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A bunch of new intercomparison figures
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Kaitlin Naughten committed Jun 26, 2017
1 parent ff9dc07 commit 943f981
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Showing 8 changed files with 965 additions and 17 deletions.
96 changes: 87 additions & 9 deletions file_guide.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -972,6 +972,23 @@ Create a 2x1 plot showing zonal slices (depth vs latitude)
on the screen. This script repeats as many times
as you want. Calculate and plot timeseries of sea ice extent
(area of ice with concentration >= 15%) during a
ROMS-CICE simulation.
To run: Open python or ipython and type
"run". The
script will prompt you for the paths to
the CICE history file and the log file. Plot timeseries of total basal mass loss and
area-averaged ice shelf melt rates split up into
3 different depth classes for the ice shelf draft.
To run: Open python or ipython, and type
"run". The
script will prompt you for the paths to
the ocean history or averages file and
the log file.


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1121,22 +1138,24 @@ Make a 2x1 plot showing horizontal grid resolution (square
if so, what filename) or display it on the screen. Plot MetROMS and FESOM timeseries together, for Drake
Passage transport, total Antarctic sea ice area and volume,
and basal mass loss for major ice shelves. Include the range
of observations for Drake Passage transport and ice shelf
mass loss.
Passage transport, total Antarctic sea ice area, volume, and
extent, and basal mass loss for major ice shelves. Include
the range of observations for Drake Passage transport and
ice shelf mass loss.
To run: First make sure you have run,, and
and saved the logfiles in a single directory with
the names dpt.log, seaice.log, and massloss.log. Do,,
and and saved the logfiles in
a single directory with the names dpt.log,
seaice.log, seaice_extent.log, and massloss.log. Do
the same for FESOM with the equivalent fesomtools
scripts, with the same names. Then open python or
ipython and type "run". The script
will prompt you for the paths to the ROMS and FESOM
logfile directories, and whether you want to plot
the full timeseries or annual averages (in which case
sea ice area and volume will not be plotted). The
script will create a bunch of png files.
sea ice area, volume, and extent will not be
plotted). The script will create a bunch of png
files. Make a 2x1 circumpolar Antarctic map of percentage
error in mass loss for each ice shelf, outside the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1206,6 +1225,65 @@ For each major ice shelf, make a 2x1 plot of the given
and the FESOM mesh directory. It will output one
png for each ice shelf. Make two 4x2 plots, showing seasonal averages of
either sea ice concentration or effective thickness
(concentration*height), comparing MetROMS (top) and
FESOM (bottom).
To run: First clone my "fesomtools" GitHub repository
and replace '/short/y99/kaa561/fesomtools'
(near the top of the file) with the path to
the cloned repository on your system. Next,
make seasonal climatologies of sea ice
concentration and thickness for both MetROMS
and FESOM during the entire simulation, using (in roms_tools)
and (in fesomtools).
Once the files are ready, open python or
ipython and type "run".
The script will prompt you for paths to these
files as well as the FESOM mesh directory.
It will output two png files. Make a 3x2 plot showing February (top) and August
(bottom) sea ice concentration (1992-2015 average) for
To run: First clone my "fesomtools" GitHub repository
and replace '/short/y99/kaa561/fesomtools'
(near the top of the file) with the path to
the cloned repository on your system. Next,
download the NSIDC Climate Data Record monthly
averages of Southern Hemisphere sea ice
concentration, and make sure the variables
nsidc_* near the top of the file will
reconstruct the right filenames on your
system. Then open python or ipython and type
"run". The script
will prompt you for paths to the CICE file
containing 5-day averages for the entire
simulation, the FESOM mesh directory, and the
FESOM output directory containing one file (5-day averages) for each
year. It will output a png file. Create one 2x2 plot for each major ice shelf: zonal
slices of temperature (top) and salinity (bottom),
comparing MetROMS (left) and FESOM (right). Longitudes
to slice through, and latitude bounds, are
To run: First clone my "fesomtools" GitHub repository
and replace '/short/y99/kaa561/fesomtools'
(near the top of the file) with the path to the
cloned repository on your system. Next,
for both ROMS and FESOM, make a new NetCDF file
containing 3D temperature and salinity averaged
over whatever time period you want (I went for
2002-2015). Then open python or ipython and
type "run". The script
will prompt you for the paths to these
time-averaged files as well as the ROMS grid
file and the FESOM mesh directory. It will
output one png for each ice shelf.


Expand Down
164 changes: 164 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
# Import FESOM scripts (have to modify path first)
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/short/y99/kaa561/fesomtools')
from patches import *

# Make two 4x2 plots, showing seasonal averages of either sea ice concentration
# or effective thickness (concentration*height), comparing MetROMS (top) and
# FESOM (bottom).
# Input:
# cice_seasonal_file = path to seasonal climatology of CICE variables 'aice' and
# 'hi', pre-computed using
# fesom_mesh_path = path to FESOM mesh directory
# fesom_seasonal_file = path to seasonal climatology of FESOM variables 'area'
# and 'hice', pre-computed using
# in the "fesomtools" repository
def mip_aice_hi_seasonal (cice_seasonal_file, fesom_mesh_path, fesom_seasonal_file):

