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Kaitlin Naughten committed Jan 18, 2017
1 parent 8520f56 commit 6c2a760
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Showing 23 changed files with 2,731 additions and 307 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
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114 changes: 51 additions & 63 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -3,85 +3,74 @@
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from calc_z import *

# For each advection experiment, plot zonal slices of temperature and salinity
# through 71E (Amery Ice Shelf) at the end of the simulation.
def adv_amery_tsplots ():

num_simulations = 6
# Paths to simulation directories
paths = ['/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/c4_lowdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/c4_highdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/a4_lowdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/a4_highdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/u3_lowdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/u3_highdif/']
# End of figure names for each simulation
labels = ['_c4_lowdif.png', '_c4_highdif.png', '_a4_lowdif.png', '_a4_highdif.png', '_u3_lowdif.png', '_u3_highdif.png']
# Name of ocean output file to read
ocn_file = ''
# Timestep to plot (average over last day in 1992)
tstep = 366
# Longitude to plot
paths = ['/short/m68/kaa561/advection/u3_lim/', '/short/m68/kaa561/advection/c4_l/']
labels = [r'a) Temperature ($^{\circ}$C), U3_LIM', r'b) Temperature ($^{\circ}$C), C4_LD', 'c) Salinity (psu), U3_LIM', 'd) Salinity (psu), C4_LD']
file_tail = ''
var_names = ['temp', 'salt']
tstep = 1 #366
lon0 = 71
# Deepest depth to plot
depth_min = -500
# Bounds on colour scale for each variable
temp_bounds = [-2, 3]
salt_bounds = [33.8, 34.8]
# Bounds on latitudes to plot
scale_min = [-2, 33.8]
scale_max = [3, 34.8]
scale_ticks = [1, 0.2]
lat_min = -72
lat_max = -50

# Grid parameters
theta_s = 4.0
theta_b = 0.9
hc = 40
N = 31

# Build titles for each variable based on longitude
if lon0 < 0:
temp_title = r'Temperature ($^{\circ}$C) at ' + str(int(round(-lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$W'
salt_title = r'Salinity (psu) at ' + str(int(round(-lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$W'
# Edit longitude to be between0 and 360, following ROMS convention
lon0 += 360
temp_title = r'Temperature ($^{\circ}$C) at ' + str(int(round(lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$E'
salt_title = r'Salinity (psu) at ' + str(int(round(lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$E'

# Loop over simulations
for sim in range(num_simulations):
# Loop over variables
for var_name in ['temp', 'salt']:
# Read variable, sea surface height, and grid variables
id = Dataset(paths[sim] + ocn_file, 'r')
data_3d = id.variables[var_name][tstep-1,:,:-15,:]
zeta = id.variables['zeta'][tstep-1,:-15,:]
if sim == 0 and var_name == 'temp':
# Grid variables are the same for all simulations so we
# only need to read them once
h = id.variables['h'][:-15,:]
zice = id.variables['zice'][:-15,:]
lon_2d = id.variables['lon_rho'][:-15,:]
lat_2d = id.variables['lat_rho'][:-15,:]
fig = figure(figsize=(18,12))
for sim in range(2):
for var in range(2):
id = Dataset(paths[sim]+file_tail, 'r')
data_3d = id.variables[var_names[var]][tstep-1,:,:,:]
zeta = id.variables['zeta'][tstep-1,:,:]
if sim==0 and var==0:
h = id.variables['h'][:,:]
zice = id.variables['zice'][:,:]
lon_2d = id.variables['lon_rho'][:,:]
lat_2d = id.variables['lat_rho'][:,:]
# Get a 3D array of z-coordinates
z_3d, sc_r, Cs_r = calc_z(h, zice, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N, zeta)
# Interpolate the variable, z, and latitude to lon0
data, z, lat = interp_lon(data_3d, z_3d, lat_2d, lon_2d, lon0)
# Set up colour levels for plotting
if var_name == 'temp':
lev = linspace(temp_bounds[0], temp_bounds[1], num=40)
elif var_name == 'salt':
lev = linspace(salt_bounds[0], salt_bounds[1], num=40)
# Plot
fig = figure(figsize=(12,6))
contourf(lat, z, data, lev, cmap='jet', extend='both')
if var_name == 'temp':
elif var_name == 'salt':
ylabel('Depth (m)')
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2*var+sim+1)
img = pcolor(lat, z, data, vmin=scale_min[var], vmax=scale_max[var], cmap='jet')
title(labels[2*var+sim], fontsize=24)
if var == 1:
xlabel('Latitude', fontsize=16)
if sim == 0:
ylabel('Depth (m)', fontsize=16)
xlim([lat_min, lat_max])
ylim([depth_min, 0])
# Save plot
fig.savefig(var_name + labels[sim])
if sim == 1:
if var == 0:
cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.93, 0.575, 0.01, 0.3])
elif var == 1:
cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.93, 0.125, 0.01, 0.3])
cbar = colorbar(img, ticks=arange(scale_min[var], scale_max[var]+scale_ticks[var], scale_ticks[var]), cax=cbaxes, extend='both')
lat_ticks = arange(lat_min+2, lat_max+1, 5)
lat_labels = []
for val in lat_ticks:
lat_labels.append(str(int(round(-val))) + r'$^{\circ}$S')
ax.set_xticklabels(lat_labels, fontsize=14)
depth_ticks = range(depth_min, 0+100, 100)
depth_labels = []
for val in depth_ticks:
ax.set_yticklabels(depth_labels, fontsize=14)

