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Modularised calculations of dx, dy, dz, z into 2D and 3D functions ra…
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Kaitlin Alexander committed Apr 28, 2016
1 parent 54473e7 commit 668c600
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Showing 11 changed files with 202 additions and 305 deletions.
48 changes: 9 additions & 39 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from os.path import *
from cartesian_grid_2d import *

# Calculate and plot timeseries of area-averaged ice shelf melt rates from
# major ice shelves during a ROMS simulation.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,58 +136,27 @@ def avg_ismr (file_path, log_path):
# i,j = i- and j- coordinates on the rho-grid, starting at 1
def calc_grid (file_path):

# Radius of the Earth in m
r = 6.371e6
# Degrees to radians conversion factor
deg2rad = pi/180.0
# Northern boundary of ROMS grid
nbdry_val = -30

# Read grid variables
id = Dataset(file_path, 'r')
lon = id.variables['lon_rho'][:,:]
lat = id.variables['lat_rho'][:,:]
zice = id.variables['zice'][:,:]

# Calculate dx and dy in another script
dx, dy = cartesian_grid_2d(lon, lat)

# Calculate dA and mask with zice
dA = ma.masked_where(zice==0, dx*dy)

# Save dimensions
num_lat = size(lon, 0)
num_lon = size(lon, 1)

# Add or subtract 360 from longitude values which wrap around
# so that longitude increases monotonically from west to east
# Calculate i- and j-coordinates
i = tile(arange(1, num_lon+1), (num_lat, 1))
index1 = nonzero((i > 1200)*(lon < 100))
lon[index1] = lon[index1] + 360
index2 = nonzero((i < 200)*(lon > 300))
lon[index2] = lon[index2] - 360

# Interpolate to get longitude at the edges of each cell
w_bdry = 0.5*(lon[:,0] + lon[:,-1] - 360)
middle_lon = 0.5*(lon[:,0:-1] + lon[:,1:])
e_bdry = 0.5*(lon[:,0] + 360 + lon[:,-1])
lon_edges = ma.concatenate((w_bdry[:,None], middle_lon, e_bdry[:,None]), axis=1)
# Subtract to get the change in longitude over each cell
dlon = abs(lon_edges[:,1:] - lon_edges[:,0:-1])

# Similarly for latitude
s_bdry = lat[0,:]
middle_lat = 0.5*(lat[0:-1,:] + lat[1:,:])
n_bdry = lat[-1,:]*0 + nbdry_val
lat_edges = ma.concatenate((s_bdry[None,:], middle_lat, n_bdry[None,:]))
dlat = lat_edges[1:,:] - lat_edges[0:-1,:]

# Also calculate j-coordinates
j = transpose(tile(arange(1, num_lat+1), (num_lon, 1)))

# Convert from spherical to Cartesian coordinates
# dy = r*dlat where dlat is converted to radians
dy = r*dlat*deg2rad
# dx = r*cos(lat)*dlon where lat and dlon are converted to radians
dx = r*cos(lat*deg2rad)*dlon*deg2rad

# Calculate dA and mask with zice
dA = ma.masked_where(zice==0, dx*dy)

return dA, i, j

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47 changes: 8 additions & 39 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,xlabel,ylabel,clf,show
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from cartesian_grid_2d import *

# Calculate the average sea surface height (zeta) at each timestep of the given
# ocean history file.
Expand All @@ -16,50 +17,18 @@ def avg_zeta (file_path):
mask = file.variables['mask_rho'][:,:]
avg_zeta = []

# Mask land points out of lat and lon
lon = ma.masked_where(mask==0, lon)
lat = ma.masked_where(mask==0, lat)
num_lat = size(lon, 0)
num_lon = size(lon, 1)
# Add or subtract 360 from longitude values which wrap around
# so that longitude increases monotonically from west to east
i = tile(arange(1, num_lon+1), (num_lat, 1))
index1 = nonzero((i > 1200)*(lon < 100))
lon[index1] = lon[index1] + 360
index2 = nonzero((i < 200)*(lon > 300))
lon[index2] = lon[index2] - 360
# Calculate dx and dy in another script
dx, dy = cartesian_grid_2d(lon, lat)

# Interpolate to get longitude at the edges of each cell
w_bdry = (lon[:,0] + lon[:,num_lon-1] - 360)/2
middle_lon = (lon[:,0:num_lon-1] + lon[:,1:num_lon])/2
e_bdry = (lon[:,0] + 360 + lon[:,num_lon-1])/2
lon_edges = ma.concatenate((w_bdry[:,None], middle_lon, e_bdry[:,None]), axis=1)
# Subtract to get the change in longitude over each cell
dlon = abs(lon_edges[:,1:num_lon+1] - lon_edges[:,0:num_lon])

# Similarly for latitude
s_bdry = lat[0,:]
middle_lat = (lat[0:num_lat-1,:] + lat[1:num_lat,:])/2
n_bdry = lat[num_lat-1,:]*0 - 50
lat_edges = ma.concatenate((s_bdry[None,:], middle_lat, n_bdry[None,:]))
dlat = lat_edges[1:num_lat+1,:] - lat_edges[0:num_lat,:]

