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Added intercomparison figures for timeseries and mass loss maps
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Kaitlin Naughten committed Jun 14, 2017
1 parent 23454dc commit 747398a
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Showing 6 changed files with 873 additions and 1 deletion.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions file_guide.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1115,6 +1115,61 @@ Make a 2x1 plot showing horizontal grid resolution (square
directory, and whether you want to save the figure (and
if so, what filename) or display it on the screen. Plot MetROMS and FESOM timeseries together, for Drake
Passage transport, total Antarctic sea ice area and volume,
and basal mass loss for major ice shelves. Include the range
of observations for Drake Passage transport and ice shelf
mass loss.
To run: First make sure you have run,, and
and saved the logfiles in a single directory with
the names dpt.log, seaice.log, and massloss.log. Do
the same for FESOM with the equivalent fesomtools
scripts, with the same names. Then open python or
ipython and type "run". The script
will prompt you for the paths to the ROMS and FESOM
logfile directories, and whether you want to plot
the full timeseries or annual averages (in which case
sea ice area and volume will not be plotted). The
script will create a bunch of png files. Make a 2x1 circumpolar Antarctic map of percentage
error in mass loss for each ice shelf, outside the
bounds given by Rignot et al. (2013), in MetROMS
(left) and FESOM (right), for the 2003-2008 average.
To run: First make sure you have run for ROMS through to
at least the end of 2008, and the equivalent in the "fesomtools"
repository for the FESOM simulation. Then
open python or ipython and type
"run". The script
will prompt you for the path to the ROMS
grid file, the ROMS and FESOM massloss
logfiles, and whether you want to save the
figure (and if so, what filename) or display
it on the screen. Make a circumpolar Antarctic figure showing the
percentage change in mass loss for each ice
shelf in the FESOM simulation with respect to
the MetROMS simulation, for the 2003-2008
To run: First make sure you have run for ROMS through
to at least the end of 2008, and the
equivalent in
the "fesomtools" repository for the
FESOM simulation. Then open python or
ipython and type
The script will prompt you for the path
to the ROMS grid file, the ROMS and
FESOM massloss logfiles, and whether
you want to save the figure (and if so,
what filename) or display it on the


Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def massloss_map (grid_path, log_path, save=False, fig_name=None):
error[region] = error_tmp

# Edit zice so tiny ice shelves won't be contoured
#zice[error.mask] = 0.0
zice[error.mask] = 0.0

# Convert grid to spherical coordinates
x = -(lat+90)*cos(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
Expand Down
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from matplotlib import rcParams

# Make a circumpolar Antarctic figure showing the percentage change in mass
# loss for each ice shelf in the FESOM simulation with respect to the MetROMS
# simulation, for the 2003-2008 average.
# Input:
# roms_grid = path to ROMS grid file
# roms_logfile = path to ROMS logfile from
# fesom_logfile = path to FESOM logfile from in the
# fesomtools repository
# save = optional boolean indicating to save the figure to a file, rather than
# display on screen
# fig_name = if save=True, filename for figure
def mip_massloss_difference_map (roms_grid, roms_logfile, fesom_logfile, save=False, fig_name=None):

# Year simulations start
year_start = 1992
# Years to analyse
obs_start = 2003
obs_end = 2008
# Number of output steps per year in FESOM
peryear = 365/5

# Limits on longitude and latitude for each ice shelf
# These depend on the source geometry, in this case RTopo 1.05
# Note there is one extra index at the end of each array; this is because
# the Ross region crosses the line 180W and therefore is split into two
lon_min = [-62.67, -65.5, -79.17, -85, -104.17, -102.5, -108.33, -114.5, -135.67, -149.17, -155, 144, 115, 94.17, 80.83, 65, 33.83, 19, 12.9, 9.33, -10.05, -28.33, -181, 158.33]
lon_max = [-59.33, -60, -66.67, -28.33, -88.83, -99.17, -103.33, -111.5, -114.33, -140, -145, 146.62, 123.33, 102.5, 89.17, 75, 37.67, 33.33, 16.17, 12.88, 7.6, -10.33, -146.67, 181]
lat_min = [-73.03, -69.35, -74.17, -83.5, -73.28, -75.5, -75.5, -75.33, -74.9, -76.42, -78, -67.83, -67.17, -66.67, -67.83, -73.67, -69.83, -71.67, -70.5, -70.75, -71.83, -76.33, -85, -84.5]
lat_max = [-69.37, -66.13, -69.5, -74.67, -71.67, -74.17, -74.67, -73.67, -73, -75.17, -76.41, -66.67, -66.5, -64.83, -66.17, -68.33, -68.67, -68.33, -69.33, -69.83, -69.33, -71.5, -77.77, -77]
num_shelves = len(lon_min)-1

# Degrees to radians conversion factor
deg2rad = pi/180
# Northern boundary 63S for plot
nbdry = -63+90
# Centre of missing circle in grid
lon_c = 50
lat_c = -83
# Radius of missing circle (play around with this until it works)
radius = 10.1
# Minimum zice in ROMS grid
min_zice = -10

