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Kaitlin Naughten committed May 29, 2017
1 parent 1d1b319 commit 7d43ead
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Showing 8 changed files with 218 additions and 29 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
#import colormaps as cmaps

# Create a 3x2 plot of mixed layer depth (calculated by KPP) on 23 August (the
# sea ice area max) for each advection experiment: the absolute values for
# U3_LIM, and the anomalies from U3_LIM for the other 5 experiments.
# Create a 2x1 plot of mixed layer depth (calculated by KPP) on 23 August (the
# sea ice area max) for the U3_LIM experiment, and anomalies for the C4_LD
# experiment.
def adv_mld_2 ():

# Paths to simulation directories
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
#import colormaps as cmaps

# Create a 3x2 plot of sea ice effective thickness on 23 August (the sea ice
# area max) for each advection experiment: the absolute values for U3_LIM, and
# the anomalies from U3_LIM for the other 5 experiments.
# Create a 2x1 plot of sea ice effective thickness on 23 August (the sea ice
# area max) for the U3_LIM experiment, and anomalies for the C4_LD experiment.
def adv_thickness_2 ():

# Paths to simulation directories
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18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,15 @@
from numpy import *
from calc_z import *

# Calculate the rx1 field (measure of grid steepness) for the given grid and
# vertical stretching parameters. Save to a NetCDF file.
# Input:
# grid_path = path to ROMS grid file
# theta_s, theta_b, hc, N, Vstretching = grid stretching parameters (check *.in)
# out_file = path to desired output file
def calc_rx1 (grid_path, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N, Vstretching, out_file):

# Read grid
id = Dataset(grid_path, 'r')
lon_2d = id.variables['lon_rho'][:,:]
lat_2d = id.variables['lat_rho'][:,:]
Expand All @@ -12,31 +19,40 @@ def calc_rx1 (grid_path, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N, Vstretching, out_file):
mask_rho = id.variables['mask_rho'][:,:]

# Calculate 3D field of depth values
z, sc_r, Cs_r = calc_z(h, zice, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N, None, Vstretching)
# Mask out land
for k in range(N):
tmp = z[k,:,:]
tmp[mask_rho==0] = NaN
z[k,:,:] = tmp

# Calculate rx1 in each dimension
rx1_3d_i = abs((z[1:,1:,1:]-z[1:,1:,:-1]+z[:-1,1:,1:]-z[:-1,1:,:-1])/(z[1:,1:,1:]+z[1:,1:,:-1]-z[:-1,1:,1:]-z[:-1,1:,:-1]))
rx1_3d_j = abs((z[1:,1:,1:]-z[1:,:-1,1:]+z[:-1,1:,1:]-z[:-1,:-1,1:])/(z[1:,1:,1:]+z[1:,:-1,1:]-z[:-1,1:,1:]-z[:-1,:-1,1:]))
# Save the larger of the two
rx1_3d = maximum(rx1_3d_i, rx1_3d_j)
# Take maximum along depth to get a 2D field
rx1_tmp = amax(rx1_3d, axis=0)

# This only worked for interior points; copy the boundary in each dimesion
rx1 = zeros(shape(lon_2d))
rx1[1:,1:] = rx1_tmp
rx1[0,:] = rx1[1,:]
rx1[:,0] = rx1[:,1]
# Mask out NaNs
rx1 = ma.masked_where(isnan(rx1), rx1)

# Write output file
id = Dataset(out_file, 'w')
id.createDimension('xi_rho', size(lon_2d,1))
id.createDimension('eta_rho', size(lon_2d,0))
id.createVariable('rx1', 'f8', ('eta_rho', 'xi_rho'))
id.variables['rx1'][:,:] = rx1

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

grid_path = raw_input("Path to grid file: ")
Expand Down
125 changes: 105 additions & 20 deletions file_guide.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -262,6 +262,52 @@ Convert one year of GPCP monthly averages for total
and type "run". The years 1992-2005
will be processed in a loop. Find all of the CICE grid points which are land (or ice
shelf) on 3 sides. Sea ice can grow in these isolated
points but cannot escape due to CICE's coastal boundary
conditions, so it gets crazy thick (like 2 km thick).
Print the indices of these points to the screen. This
script assumes a periodic boundary in the longitude
To run: Edit the variables start_j, end_j for the range
of j-indices you care about (i.e. could
possibly grow sea ice). Then open python or
ipython and type "run".
The script will prompt you for the path to your
CICE land mask (kmt) file. Run
if this file doesn't exist yet. Based on the results of, fix
all the points which are isolated on 3 sides in the CICE
grid, by editing the ROMS grid. Set some of them to ice
shelf points (with zice the average of the correct
neighbour values), some to land points, remove the ice
shelves on others, and make other land points ocean
points (with h the average of the correct neighbour
values). After running this script, rerun
to update the CICE grid. This script is grid-specific
and manually written. If you are editing it for a new
grid, make sure you take into account the ghost cells
in ROMS and CICE: point (i,j) in CICE is point (i+1,j+1)
in ROMS.
To run: Decide what you want to do for each point
flagged by, and edit
this script accordingly. Make sure the path to
the ROMS grid file is correct. Then open python
or ipython and type "run" Interpolate the World Ocean Atlas 2013 monthly
climatology of sea surface salinity to the ROMS grid,
for use in surface salinity restoring.
To run: Make sure the paths to the ROMS grid file,
WOA input files, and desired output file
are correct (near the top of the file). Then
make sure that you have scipy version 0.14 or
higher (on raijin, this means switching to
python/2.7.6; instructions at the top of the
file). Then open python or ipython and type


