice > 180
lon_cice[index] = lon_cice[index] - 360

print 'Counting months'
# Assume we start at the beginning of a year
# Figure out how many complete years have happened since then
num_full_years = time[-1].year - time[0].year
if time[-1].month == 12 and time[-1].day in range(29,31+1):
# We happen to end at the very end of a year
num_full_years += 1
# Count the complete months that have happened this year
num_extra_months = time[-1].month - 1
# Don't bother with the hassle of considering cases where we end at
# the very end of a month. Just ignore the month.
num_months = 12*num_full_years + num_extra_months

print 'Interpolating land mask to new grid'
mask_common = interp_roms2common(lon_common, lat_common, lon_rho, lat_rho, mask_roms)
# Make the interpolation strict, i.e. cells with any land in their
# interpolation neighbourhood are considered land. This way there is no
# worrying about interpolating variables on the boundary.
mask_common[mask_common < 1] = 0

print 'Setting up ' + out_file
id = Dataset(out_file, 'w')
id.createDimension('longitude', size(lon_common))
id.createDimension('latitude', size(lat_common))
id.createDimension('time', None)
id.createVariable('longitude', 'f8', ('longitude'))
id.variables['longitude'].units = 'degrees'
id.variables['longitude'][:] = lon_common
id.createVariable('latitude', 'f8', ('latitude'))
id.variables['latitude'].units = 'degrees'
id.variables['latitude'][:] = lat_common
id.createVariable('time', 'f8', ('time'))
id.variables['time'].units = 'months'
id.createVariable('mask', 'f8', ('latitude', 'longitude'))
id.variables['mask'].units = '1'
id.variables['mask'][:,:] = mask_common
id.createVariable('shflux', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'))
id.variables['shflux'].long_name = 'surface heat flux into ocean'
id.variables['shflux'].units = 'W/m^2'
id.createVariable('ssflux', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'))
id.variables['ssflux'].long_name = 'surface virtual salinity flux into ocean'
id.variables['ssflux'].units = 'psu m/s'
id.createVariable('sustr', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'))
id.variables['sustr'].long_name = 'zonal surface stress'
id.variables['sustr'].units = 'N/m^2'
id.createVariable('svstr', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'))
id.variables['svstr'].long_name = 'meridional surface stress'
id.variables['svstr'].units = 'N/m^2'
id.createVariable('curl_str', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'))
id.variables['curl_str'].long_name = 'curl of surface stress'
id.variables['curl_str'].units = 'N/m^3'
id.createVariable('uice', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'))
id.variables['uice'].long_name = 'sea ice velocity eastward'
id.variables['uice'].units = 'm/s'
id.createVariable('vice', 'f8', ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'))
id.variables['vice'].long_name = 'sea ice velocity northward'
id.variables['vice'].units = 'm/s'

# Loop over months
for month in range(num_months):
print 'Processing month ' + str(month+1) + ' of ' + str(num_months)
# Write time value for this month
id.variables['time'][month] = month+1

print '...surface heat flux'
# Get monthly average
shflux_roms = monthly_avg_roms(roms_file, 'shflux', shape(lon_rho), month%12+1, instance=month/12+1)
# Interpolate to common grid
shflux_common = interp_roms2common(lon_common, lat_common, lon_rho, lat_rho, shflux_roms)
# Apply land mask
shflux = ma.masked_where(mask==0, shflux_common)
# Write to file
id.variables['shflux'][month,:,:] = shflux

print '...surface salt flux'
# Get monthly average
ssflux_roms = monthly_avg_roms(roms_file, 'ssflux', shape(lon_rho), month%12+1, instance=month/12+1)
# Interpolate to common grid
ssflux_common = interp_roms2common(lon_common, lat_common, lon_rho, lat_rho, ssflux_roms)
# Apply land mask
ssflux = ma.masked_where(mask==0, ssflux_common)
# Write to file
id.variables['ssflux'][month,:,:] = ssflux

