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Fixed vector rotation issue, fixed some grid issues, and a bunch of n…
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Kaitlin Alexander committed Sep 15, 2016
1 parent be2997d commit dbf9882
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Showing 34 changed files with 1,386 additions and 443 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
def add_iceberg_melt (file):

# Naming conventions for iceberg files
iceberg_head = '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/data/MartinAdcroft2010_iceberg_meltfluxes/icebergs.1861-1960.'
iceberg_head = '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/data/originals/MartinAdcroft2010_iceberg_meltfluxes/icebergs.1861-1960.'
iceberg_tail = ''
# Iceberg grid file
iceberg_grid = '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/data/MartinAdcroft2010_iceberg_meltfluxes/'
iceberg_grid = '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/data/originals/MartinAdcroft2010_iceberg_meltfluxes/'
# ROMS grid file
roms_grid ='/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/apps/common/grid/'
# Density of freshwater
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def add_iceberg_melt (file):
melt_roms = melt_roms/rho_w*seconds_per_12h
# Add to precipitation field for this month
id = Dataset(file, 'a')
id.variables['rain'][month,:,:] = id.variables['rain'][month,:,:] - melt_roms
id.variables['rain'][month,:,:] = id.variables['rain'][month,:,:] + melt_roms

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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *

# Given a ROMS tide file with tidal potential amplitude and phase angle
# (created using Kate's potential tide scripts), add the tidal period in seconds
# for each component.
def add_tide_period ():

# Tide file to add periods to
# Order is q1, o1, p1, k1, n2, m2, s2, k2
tide_file = '../ROMS-CICE-MCT/data/'
# Periods in seconds
# Order is m2, s2, n2, k2, k1, o1, p1, q1, mf, mm
period = array([44714.165191868, 43200.0012869521, 86164.0770050671, 92949.6357005365, 45570.0535117177, 86637.1997716528, 43082.0503185947, 96726.0857029666, 2380715.86358729, 1180295.54554976])
# Put them in the right order
period_reorder = array([period[7], period[5], period[6], period[4], period[2], period[0], period[1], period[3]])

id = Dataset(tide_file, 'a')
id.createVariable('tide_period', 'f8', ('tide_period'))
id.variables['tide_period'].long_name = 'tide angular period'
id.variables['tide_period'].units = 'seconds'
id.variables['tide_period'][:] = period_reorder

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":


6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
# Directory containing CICE output files
directory = '/short/y99/kaa561/roms_spinup_newest/cice/'
# Number of time indices in each file
num_ts = [504]
num_ts = [270, 252, 252, 252, 252]
# File number to start with for the animation (1-based)
start_file = 1
start_file = 5
# Degrees to radians conversion factor
deg2rad = pi/180
# Names of each month for making titles
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,6 @@ def animate(i):
return img

# Animate once every time index from start_file to the last file
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, func=animate, frames=range(431,504)) #sum(array(num_ts[start_file-1:])))
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, func=animate, frames=range(179,252)) #sum(array(num_ts[start_file-1:])))
# Save as an mp4 with one frame per second'aice.mp4', fps=1)
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

def bw_diff_plot (file_path, var_name, colour_bounds=None, save=False, fig_name=None):

init_path = '../ROMS-CICE-MCT/data/'
deg2rad = pi/180
lon_c = 50
lat_c = -83
radius = 10.1

id = Dataset(init_path, 'r')
data1 = id.variables[var_name][0,0,:-15,:-2]

id = Dataset(file_path, 'r')
lon = id.variables['lon_rho'][:-15,:-2]
lat = id.variables['lat_rho'][:-15,:-2]
data2 = id.variables[var_name][-1,0,:-15,:-2]

data_diff = data2 - data1

# Convert grid to spherical coordinates
x = -(lat+90)*cos(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
y = (lat+90)*sin(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
# Find centre in spherical coordinates
x_c = -(lat_c+90)*cos(lon_c*deg2rad+pi/2)
y_c = (lat_c+90)*sin(lon_c*deg2rad+pi/2)
# Build a regular x-y grid and select the missing circle
x_reg, y_reg = meshgrid(linspace(amin(x), amax(x), num=1000), linspace(amin(y), amax(y), num=1000))
land_circle = zeros(shape(x_reg))
land_circle = ma.masked_where(sqrt((x_reg-x_c)**2 + (y_reg-y_c)**2) > radius, land_circle)

if colour_bounds is not None:
# User has set bounds on colour scale
lev = linspace(colour_bounds[0], colour_bounds[1], num=50)
if colour_bounds[0] == -colour_bounds[1]:
# Bounds are centered on zero, so choose a blue-to-red colourmap
# centered on yellow
colour_map = 'RdYlBu_r'
colour_map = 'jet'
max_val = amax(abs(data_diff))
lev = linspace(-max_val, max_val, num=50)
colour_map = 'RdYlBu_r'

