A simple game engine written in C++ using SDL2 and Liquidfun.
SDL2: http://www.libsdl.org/
SDL2_image: https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/
SDL2_mixer: http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/
SDL2_ttf: https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/
SDL2_gfx: http://cms.ferzkopp.net/index.php/software/13-sdl-gfx
SDL2_net: https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_net/
Liquidfun: http://google.github.io/liquidfun/
Now I use MSYS2
- Install a toolchain, in the MSYS2 terminal for 32-bit: pacman -S mingw-w64-i686-gcc
Main reason I use it now because ease of installing any libraries/tools one might need. One can search the repositories by doing:
pacman -Ss package_name_of_something_i_want_to_install
Using code::blocks now as IDE, if you really want a makefile, could use cbp2make
For Msys2: cbp2make.exe -in project.cbp -unix and rename the "something-project.mak" to "Makefile"