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Kaitlin Naughten committed Jul 11, 2018
1 parent 733aa5b commit f0ea7fb
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Showing 14 changed files with 2,074 additions and 47 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset, num2date
from numpy import *

def calc_ice_prod (in_file, start_year, end_year, out_file):

# cm/day to m/day conversion
cm_to_m = 1e-2

# Read the grid
id = Dataset(in_file, 'r')
lon = id.variables['TLON'][:,:]
lat = id.variables['TLAT'][:,:]
num_lon = size(lon,1)
num_lat = size(lat,0)
# Set up array to hold output data
ice_prod = ma.empty([num_lat, num_lon])
ice_prod[:,:] = 0.0

# Read the time values
time_id = id.variables['time']
cice_time = num2date(time_id[:], units=time_id.units, calendar='standard')
num_time = time_id.size
# Find the first timestep and how many days in it we care about
if start_year == 1992:
# Starting at the beginning of the simulation
start_t = 0
start_days = 5
for t in range(num_time):
if cice_time[t].year == start_year and cice_time[t].month-1 == 0 and cice_time[t].day in range(2,6+1):
start_t = t
start_days = cice_time[t].day-1
# Find the last timestep and how many days in it we care about
if end_year == 2016:
# Ending at the end of the simulation
end_t = num_time-1
end_days = 5
for t in range(num_time):
if cice_time[t].year == end_year+1 and cice_time[t].month-1 == 0 and cice_time[t].day in range(1,5+1):
end_t = t
end_days = 6-cice_time[t].day
print 'Starting at index ' + str(start_t) + ' (' + str(cice_time[start_t].year) + '-' + str(cice_time[start_t].month) + '-' + str(cice_time[start_t].day) + '), ' + str(start_days) + ' days'
print 'Ending at index ' + str(end_t) + ' (' + str(cice_time[end_t].year) + '-' + str(cice_time[end_t].month) + '-' + str(cice_time[end_t].day) + '), ' + str(end_days) + ' days'

# Integrate the start days
thdgr_start = id.variables['frazil'][start_t,:,:] + id.variables['congel'][start_t,:,:] - id.variables['meltt'][start_t,:,:] - id.variables['meltb'][start_t,:,:] - id.variables['meltl'][start_t,:,:]
index = thdgr_start < 0
thdgr_start[index] = 0
ice_prod += thdgr_start*cm_to_m*start_days
# Integrate the middle days
thdgr_mid = id.variables['frazil'][start_t+1:end_t,:,:] + id.variables['congel'][start_t+1:end_t,:,:] - id.variables['meltt'][start_t+1:end_t,:,:] - id.variables['meltb'][start_t+1:end_t,:,:] - id.variables['meltl'][start_t+1:end_t,:,:]
index = thdgr_mid < 0
thdgr_mid[index] = 0
ice_prod += sum(thdgr_mid, axis=0)*cm_to_m*5
# Integrate the end days
thdgr_end = id.variables['frazil'][end_t,:,:] + id.variables['congel'][end_t,:,:] - id.variables['meltt'][end_t,:,:] - id.variables['meltb'][end_t,:,:] - id.variables['meltl'][end_t,:,:]
index = thdgr_end < 0
thdgr_end[index] = 0
ice_prod += thdgr_end*cm_to_m*end_days
# Get annual average in m/y
ice_prod = ice_prod/(end_year-start_year+1)

# Write to file
id = Dataset(out_file, 'w')
id.createDimension('ni', size(lon,1))
id.createDimension('nj', size(lon,0))
id.createDimension('time', 4)
id.createVariable('TLON', 'f8', ('nj', 'ni'))
id.variables['TLON'][:,:] = lon
id.createVariable('TLAT', 'f8', ('nj', 'ni'))
id.variables['TLAT'][:,:] = lat
id.createVariable('ice_prod', 'f8', ('nj', 'ni'))
id.variables['ice_prod'].units = 'm/y'
id.variables['ice_prod'][:,:] = ice_prod