suptitle(r'71$^{\circ}$E (Amery Ice Shelf), 31 December', fontsize=30)

# Linearly interpolate data, z, and latitude to the specified longitude.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +176,6 @@ def interp_lon_helper (lon, lon0):
return ie, iw, coeff1, coeff2

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from calc_z import *

# For each advection experiment, plot zonal slices of temperature and salinity
# through 71E (Amery Ice Shelf) at the end of the simulation.
def adv_amery_tsplots_indiv ():

num_simulations = 6
# Paths to simulation directories
paths = ['/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/c4_lowdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/c4_highdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/a4_lowdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/a4_highdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/u3_lowdif/', '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/tmproms/run/advection/u3limiters_lowdif/']
# End of figure names for each simulation
labels = ['_c4_lowdif.png', '_c4_highdif.png', '_a4_lowdif.png', '_a4_highdif.png', '_u3.png', '_u3_lim.png']
# Name of ocean output file to read
ocn_file = ''
# Timestep to plot (average over last day in 1992)
tstep = 366
# Longitude to plot
lon0 = 71
# Deepest depth to plot
depth_min = -500
# Bounds on colour scale for each variable
temp_bounds = [-2, 3]
salt_bounds = [33.8, 34.8]
# Bounds on latitudes to plot
lat_min = -72
lat_max = -50

# Grid parameters
theta_s = 4.0
theta_b = 0.9
hc = 40
N = 31

# Build titles for each variable based on longitude
if lon0 < 0:
temp_title = r'Temperature ($^{\circ}$C) at ' + str(int(round(-lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$W'
salt_title = r'Salinity (psu) at ' + str(int(round(-lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$W'
# Edit longitude to be between0 and 360, following ROMS convention
lon0 += 360
temp_title = r'Temperature ($^{\circ}$C) at ' + str(int(round(lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$E'
salt_title = r'Salinity (psu) at ' + str(int(round(lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$E'

# Loop over simulations
for sim in range(num_simulations):
# Loop over variables
for var_name in ['temp', 'salt']:
# Read variable, sea surface height, and grid variables
id = Dataset(paths[sim] + ocn_file, 'r')
data_3d = id.variables[var_name][tstep-1,:,:-15,:]
zeta = id.variables['zeta'][tstep-1,:-15,:]
if sim == 0 and var_name == 'temp':
# Grid variables are the same for all simulations so we
# only need to read them once
h = id.variables['h'][:-15,:]
zice = id.variables['zice'][:-15,:]
lon_2d = id.variables['lon_rho'][:-15,:]
lat_2d = id.variables['lat_rho'][:-15,:]
# Get a 3D array of z-coordinates
z_3d, sc_r, Cs_r = calc_z(h, zice, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N, zeta)
# Interpolate the variable, z, and latitude to lon0
data, z, lat = interp_lon(data_3d, z_3d, lat_2d, lon_2d, lon0)
# Set up colour levels for plotting
if var_name == 'temp':
lev = linspace(temp_bounds[0], temp_bounds[1], num=40)
elif var_name == 'salt':
lev = linspace(salt_bounds[0], salt_bounds[1], num=40)
# Plot
fig = figure(figsize=(12,6))
contourf(lat, z, data, lev, cmap='jet', extend='both')
if var_name == 'temp':
elif var_name == 'salt':
ylabel('Depth (m)')
xlim([lat_min, lat_max])
ylim([depth_min, 0])
# Save plot
fig.savefig(var_name + labels[sim])