# Northern boundary of plot 50S
nbdry = -50 + 90
# Degrees to radians conversion factor
deg2rad = pi/180.0
# FESOM parameters
circumpolar = True
mask_cavities = True
# Season names for plot titles
season_names = ['DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON']
# Colour bounds
aice_bounds = [0, 1]
hi_bounds = [0, 1.5]

print 'Processing MetROMS'
# Read CICE grid data
id = Dataset(cice_seasonal_file, 'r')
cice_lon_tmp = id.variables['TLON'][:-15,:]
cice_lat_tmp = id.variables['TLAT'][:-15,:]
cice_aice_tmp = id.variables['aice'][:,:-15,:]
cice_hi_tmp = id.variables['hi'][:,:-15,:]
# Wrap the periodic boundary by 1 cell
cice_lon = ma.empty([size(cice_lon_tmp,0), size(cice_lon_tmp,1)+1])
cice_lat = ma.empty([size(cice_lat_tmp,0), size(cice_lat_tmp,1)+1])
cice_lon[:,:-1] = cice_lon_tmp
cice_lon[:,-1] = cice_lon_tmp[:,0]
cice_lat[:,:-1] = cice_lat_tmp
cice_lat[:,-1] = cice_lat_tmp[:,0]
cice_aice = ma.empty([size(cice_aice_tmp,0), size(cice_aice_tmp,1), size(cice_aice_tmp,2)+1])
cice_aice[:,:,:-1] = cice_aice_tmp
cice_aice[:,:,-1] = cice_aice_tmp[:,:,0]
cice_hi = ma.empty([size(cice_hi_tmp,0), size(cice_hi_tmp,1), size(cice_hi_tmp,2)+1])
cice_hi[:,:,:-1] = cice_hi_tmp
cice_hi[:,:,-1] = cice_hi_tmp[:,:,0]
# Multiply sea ice thickness by concentration to get effective thickness
# (FESOM is already scaled by concentration in the output)
cice_hi = cice_aice*cice_hi
# Polar coordinates for plotting
cice_x = -(cice_lat+90)*cos(cice_lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
cice_y = (cice_lat+90)*sin(cice_lon*deg2rad+pi/2)

print 'Processing FESOM'
# Build FESOM mesh
elements, patches = make_patches(fesom_mesh_path, circumpolar, mask_cavities)
# Read data
id = Dataset(fesom_seasonal_file, 'r')
fesom_aice_nodes = id.variables['area'][:,:]
fesom_hi_nodes = id.variables['hice'][:,:]
# Count the number of elements not in ice shelf cavities
num_elm = 0
for elm in elements:
if not elm.cavity:
num_elm += 1
# Set up arrays for element-averages for each season
fesom_aice = zeros([4, num_elm])
fesom_hi = zeros([4, num_elm])
# Loop over elements to fill these in
i = 0
for elm in elements:
if not elm.cavity:
# Average over 3 component nodes
fesom_aice[:,i] = (fesom_aice_nodes[:,elm.nodes[0].id] + fesom_aice_nodes[:,elm.nodes[1].id] + fesom_aice_nodes[:,elm.nodes[2].id])/3
fesom_hi[:,i] = (fesom_hi_nodes[:,elm.nodes[0].id] + fesom_hi_nodes[:,elm.nodes[1].id] + fesom_hi_nodes[:,elm.nodes[2].id])/3
i += 1

print 'Plotting sea ice concentration'
fig = figure(figsize=(20,9))
# Loop over seasons
for season in range(4):
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 4, season+1, aspect='equal')
pcolor(cice_x, cice_y, cice_aice[season,:,:], vmin=aice_bounds[0], vmax=aice_bounds[1], cmap='jet')
if season == 0:
text(-43, 0, 'MetROMS', fontsize=24, ha='right')
title(season_names[season], fontsize=24)
xlim([-nbdry, nbdry])
ylim([-nbdry, nbdry])
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 4, season+5, aspect='equal')
img = PatchCollection(patches, cmap='jet')
img.set_clim(vmin=aice_bounds[0], vmax=aice_bounds[1])
xlim([-nbdry, nbdry])
ylim([-nbdry, nbdry])
if season == 0:
text(-43, 0, 'FESOM', fontsize=24, ha='right')
# Add a horizontal colorbar at the bottom
cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.04, 0.5, 0.02])
cbar = colorbar(img, orientation='horizontal', ticks=arange(aice_bounds[0],aice_bounds[1]+0.25,0.25), cax=cbaxes)
# Add the main title
suptitle('Sea ice concentration', fontsize=30)
# Decrease space between plots

print 'Plotting sea ice thickness'
fig = figure(figsize=(20,9))
for season in range(4):
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 4, season+1, aspect='equal')
pcolor(cice_x, cice_y, cice_hi[season,:,:], vmin=hi_bounds[0], vmax=hi_bounds[1], cmap='jet')
if season == 0:
text(-43, 0, 'MetROMS', fontsize=24, ha='right')
title(season_names[season], fontsize=24)
xlim([-nbdry, nbdry])
ylim([-nbdry, nbdry])
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 4, season+5, aspect='equal')
img = PatchCollection(patches, cmap='jet')
img.set_clim(vmin=hi_bounds[0], vmax=hi_bounds[1])
xlim([-nbdry, nbdry])
ylim([-nbdry, nbdry])
if season == 0:
text(-43, 0, 'FESOM', fontsize=24, ha='right')
cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.04, 0.5, 0.02])
cbar = colorbar(img, orientation='horizontal', ticks=arange(hi_bounds[0],hi_bounds[1]+0.5,0.5), cax=cbaxes, extend='max')
suptitle('Sea ice effective thickness (m)', fontsize=30)

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

cice_seasonal_file = raw_input("Path to CICE seasonally averaged file containing aice and hi: ")
fesom_mesh_path = raw_input("Path to FESOM mesh directory: ")
fesom_seasonal_file = raw_input("Path to FESOM seasonally averaged file containing area and hice: ")
mip_aice_hi_seasonal(cice_seasonal_file, fesom_mesh_path, fesom_seasonal_file)


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