This Project is for the TU-Berlin Course "Julia Programming for Machine Learning"
Please make sure, that Julia 1.10
is used!
This Module will return you a nice Makie Plot you can use to display your Data with Parallel Coordinates
Pkg> add
using Pkg
using ParallelPlots
Parameter | Default | Example | Description |
title::String | "" | title="My Title" | The Title of The Figure, |
colormap | :viridis | colormap=:thermal | The Colors of the Lines |
color_feature | nothing | color_feature="weight" | The Color of the Lines will be based on the values of this selected feature. If nothing, the last feature will be used |
feature_labels | nothing | feature_labels=["Weight","Age"] | Add your own Axis labels, just use the exact amount of labes as you have axis |
feature_selection | nothing | feature_selection=["weight","age"] | Select, which features should be Displayed. If color_feature is not in this List, use the last one |
curve | false | curve=true | Show the Lines Curved |
show_color_legend | nothing | show_color_legend=true | Show the Color Legend. If parameter not set & color_feature not shown, it will be displayed automaticly |
scale | nothing | scale=[log2, identity, log10] | Choose, how each Axis should be scaled. In the Example. The first Axis will be log2, the second linear and the third log10 |
julia> using ParallelPlots
julia> parallelplot(DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=60:80,age=20:40))
# If you want to set the size of the plot (default width:800, height:600)
julia> parallelplot( DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=60:80,age=20:40), figure = (resolution = (300, 300),) )
# You can update as well the Graph with Observables
julia> df_observable = Observable(DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=60:80,age=20:40))
julia> fig, ax, sc = parallelplot(df_observable)
# If you want to add a Title for the Figure, sure you can!
julia> parallelplot(DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=reverse(60:80),age=20:40),title="My Title")
# If you want to specify the axis labels, make sure to use the same number of labels as you have axis!
julia> parallelplot(DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=reverse(60:80),age=20:40), feature_labels=["Height","Weight","Age"])
# Adjust Color and and feature
# You choose which axis/feature should be in charge for the coloring
# you can as well select, which Axis should be shown
# and label them as you like
# you can change the ColorMap (
# ...and can choose to display the color legend.
# If this Attribute is not set,
# it will only show the ColorBar, when the color feature is not in the selected feature
show_color_legend = true
# Adjust the Axis scale
scale=[log2, identity, log10]
Using ParallelPlots
- Moving to the project folder
julia --project
- You will see
- You will see
- To move to the pkg, type in
Running commands
- Adding external Dependencies
(ParallelPlots) pkg>add 'DepName'
- Run Tests to check if ParallelPlots is still working as intended
(ParallelPlots) pkg>test
- Build
(ParallelPlots) pkg>build
- Precompile
(ParallelPlots) pkg>precompile
- Adding external Dependencies
- move to
folder with command line - run
julia --project make.jl