Expand All @@ -287,6 +333,31 @@ Interpolates ROMS output to a regular quarter-degree grid for
CICE output files, and the desired output file on the
common grid. Calculate the rx1 field (measure of grid steepness) for the given
grid and vertical stretching parameters. Save to a NetCDF file.
To run: Figure out what your vertical stretching parameters are
by looking at your *.in configuration file, or you can
just experiment based on other people's choices. Then
open python or ipython and type "run". The
script will prompt you for the paths to your ROMS grid
file and desired output file, as well as the vertical
stretching parameters. Note that this script assumes
Vtransform=2 (as do all scripts which call Plot the terrain-following vertical levels through a given
longitude, in a latitude vs. depth slice. This is a good way
to test out different choices for vertical stretching
To run: Figure out what your vertical stretching parameters are
by looking at your *.in configuration file, or you can
just experiment based on other people's choices. Then
open python or ipython and type "run".
The script will prompt you for the ROMS grid file, the
longitude to interpolate to, and your vertical
stretching parameters. The plot will be displayed on
screen, and the script will repeat as many times as you


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,6 +456,29 @@ Calculates and plots timeseries of total ocean heat content,
for the paths to the ROMS grid file, the ocean history
or averages file, and the log file. Calculates and plots timeseries of area-averaged sea surface
salinity, surface salt flux, and surface salt flux due to
salinity restoring during a ROMS simulation. Also writes the
timeseries to a log file so it doesn't have to be recomputed
if the run is extended; at the beginning of this script,
previous values will be read from the same log file if it
To run: Open python or ipython and type
"run". The script will prompt you
for the path to the ROMS averages file and the log
file. Calculates and plots timeseries of area-averaged sea ice
to ocean salt flux during a ROMS simulation. Also writes
the timeseries to a log file so it doesn't have to be
recomputed if the run is extended; at the beginning of
this script, previous values will be read from the same
log file if it exists.
To run: Open python or ipython and type
"run". The script will
prompt you for the path to the CICE history file
and the log file. Create an animation of sea ice concentration for the given
simulation, and save as an mp4 file.
To run: If you are on raijin, first type "module load ffmpeg"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -943,27 +1037,18 @@ Plot the sea surface salinity anomaly between the U3 and
The figure will be saved under the filename
sss_u3_anom.png. Calculates and plots timeseries of area-averaged sea surface
salinity and surface salt flux during a ROMS simulation.
Also writes the timeseries to a log file so it doesn't have
to be recomputed if the run is extended; at the beginning of
this script, previous values will be read from the same log
file if it exists.
To run: Open python or ipython and type
"run". The script will prompt you
for the path to the ROMS averages file and the log
file. Like, but only showing U3_LIM and C4_LD.
To run: Make sure the paths to the simulation directories and 23
August ROMS files are correct. Then open python or ipython
and type "run". The figure will be saved
under the filename adv_mld_2.png. Calculates and plots timeseries of area-averaged sea ice
to ocean salt flux during a ROMS simulation. Also writes
the timeseries to a log file so it doesn't have to be
recomputed if the run is extended; at the beginning of
this script, previous values will be read from the same
log file if it exists.
To run: Open python or ipython and type
"run". The script will
prompt you for the path to the CICE history file
and the log file. Like, but only showing U3_LIM and C4_LD.
To run: Make sure the paths to the simulation directories
and 23 August ROMS files are correct. Then open
python or ipython and type "run".
The figure will be saved under the filename

Expand Down
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,42 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *

# Find all of the CICE grid points which are land (or ice shelf) on 3 sides.
# Sea ice can grow in these isolated points but cannot escape due to CICE's
# coastal boundary conditions, so it gets crazy thick (like 2 km thick).
# Print the indices of these points to the screen. This script assumes a
# periodic boundary in the longitude direction.
# Input: cice_kmt_file = path to CICE land mask file, created using
def find_isolated_points (cice_kmt_file):

# j-indices that might have sea ice
start_j = 50
end_j = 250

# Read land mask
id = Dataset(cice_kmt_file, 'r')
kmt = id.variables['kmt'][:,:]

num_i = size(kmt,1)