# Read ROMS logfile
roms_time = []
f = open(roms_logfile, 'r')
# Skip the first line (header for time array)
for line in f:
# Reached the header for the next variable
# Skip the values for the entire continent
for line in f:
tmp = float(line)
# Set up array for mass loss values at each ice shelf
roms_massloss_ts = empty([num_shelves, len(roms_time)])
index = 0
# Loop over ice shelves
while index < num_shelves:
t = 0
for line in f:
roms_massloss_ts[index, t] = float(line)
t += 1
# Reached the header for the next ice shelf
index +=1
# Add start year to ROMS time array
roms_time = array(roms_time) + year_start
# Average between observation years
t_start = nonzero(roms_time >= obs_start)[0][0]
t_end = nonzero(roms_time >= obs_end+1)[0][0]
roms_massloss = mean(roms_massloss_ts[:,t_start:t_end], axis=1)

# Read FESOM timeseries
tmp = []
f = open(fesom_logfile, 'r')
# Skip the first line (header)
# Count the number of time indices for the first variable (total mass loss
# for all ice shelves, which we don't care about)
num_time = 0
for line in f:
tmp = float(line)
num_time += 1
# Reached the header for the next variable
# Set up array for mass loss values at each ice shelf
fesom_massloss_ts = empty([num_shelves, num_time])
# Loop over ice shelves
index = 0
while index < num_shelves:
t = 0
for line in f:
fesom_massloss_ts[index,t] = float(line)
t += 1
# Reached the header for the next ice shelf
index += 1
# Average between observation years
fesom_massloss = mean(fesom_massloss_ts[:,peryear*(obs_start-year_start):peryear*(obs_end+1-year_start)], axis=1)

# Read ROMS grid
id = Dataset(roms_grid, 'r')
lon = id.variables['lon_rho'][:-15,:-1]
lat = id.variables['lat_rho'][:-15,:-1]
mask_rho = id.variables['mask_rho'][:-15,:-1]
mask_zice = id.variables['mask_zice'][:-15,:-1]
zice = id.variables['zice'][:-15,:-1]
# Make sure longitude goes from -180 to 180, not 0 to 360
index = lon > 180
lon[index] = lon[index] - 360
# Get land/zice mask
open_ocn = copy(mask_rho)
open_ocn[mask_zice==1] = 0
land_zice = ma.masked_where(open_ocn==1, open_ocn)

# Initialise plotting field of ice shelf mass loss percentage change
massloss_change = ma.empty(shape(lon))
massloss_change[:,:] = ma.masked
# Loop over ice shelves
for index in range(num_shelves):
# Calculate percentage change in massloss, FESOM wrt MetROMS
tmp = (fesom_massloss[index] - roms_massloss[index])/roms_massloss[index]*100
# Modify plotting field for this region
if index == num_shelves-1:
# Ross region is split into two
region = (lon >= lon_min[index])*(lon <= lon_max[index])*(lat >= lat_min[index])*(lat <= lat_max[index])*(mask_zice == 1) + (lon >= lon_min[index+1])*(lon <= lon_max[index+1])*(lat >= lat_min[index+1])*(lat <= lat_max[index+1])*(mask_zice == 1)
region = (lon >= lon_min[index])*(lon <= lon_max[index])*(lat >= lat_min[index])*(lat <= lat_max[index])*(mask_zice == 1)
massloss_change[region] = tmp

# Edit zice so tiny ice shelves won't be contoured
zice[massloss_change.mask] = 0.0
# Convert grid to spherical coordinates
x = -(lat+90)*cos(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
y = (lat+90)*sin(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
# Find centre in spherical coordinates
x_c = -(lat_c+90)*cos(lon_c*deg2rad+pi/2)
y_c = (lat_c+90)*sin(lon_c*deg2rad+pi/2)
# Build a regular x-y grid and select the missing circle
x_reg, y_reg = meshgrid(linspace(-nbdry, nbdry, num=1000), linspace(-nbdry, nbdry, num=1000))
land_circle = zeros(shape(x_reg))
land_circle = ma.masked_where(sqrt((x_reg-x_c)**2 + (y_reg-y_c)**2) > radius, land_circle)
# Set up colour scale
lev = linspace(-200, 200, num=50)

# Plot
fig = figure(figsize=(16,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, aspect='equal')
# First shade land and zice in grey (include zice so there are no white
# patches near the grounding line where contours meet)
contourf(x, y, land_zice, 1, colors=(('0.6', '0.6', '0.6')))
# Fill in the missing cicle
contourf(x_reg, y_reg, land_circle, 1, colors=(('0.6', '0.6', '0.6')))
# Now shade the percentage change in mass loss
contourf(x, y, massloss_change, lev, cmap='RdBu_r', extend='both')
cbar = colorbar(ticks=arange(-200, 200+50, 50))
# Add a black contour for the ice shelf front
rcParams['contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid'
contour(x, y, zice, levels=[min_zice], colors=('black'))
xlim([-nbdry, nbdry])
ylim([-nbdry, nbdry])
title('% Change in Ice Shelf Mass Loss (2003-2008 average)\nFESOM with respect to MetROMS', fontsize=30)

# Finished
if save:

if __name__ == "__main__":

roms_grid = raw_input("Path to ROMS grid file: ")
roms_logfile = raw_input("Path to ROMS mass loss logfile: ")
fesom_logfile = raw_input("Path to FESOM mass loss logfile: ")
action = raw_input("Save figure (s) or display in window (d)? ")
if action == 's':
save = True
fig_name = raw_input("File name for figure: ")
elif action == 'd':
save = False
fig_name = None
mip_massloss_difference (roms_grid, roms_logfile, fesom_logfile, save, fig_name)


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