# Linearly interpolate data, z, and latitude to the specified longitude.
# Input:
# data_3d = array of data, dimension depth x lat x lon
# z_3d = array of depth values (negative, in metres), dimension depth x lat x lon
# lat_2d = array of latitudevalues, dimension lat x lon
# lon_2d = array of longitude values, dimension lat x lon (between -180 and 180)
# lon0 = longitude to interpolate to (between -180 and 180)
# Output:
# data = array of data interpolated to lon0, dimension depth x lat
# z = array of depth values interpolated to lon0, dimension depth x lat
# lat = array of latitude values interpolated to lon0, dimension depth x lat
def interp_lon (data_3d, z_3d, lat_2d, lon_2d, lon0):

# Save dimensions
num_depth = size(data_3d, 0)
num_lat = size(data_3d, 1)
num_lon = size(data_3d, 2)
# Set up output arrays
data = ma.empty([num_depth, num_lat])
z = ma.empty([num_depth, num_lat])
lat = ma.empty([num_depth, num_lat])

# Loop over latitudes; can't find a cleaner way to do this
for j in range(num_lat):
# Extract the longitude values of this slice
lon_tmp = lon_2d[j,:]
# Get indices and coefficients for interpolation
ie, iw, coeffe, coeffw = interp_lon_helper(lon_tmp, lon0)
data[:,j] = coeffe*data_3d[:,j,ie] + coeffw*data_3d[:,j,iw]
z[:,j] = coeffe*z_3d[:,j,ie] + coeffw*z_3d[:,j,iw]
lat[:,j] = coeffe*lat_2d[j,ie] + coeffw*lat_2d[j,iw]

return data, z, lat

# Calculate indices and coefficients for linear interpolation of longitude.
# This takes care of all the mod 360 nonsense.
# Input:
# lon = 1D array of longitude values (straight out of ROMS i.e. between slightly < 0 and slightly > 360)
# lon0 = longitude to interpolate to (between 0 and 360)
# Output:
# ie, iw, coeffe, coeffw = integers (ie and iw) and coefficients (coeffe and coeffw) such that
# coeffe*lon[ie] + coeffw*lon[iw] = lon0, which will also hold for any
# variable on this longitude grid. ie is the index of the nearest point
# to the east of lon0; iw the nearest point to the west.
def interp_lon_helper (lon, lon0):

if lon0 < amin(lon) or lon0 > amax(lon):
# Special case: lon0 on periodic boundary
# Be careful with mod 360 here

# Find the periodic boundary
dlon = lon[1:] - lon[0:-1]
bdry = argmax(abs(dlon))
if dlon[bdry] < -300:
# Jumps from almost 360 to just over 0
iw = bdry
ie = bdry + 1
# Periodic boundary lines up with the array boundary
iw = size(lon) - 1
ie = 0
# Calculate difference between lon0 and lon[iw], mod 360 if necessary
dlon_num = lon0 - lon[iw]
if dlon_num < -300:
dlon_num += 360
# Calculate difference between lon[ie] and lon[iw], mod 360
dlon_den = lon[ie] - lon[iw] + 360

# General case

# Add or subtract 360 from longitude values which wrap around
# so that longitude increases monotonically from west to east
i = arange(1, size(lon)+1)
index1 = nonzero((i > 1200)*(lon < 100))
lon[index1] = lon[index1] + 360
index2 = nonzero((i < 200)*(lon > 300))
lon[index2] = lon[index2] - 360

# Take mod 360 of lon0 if necessary
if all(lon < lon0):
lon0 -= 360
if all(lon > lon0):
lon0 += 360

# Find the first index eastward of lon0
ie = nonzero(lon > lon0)[0][0]
# The index before it will be the last index westward of lon0
iw = ie - 1

dlon_num = lon0 - lon[iw]
dlon_den = lon[ie] - lon[iw]

if dlon_num > 5 or dlon_den > 5:
print 'interp_lon_helper: Problem at periodic boundary'
coeff1 = dlon_num/dlon_den
coeff2 = 1 - coeff1

return ie, iw, coeff1, coeff2

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":


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