# Double loop, can't find a cleaner way to do this
for j in range(start_j, end_j):
for i in range(num_i-1):
for i in range(num_i):
# Check for unmasked points
if kmt[j,i] == 1:
# Count the number of neighbours which are unmasked
if i == num_i-1:
# Loop back to the beginning for neighbour on the left
neighbours = array([kmt[j,i-1], kmt[j,0], kmt[j-1,i], kmt[j+1,i]])
neighbours = array([kmt[j,i-1], kmt[j,i+1], kmt[j-1,i], kmt[j+1,i]])
if sum(neighbours) < 2:
# Blocked on at least 3 sides
print "i=" + str(i+1) + ', j=' + str(j+1)

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

cice_kmt_file = raw_input("Path to CICE land mask file: ")
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *

# Based on the results of, fix all the points which
# are isolated on 3 sides in the CICE grid, by editing the ROMS grid. Set some
# of them to ice shelf points (with zice the average of the correct neighbour
# values), some to land points, remove the ice shelves on others, and make other
# land points ocean points (with h the average of the correct neighbour values).
# After running this script, rerun to update the CICE grid.
# This script is grid-specific and manually written. If you are editing it
# for a new grid, make sure you take into account the ghost cells in ROMS
# and CICE: point (i,j) in CICE is point (i+1,j+1) in ROMS.
def fix_isolated_pts ():

# Path to ROMS grid file
grid_file = '../metroms_iceshelf/apps/common/grid/'

# Read the relevant fields
id = Dataset(grid_file, 'a')
mask_rho = id.variables['mask_rho'][:,:]
h = id.variables['h'][:,:] # Fill value 50
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,6 +176,8 @@ def fix_isolated_pts ():
id.variables['zice'][:,:] = zice

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,18 @@
from calc_z import *
from interp_lon_roms import *

# Plot the terrain-following vertical levels through a given longitude, in a
# latitude vs. depth slice. This is a good way to test out different choices
# for vertical stretching parameters.
# Input:
# grid_path = path to ROMS grid file
# lon0 = longitude to interpolate to (-180 to 180)
# depth_min = deepest depth to plot (negative, in metres)
# Vstretching, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N = vertical stretching parameters (see
# *.in configuration file if unsure)
def plot_layers (grid_path, lon0, depth_min, Vstretching, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N):

# Read grid
id = Dataset(grid_path, 'r')
lon_2d = id.variables['lon_rho'][:,:]
lat_2d = id.variables['lat_rho'][:,:]
Expand All @@ -14,22 +24,29 @@ def plot_layers (grid_path, lon0, depth_min, Vstretching, theta_s, theta_b, hc,
mask = id.variables['mask_rho'][:,:]

# Calculate a 3D field of depth values
z_3d, sc_r, Cs_r = calc_z(h, zice, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N, None, Vstretching)

# Figure out how to write longitude in the title
if lon0 < 0:
lon_string = str(int(round(-lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$W'
lon_string = str(int(round(lon0))) + r'$^{\circ}$E'

# Get longitude in the range (0,360) as per ROMS convention
if lon0 < 0:
lon0 += 360

# Get a 3D land mask
mask_3d = tile(mask, (N,1,1))

# Interpolate land mask, depth, longitude to the given longitude
mask_interp, z, lat = interp_lon_roms(mask_3d, z_3d, lat_2d, lon_2d, lon0)
# Simple array containing layer numbers, same size as z
layer = zeros(shape(z))
for k in range(N):
layer[k,:] = k+1
# Mask out land
layer = ma.masked_where(mask_interp==0, layer)

# Choose latitude bounds based on land mask
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,8 +75,10 @@ def plot_layers (grid_path, lon0, depth_min, Vstretching, theta_s, theta_b, hc,
#lat_min = -85
#lat_max = -75

# Contour levels
lev = range(1, N)

# Plot
fig = figure(figsize=(18,6)) #(18,12))
contour(lat, z, layer, lev, colors='k')
title(lon_string) #(r"ROMS terrain-following levels through the Ross Ice Shelf cavity (180$^{\circ}$E)", fontsize=24)
Expand All @@ -72,10 +91,12 @@ def plot_layers (grid_path, lon0, depth_min, Vstretching, theta_s, theta_b, hc,

# Put longitude back to original range in case the user wants to go again
if lon0 > 180:
lon0 -= 360

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

grid_path = raw_input("Path to grid file: ")
Expand All @@ -88,6 +109,7 @@ def plot_layers (grid_path, lon0, depth_min, Vstretching, theta_s, theta_b, hc,
N = int(raw_input("N: "))
plot_layers (grid_path, lon0, depth_min, Vstretching, theta_s, theta_b, hc, N)

# Keep repeating until the user wants to exit
while True:
repeat = raw_input("Make another plot (y/n)? ")
if repeat == 'y':
Expand Down

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