print '...surface stress vector'
# Surface stresses
# Get monthly averages of both vector components
sustr_tmp = monthly_avg_roms(roms_file, 'sustr', u_shape, month%12+1, instance=month/12+1)
svstr_tmp = monthly_avg_roms(roms_file, 'svstr', v_shape, month%12+1, instance=month/12+1)
# Rotate to lon-lat space (note they are on the rho grid now)
sustr_roms, svstr_roms = rotate_vector_roms(sustr_tmp, svstr_tmp, angle_roms)
# Interpolate to common grid
sustr_common = interp_roms2common(lon_common, lat_common, lon_rho, lat_rho, sustr_roms)
svstr_common = interp_roms2common(lon_common, lat_common, lon_rho, lat_rho, svstr_roms)
# Apply land mask
sustr = ma.masked_where(mask==0, sustr_common)
svstr = ma.masked_where(mask==0, svstr_common)
# Write to file
id.variables['sustr'][month,:,:] = sustr
id.variables['svstr'][month,:,:] = svstr

print '...curl of surface stress vector'
# Curl of surface stress = d/dx (svstr) - d/dy (sustr)
# First calculate the two derivatives
dsvstr_dx = ma.empty(shape(svstr_common))
# Forward difference approximation
dsvstr_dx[:,:-1] = (svstr_common[:,1:] - svstr_common[:,:-1])/(2*dx[:,:-1])
# Backward difference for the last row
dsvstr_dx[:,-1] = (svstr_common[:,-1] - svstr_common[:,-2])/(2*dx[:,-1])
dsustr_dy = ma.empty(shape(sustr_common))
dsustr_dy[:-1,:] = (sustr_common[1:,:] - sustr_common[:-1,:])/(2*dy[:-1,:])
dsustr_dy[-1,:] = (sustr_common[-1,:] - sustr_common[-2,:])/(2*dy[-1,:])
curl_str = dsvstr_dx - dsustr_dy
# Write to file
id.variables['curl_str'][month,:,:] = curl_str

print '...sea ice velocity vector'
# Sea ice velocity (CICE variable not ROMS)
# Get monthly averages of both vector components
uice_tmp = monthly_avg_cice(cice_file, 'uvel', shape(lon_cice), month%12+1, instance=month/12+1)
vice_tmp = monthly_avg_cice(cice_file, 'vvel', shape(lon_cice), month%12+1, instance=month/12+1)
# Rotate to lon-lat space
uice_cice, vice_cice = rotate_vector_cice(uice_tmp, vice_tmp, angle_cice)
# Interpolate to common grid (note CICE grid not ROMS)
uice_common = interp_roms2common(lon_common, lat_common, lon_cice, lat_cice, uice_cice)
vice_common = interp_roms2common(lon_common, lat_common, lon_cice, lat_cice, vice_cice)
# Apply land mask
uice = ma.masked_where(mask==0, uice_common)
vice = ma.masked_where(mask==0, vice_common)
# Write to file
id.variables['uice'][month,:,:] = uice
id.variables['vice'][month,:,:] = vice

print 'Finished'

# Interpolate from the ROMS grid to the common grid.
# This works for the CICE grid too.
# Input:
# lon_1d = 1D array of longitude on the common grid, -180 to 180 (size n)
# lat_1d = 1D array of latitude on the common grid (size m)
# lon_roms = 2D array of longitude on the ROMS grid, -180 to 180 (size pxq)
# lat_roms = 2D array of latitude on the ROMS grid (size pxq)
# data_roms = 2D array of any variable on the ROMS grid (size pxq)
# Output:
# data_common = 2D array of data_roms interpolated to the common grid (size mxn)
def interp_roms2common (lon_1d, lat_1d, lon_roms, lat_roms, data_roms):

# Get a 2D field of common latitude and longitude
lat_2d, lon_2d = meshgrid(lat_1d, lon_1d)

# Make an array of all the ROMS coordinates, flattened
points = empty([size(lon_roms), 2])
points[:,0] = ravel(lon_roms)
points[:,1] = ravel(lat_roms)
# Also flatten the ROMS data
values = ravel(data_roms)
# Now make an array of all the common grid coordinates, flattened
xi = empty([size(lon_2d), 2])
xi[:,0] = ravel(lon_2d)
xi[:,1] = ravel(lat_2d)
# Now call griddata
result = griddata(points, values, xi)
# Un-flatten the result
data_common = reshape(result, shape(lon_2d))

return data_common

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

roms_file = raw_input("Path to ROMS averages file for the entire simulation, starting 1 Jan: ")
cice_file = raw_input("Path to CICE history file containing the same time indices: ")
out_file = raw_input("Path to desired output file: ")
common_grid(roms_file, cice_file, out_file)