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

in_file = raw_input("Path to CICE file for entire simulation: ")
start_year = int(raw_input("First year to process: "))
end_year = int(raw_input("End year to process: "))
out_file = raw_input("Path to desired output file: ")
calc_ice_prod (in_file, start_year, end_year, out_file)

46 changes: 10 additions & 36 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -264,51 +264,25 @@ def average_btw_depths (data_3d, z_3d, dz_3d, z_bounds):
# both depth bounds are too deep (i.e. in the seafloor)
data[j,i] = ma.masked
# Initialise integral and depth_range (vertical distance we're integrating over) to 0
integral = 0.0
depth_range = 0.0
# Find the first level above z_deep
if any(z_col < z_deep):
# There exist ocean cells below z_deep
# Linearly interpolate to z_deep
k_above_deep = nonzero(z_col > z_deep)[0][0]
k_below_deep = k_above_deep - 1
coeff1 = (z_col[k_below_deep] - z_deep)/(z_col[k_below_deep] - z_col[k_above_deep])
coeff2 = 1 - coeff1
data_deep = coeff1*data_col[k_above_deep] + coeff2*data_col[k_below_deep]
# Now integrate between z_deep and z_col[k_above_deep]
dz_curr = z_col[k_above_deep] - z_deep
integral += 0.5*(data_deep + data_col[k_above_deep])*dz_curr # Trapezoidal rule
depth_range += dz_curr
# Save index of k_above_deep; we will start normal (non-interpolated) integration here
k_start = k_above_deep
k_start = nonzero(z_col > z_deep)[0][0]
# z_deep is deeper than the seafloor at this location
# Start normal (non-interpolated) integration at the seafloor
k_start = 0
# z_deep is deeper than the seafloor at this location,
# so start at the seafloor
k_end = 0
# Find the first level above z_shallow
if any(z_col > z_shallow):
# There exist ocean cells above z_shallow
# Linearly interpolate to z_shallow
k_above_shallow = nonzero(z_col > z_shallow)[0][0]
k_below_shallow = k_above_shallow - 1
coeff1 = (z_col[k_below_shallow] - z_shallow)/(z_col[k_below_shallow] - z_col[k_above_shallow])
coeff2 = 1 - coeff1
data_shallow = coeff1*data_col[k_above_shallow] + coeff2*data_col[k_below_shallow]
# Now integrate between z_col[k_below_shallow] and z_shallow
dz_curr = z_shallow - z_col[k_below_shallow]
integral += 0.5*(data_col[k_below_shallow] + data_shallow)*dz_curr # Trapezoidal rule
depth_range += dz_curr
# Save index of k_above_shallow; we will stop normal (non-interpolated) integration one level below it
k_end = k_above_shallow
k_end = nonzero(z_col > z_shallow)[0][0]
# z_shallow is shallower than the sea surface (or ice shelf draft) at this location
# Continue normal (non-interpolated) integration all the way to the surface/ice shelf
# z_shallow is shallower than the ice shelf draft at this location
# Continue normal (non-interpolated) integration all the way to the ice draft
k_end = size(z_col)
# Now integrate between k_start and k_end
if k_start < k_end:
integral += sum(data_col[k_start:k_end]*dz_col[k_start:k_end])
depth_range += sum(dz_col[k_start:k_end])
# Divide integral by depth_range to get the vertical average
data[j,i] = integral/depth_range
data[j,i] = sum(data_col[k_start:k_end]*dz_col[k_start:k_end])/sum(dz_col[k_start:k_end])

return data

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def ismr_plot (file_path, save=False, fig_name=None):
zice = id.variables['zice'][:-15,:-1]
# Read the last year of ice shelf melt rates (assume 5-day averages here),
# average over time, and convert from m/s to m/y
ismr = mean(id.variables['m'][-73:,:-15,:-1], axis=0)*60*60*24*365.25
ismr = id.variables['m'][0,:-15,:-1]*60*60*24*365.25 #mean(id.variables['m'][-73:,:-15,:-1], axis=0)*60*60*24*365.25
# Mask the open ocean and land out of the melt rates
ismr = ma.masked_where(zice==0, ismr)
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