# Convert from spherical to Cartesian coordinates
r = 6.371e6
# dy = r*dlat where dlat is converted to radians
dy = r*dlat*pi/180.0
# dx = r*cos(lat)*dlon where lat and dlon are converted to radians
dx = r*cos(pi*lat/180.0)*dlon*pi/180.0
# Multiply to get the area of each cell
area = nansum(dx*dy)
# Calculate dA and mask with land mask
dA = ma.masked_where(mask==0, dx*dy)

for l in range(size(time)):
print 'Processing timestep ' + str(l+1) + ' of ' + str(size(time))
# Read zeta at this timestep
zeta = file.variables['zeta'][l,:,:]
# Calculate Area-weighted average
zeta_int = nansum(zeta*dx*dy)
# Calculate area-weighted average


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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
from numpy import *

# Given ROMS grid variables, calculate Cartesian integrands dx and dy.
# Input:
# lon, lat = 2D arrays containing values for latitude and longitude, with
# dimension latitude x longitude
# Output:
# dx, dy = 2D arrays (dimension latitude x longitude) containing Cartesian
# integrands
def cartesian_grid_2d (lon, lat):

# Radius of the Earth in metres
r = 6.371e6
# Degrees to radians conversion factor
deg2rad = pi/180.0

# Save horizontal dimensions
num_lat = size(lon, 0)
num_lon = size(lon, 1)

# Add or subtract 360 from longitude values which wrap around so that
# longitude increases monotonically from west to east
i = tile(arange(1,num_lon+1), (num_lat,1))
index1 = nonzero((i > 1200)*(lon < 100))
lon[index1] = lon[index1] + 360
index2 = nonzero((i < 200)*(lon > 300))
lon[index2] = lon[index2] - 360

# Interpolate to get longitude at the edges of each cell
w_bdry = 0.5*(lon[:,0] + lon[:,-1] - 360)
middle_lon = 0.5*(lon[:,0:-1] + lon[:,1:])
e_bdry = 0.5*(lon[:,0] + 360 + lon[:,-1])
lon_edges = concatenate((w_bdry[:,None], middle_lon, e_bdry[:,None]), axis=1)
# Subtract to get the change in longitude over each cell
dlon = abs(lon_edges[:,1:] - lon_edges[:,0:-1])

# Similarly for latitude; linearly extrapolate for latitude at edges of
# N/S boundary cells
middle_lat = 0.5*(lat[0:-1,:] + lat[1:,:])
s_bdry = 2*lat[0,:] - middle_lat[0,:]
n_bdry = 2*lat[-1,:] - middle_lat[-1,:]
lat_edges = concatenate((s_bdry[None,:], middle_lat, n_bdry[None,:]), axis=0)
dlat = lat_edges[1:,:] - lat_edges[0:-1,:]

# dx = r*cos(lat)*dlon where lat and dlon are converted to radians
dx = r*cos(lat*deg2rad)*dlon*deg2rad
# dy = r*dlat where dlat is converted to radians
dy = r*dlat*deg2rad

return dx, dy
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
from numpy import *
from cartesian_grid_2d import *
from calc_z import *

# Given ROMS grid variables, calculate Cartesian integrands (dx, dy, dz) as
# well as z-coordinates.
# Input:
# lon, lat, h, zice = 2D arrays containing values for latitude, longitude,
# bathymetry, and ice shelf draft. All have dimension
# latitude x longitude.
# theta_s, theta_b, hc, N = scalar parameters (check your grid file and
# zeta = optional 2D array containing values for sea surface height at the
# desired timestep
# Output:
# dx, dy, dz, z = 3D arrays (dimension depth x latitude x longitude) containing
# Cartesian integrands (dx, dy, dz) and z-coordinates (z).
def cartesian_grid_3d (lon, lat, h, zice, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N, zeta=None):

# Calculate 2D dx and dy in another script
dx, dy = cartesian_grid_2d(lon, lat)
# Copy into 3D arrays, same at each depth level
dx = tile(dx, (N,1,1))
dy = tile(dy, (N,1,1))
# Save horizontal dimensions
num_lat = size(lon, 0)
num_lon = size(lon, 1)

# Get a 3D array of z-coordinates; sc_r and Cs_r are unused
z, sc_r, Cs_r = calc_z(h, zice, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N, zeta)
# We have z at the midpoint of each cell, now find it on the top and
# bottom edges of each cell
z_edges = zeros((N+1, num_lat, num_lon))
z_edges[1:-1,:,:] = 0.5*(z[0:-1,:,:] + z[1:,:,:])
# At surface, z=zice; at bottom, extrapolate
z_edges[-1,:,:] = zice[:,:]
z_edges[0,:,:] = 2*z[0,:,:] - z_edges[1,:,:]
# Now find dz
dz = z_edges[1:,:,:] - z_edges[0:-1,:,:]

return dx, dy, dz, z
29 changes: 9 additions & 20 deletions
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from calc_z import *
from cartesian_grid_3d import *