# Plot
fig = figure(figsize=(16,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,aspect='equal')
# First shade everything in grey
contourf(x, y, ones(shape(data_diff)), 1, colors=(('0.6', '0.6', '0.6')))
# Fill in the missing circle
contourf(x_reg, y_reg, land_circle, 1, colors=(('0.6', '0.6', '0.6')))
# Now shade the temperature (land mask will remain grey)
contourf(x, y, data_diff, lev, cmap=colour_map, extend='both')
cbar = colorbar()
if var_name == 'temp':
title(r'Difference in bottom water temperature since initialisation ($^{\circ}$C)', fontsize=30)
elif var_name == 'salt':
title(r'Difference in bottom water salinity since initialisation (psu)', fontsize=30)

# Finished
if save:

if __name__ == "__main__":

file_path = raw_input("Path to ocean history/averages file: ")
tmp = raw_input("Temperature (t) or salinity (s)? ")
if tmp == 't':
var_name = 'temp'
elif tmp == 's':
var_name = 'salt'
colour_bounds = None
get_bounds = raw_input("Set bounds on colour scale (y/n)? ")
if get_bounds == 'y':
lower_bound = float(raw_input("Lower bound: "))
upper_bound = float(raw_input("Upper bound: "))
colour_bounds = [lower_bound, upper_bound]
action = raw_input("Save figure (s) or display on screen (d)? ")
if action == 's':
save = True
fig_name = raw_input("Filename for figure: ")
save = False
fig_name = None

bw_diff_plot(file_path, var_name, colour_bounds, save, fig_name)

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def bwsalt_plot (file_path, save=False, fig_name=None):
contourf(x, y, bwsalt, lev, cmap='jet', extend='both')
cbar = colorbar(ticks=arange(min_scale, max_scale+0.2, 0.2))
title(r'Bottom water salintiy (psu), annual average', fontsize=30)
title(r'Bottom water salinity (psu), annual average', fontsize=30)

# Finished
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29 changes: 26 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,15 +15,38 @@ def cice_grid (roms_grid_name, cice_grid_name, cice_kmt_name):
cice_kmt = Dataset(cice_kmt_name, 'w')

# Read variables
ulon = roms.variables['lon_rho'][:,:]
ulat = roms.variables['lat_rho'][:,:]
angle = roms.variables['angle'][:]
ulon_tmp = roms.variables['lon_psi'][:,:]
ulat_tmp = roms.variables['lat_psi'][:,:]
# Convert angle to degrees
angle = roms.variables['angle'][:]*180/pi
# Mask out ice shelf cavities for sea ice
kmt = roms.variables['mask_rho'][:,:] - roms.variables['mask_zice'][:,:]

i = arange(angle.shape[1])
j = arange(angle.shape[0])

# Get one more index in each dimension for lat and lon; linearly extend
ulon = zeros([size(j), size(i)])
ulon[:-1,:-1] = ulon_tmp
# Longitude is a bit tricky because of the mod 360
for jj in range(size(j)):
ulon_1back = ulon[jj,-2]
ulon_2back = ulon[jj,-3]
if ulon_2back - ulon_1back > 300:
ulon_2back -= 360
ulon[jj,-1] = 2*ulon_1back - ulon_2back
for ii in range(size(i)):
ulon_1back = ulon[-2,ii]
ulon_2back = ulon[-3,ii]
if ulon_2back - ulon_1back < -300:
ulon_2back += 360
ulon[-1,ii] = 2*ulon_1back - ulon_2back
ulat = zeros([size(j), size(i)])
ulat[:-1,:-1] = ulat_tmp
# Latitude is easy
ulat[-1,:] = 2*ulat[-2,:] - ulat[-3,:]
ulat[:,-1] = 2*ulat[:,-2] - ulat[:,-3]