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def freezingpt_slice (file_path, tstep, i_val, depth_min, colour_bounds=None, sa

# Calculate freezing point as seen by supercooling code
tfr = -0.054*salt
tfr = salt/(-18.48 + salt*18.48/1000.0) #-0.054*salt
# Calculate difference from freezing point
deltat = temp - tfr

Expand Down
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
from netCDF4 import *
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

def gadv_frazil_bathy ():

path_up3l = '/short/m68/kaa561/advection_bitreproducible/u3_lim/'
path_up3 = '/short/m68/kaa561/advection_bitreproducible/u3/'
roms_grid = '/short/m68/kaa561/metroms_iceshelf/apps/common/grid/'
file_tail = 'cice/rundir/history/'
lon_min = 25
lon_max = 45
lat_min = -71
lat_max = -64
max_frazil = 0.4
tick_frazil = 0.2
max_bathy = 5
tick_bathy = 1

id = Dataset(path_up3l + file_tail, 'r')
lon_cice = id.variables['TLON'][50:250,0:200]
lat_cice = id.variables['TLAT'][50:250,0:200]
frazil0 = id.variables['frazil'][0,50:250,0:200]
id = Dataset(path_up3 + file_tail, 'r')
frazil1 = id.variables['frazil'][0,50:250,0:200]
frazil_anom = frazil1 - frazil0

id = Dataset(roms_grid, 'r')
lon_roms = id.variables['lon_rho'][51:251,1:201]
lat_roms = id.variables['lat_rho'][51:251,1:201]
bathy = id.variables['h'][51:251,:201]*1e-3
mask = id.variables['mask_rho'][51:251,:201]-id.variables['mask_zice'][51:251,:201]
bathy = ma.masked_where(mask==0, bathy)

fig = figure(figsize=(18,8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
img1 = pcolor(lon_cice, lat_cice, frazil_anom, vmin=-max_frazil, vmax=max_frazil, cmap='RdBu_r')
title('a) Frazil ice formation (cm/day), annual average\nAnomalies: UP3 minus UP3L', fontsize=20)
xlabel('Longitude', fontsize=18)
xlim([lon_min, lon_max])
ylim([lat_min, lat_max])
cbaxes1 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.25, 0.015, 0.5])
cbar1 = colorbar(img1, ticks=arange(-max_frazil, max_frazil+tick_frazil, tick_frazil), cax=cbaxes1, extend='both')
lon_ticks = arange(lon_min, lon_max+5, 5)
lon_labels = []
for val in lon_ticks:
lon_labels.append(str(int(round(val))) + r'$^{\circ}$E')
ax.set_xticklabels(lon_labels, fontsize=16)
lat_ticks = arange(lat_min+1, lat_max+1, 2)
lat_labels = []
for val in lat_ticks:
ax.set_yticklabels(lat_labels, fontsize=16)
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
img2 = pcolor(lon_roms, lat_roms, bathy, vmin=0, vmax=max_bathy, cmap='jet')
title('b) Bathymetry (km)', fontsize=20)
xlabel('Longitude', fontsize=18)
ylabel('Latitude', fontsize=18)
xlim([lon_min, lon_max])
ylim([lat_min, lat_max])
cbaxes2 = fig.add_axes([0.93, 0.25, 0.015, 0.5])
cbar2 = colorbar(img2, ticks=arange(0, max_bathy+tick_bathy, tick_bathy), cax=cbaxes2, extend='max')
lon_ticks = arange(lon_min, lon_max+5, 5)
lon_labels = []
for val in lon_ticks:
lon_labels.append(str(int(round(val))) + r'$^{\circ}$E')
ax.set_xticklabels(lon_labels, fontsize=16)
lat_ticks = arange(lat_min+1, lat_max+1, 2)
lat_labels = []
for val in lat_ticks:
lat_labels.append(str(int(round(-val))) + r'$^{\circ}$S')
ax.set_yticklabels(lat_labels, fontsize=16)

if __name__ == "__main__":



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