# Make a circumpolar Antarctic plot of the given (horizontal) ROMS variable.
# Input:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,28 +111,17 @@ def circumpolar_plot (file_path, var_name, tstep, depth_key, depth, depth_bounds
# Bottom layer
data = data_full[0,:,:]
# We will need to calculate z-coordinates
z, sc_r, Cs_r = calc_z(h, zice, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N)
# We will need z-coordinates and possibly dz
dx, dy, dz, z = cartesian_grid_3d(lon, lat, h, zice, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N)
if depth_key == 2:
# Interpolate to given depth
data = interp_depth(data_full, z, depth)
elif depth_key in [3, 4]:
# We need dz for averaging
# We have z on the midpoint of each cell, now find it on the top and bottom edges
# of each cell
z_edges = zeros((size(z,0)+1, size(z,1), size(z,2)))
z_edges[1:-1,:,:] = 0.5*(z[0:-1,:,:] + z[1:,:,:])
# At the surface, z=zice; at bottom, extrapolate
z_edges[-1,:,:] = zice[:,:]
z_edges[0,:,:] = 2*z[0,:,:] - z_edges[1,:,:]
# Now find dz
dz = z_edges[1:,:,:] - z_edges[0:-1,:,:]
if depth_key == 3:
# Vertically average entire water column
data = sum(data_full*dz, axis=0)/sum(dz, axis=0)
elif depth_key == 4:
# Vertically average between given depths
data = average_btw_depths (data_full, z, dz, depth_bounds)
elif depth_key == 3:
# Vertically average entire water column
data = sum(data_full*dz, axis=0)/sum(dz, axis=0)
elif depth_key == 4:
# Vertically average between given depths
data = average_btw_depths(data_full, z, dz, depth_bounds)

# Center levels on 0 for certain variables, with a blue-to-red colourmap
if var_name in ['u', 'v', 'ubar', 'vbar', 'm']:
Expand Down
36 changes: 24 additions & 12 deletions file_guide.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ Builds a ROMS initialisation file using World Ocean Atlas
data for temperature and salinity; starts with a motionless
ocean and zero sea surface height. Under ice shelves, sets
the salinity to a constant value (34.5 psu) and the
temperature to the local freezing point. Depends on, and uses WOA data assumed to be converted from
FESOM input using
temperature to the local freezing point. Uses WOA data
assumed to be converted from FESOM input using
To run: First edit user parameters (file paths and grid
parameters) near the bottom of the file (after the
Then make sure that you have scipy version 0.14 or
Expand All @@ -30,19 +30,14 @@ Builds a ROMS initialisation file using World Ocean Atlas Builds a ROMS northern lateral boundary condition file from 1
year of monthly ECCO2 data for temperature, salinity, and
velocity (set sea surface height to zero). Also contains useful
code for calculating volume averages. Depends on
code for calculating volume averages.
To run: Edit user parameters near the top of the script
(mainly just file paths). Then make sure that you have
scipy version 0.14 or higher (on raijin, this means
switching to python/2.7.6; instructions at the top
of the file). Then open python or ipython and type
"run". Given ROMS grid variables, calculate the s-coordinates, stretching
curves, and z-coordinates. Assumes Vtransform=2 and Vstretching=2.
To run: This is a function designed to be called from other
scripts. Convert ERA-Interim files of monthly averaged
atmospheric forcing to ROMS-CICE input forcing files
on the correct grid and with the correct units.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,6 +467,24 @@ Calculate the meridional overturning streamfunction at the
and the filename with which to save the plot.

***UTILITY FUNCTIONS*** Given ROMS grid variables, calculate the s-coordinates, stretching
curves, and z-coordinates. Assumes Vtransform=2 and Vstretching=2.
To run: This is a function designed to be called from other
scripts. See for example Given ROMS grid variables, calculate 2D Cartesian
integrands dx and dy.
To run: This is a function designed to be called from
other scripts. See for example Given ROMS grid variables, calculate 3D Cartesian
integrands dx, dy, and dz, as well as 3D z-coordinates.
To run: This is a function designed to be called from
other scripts. See for example

***OBSOLETE*** Interpolate RTopo-2 data to an existing ROMS grid, and do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -528,7 +541,7 @@ Convert 100 6-hour timesteps of an ERA-Interim Builds a ROMS initialisation file using ECCO2 data for
temperature and salinity; starts with a motionless ocean
and zero sea surface height. Depends on
and zero sea surface height.
To run: First edit user parameters (file paths and grid
parameters) near the bottom of the file. Then make
sure that you have scipy version 0.14 or higher
Expand All @@ -537,8 +550,7 @@ Builds a ROMS initialisation file using ECCO2 data for
python/ipython and type "run".

convert_ecco.job: A batch job which converts 1 year of ECCO2 data into
northern lateral bounday conditions for ROMS. Depends on, which depends on
northern lateral bounday conditions for ROMS.
To run: First edit user parameters in
(see below). Then edit the PBS job settings at the top
of this file, and the module commands if necessary to
Expand Down

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