# Write variables
cice_grid.createDimension('i', size(i))
cice_grid.createDimension('j', size(j))
Expand Down
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from rotate_vector_cice import *

def cice_strx (file_path, tstep, colour_bounds=None, save=False, fig_name=None):

deg2rad = pi/180

id = Dataset(file_path, 'r')
lon = id.variables['ULON'][:-15,:]
lat = id.variables['ULAT'][:-15,:]
angle = id.variables['ANGLET'][:-15,:]
strx = id.variables['strairx'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strocnx'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strtltx'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strcorx'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strintx'][tstep-1,:-15,:]
stry = id.variables['strairy'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strocny'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strtlty'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strcory'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strinty'][tstep-1,:-15,:]

strx_lonlat, stry_lonlat = rotate_vector_cice(strx, stry, angle)

x = -(lat+90)*cos(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
y = (lat+90)*sin(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)

if colour_bounds is not None:
# User has set bounds on colour scale
lev = linspace(colour_bounds[0], colour_bounds[1], num=40)
if colour_bounds[0] == -colour_bounds[1]:
# Bounds are centered on zero, so choose a blue-to-red colourmap
# centered on yellow
colour_map = 'RdYlBu_r'
colour_map = 'jet'
max_val = amax(abs(stry_lonlat))
lev = linspace(-max_val, max_val, num=40)
colour_map = 'RdYlBu_r'

fig = figure(figsize=(16,12))
fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, aspect='equal')
contourf(x, y, strx_lonlat, lev, cmap=colour_map, extend='both')
cbar = colorbar()
title('Sum of eastward stresses N/m^2', fontsize=30)

if save:

if __name__ == "__main__":

file_path = raw_input("Path to CICE history file: ")
tstep = int(raw_input("Timestep number (starting at 1): "))

# Get colour bounds if necessary
colour_bounds = None
get_bounds = raw_input("Set bounds on colour scale (y/n)? ")
if get_bounds == 'y':
lower_bound = float(raw_input("Lower bound: "))
upper_bound = float(raw_input("Upper bound: "))
colour_bounds = [lower_bound, upper_bound]

action = raw_input("Save figure (s) or display in window (d)? ")
if action == 's':
save = True
fig_name = raw_input("File name for figure: ")
elif action == 'd':
save = False
fig_name = None

cice_strx(file_path, tstep, colour_bounds, save, fig_name)

74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from rotate_vector_cice import *

def cice_stry (file_path, tstep, colour_bounds=None, save=False, fig_name=None):

deg2rad = pi/180

id = Dataset(file_path, 'r')
lon = id.variables['ULON'][:-15,:]
lat = id.variables['ULAT'][:-15,:]
angle = id.variables['ANGLET'][:-15,:]
strx = id.variables['strairx'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strocnx'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strtltx'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strcorx'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strintx'][tstep-1,:-15,:]
stry = id.variables['strairy'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strocny'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strtlty'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strcory'][tstep-1,:-15,:] + id.variables['strinty'][tstep-1,:-15,:]

strx_lonlat, stry_lonlat = rotate_vector_cice(strx, stry, angle)

x = -(lat+90)*cos(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
y = (lat+90)*sin(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)

if colour_bounds is not None:
# User has set bounds on colour scale
lev = linspace(colour_bounds[0], colour_bounds[1], num=40)
if colour_bounds[0] == -colour_bounds[1]:
# Bounds are centered on zero, so choose a blue-to-red colourmap
# centered on yellow
colour_map = 'RdYlBu_r'
colour_map = 'jet'
max_val = amax(abs(stry_lonlat))
lev = linspace(-max_val, max_val, num=40)
colour_map = 'RdYlBu_r'

fig = figure(figsize=(16,12))
fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, aspect='equal')
contourf(x, y, stry_lonlat, lev, cmap=colour_map, extend='both')
cbar = colorbar()
title('Sum of northward stresses N/m^2', fontsize=30)

if save:

if __name__ == "__main__":

file_path = raw_input("Path to CICE history file: ")
tstep = int(raw_input("Timestep number (starting at 1): "))

# Get colour bounds if necessary
colour_bounds = None
get_bounds = raw_input("Set bounds on colour scale (y/n)? ")
if get_bounds == 'y':
lower_bound = float(raw_input("Lower bound: "))
upper_bound = float(raw_input("Upper bound: "))
colour_bounds = [lower_bound, upper_bound]

action = raw_input("Save figure (s) or display in window (d)? ")
if action == 's':
save = True
fig_name = raw_input("File name for figure: ")
elif action == 'd':
save = False
fig_name = None

cice_stry(file_path, tstep, colour_bounds, save, fig_name)


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