This Project is for the TU-Berlin Course "Julia Programming for Machine Learning"
Please make sure, that Julia 1.10
is used!
This Module will return a nice Makie Plot you can use to display your Data using a Parallel Coordinate Plot
The package is heavily based on Makie. This is a data visualization tool that can be used to display various plots such as interactive 3d plots, static vector graphics or plots in a browser. Makie offers four backends that can be chosen from. This project uses CairoMakie which is good for plotting vector graphics.
Pkg> add
using Pkg
using ParallelPlots
The plot can be customized in many ways. For that, parameters with the according values have to be passed along with the function call. Examples for function calls are depicted below.
Parameter | Default | Example | Description |
title::String | "" | title="My Title" | The Title of the Figure, |
colormap | :viridis | colormap=:thermal | The Colors of the Lines |
color_feature | nothing | color_feature="weight" | The Color of the Lines will be based on the values of this selected feature. If nothing, the last feature will be used. |
feature_labels | nothing | feature_labels=["Weight","Age"] | Add your own Axis labels, just make sure to use the exact amount of labels you have |
feature_selection | nothing | feature_selection=["weight","age"] | Select which features should be Displayed. If color_feature is not in this List, use the last one |
curve | false | curve=true | Either curved edges or sharp edges |
show_color_legend | nothing | show_color_legend=true | Show the Color Legend. If parameter not set & color_feature not shown, it will be displayed automatically |
scale | nothing | scale=[identity, log, log2, log10, sqrt] | Choose the scale of the axis. There must be one for each Y-axis. |
julia> using ParallelPlots
julia> parallelplot(DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=60:80,age=20:40))
# If you want to set the size of the plot (default width:800, height:600)
julia> parallelplot( DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=60:80,age=20:40), figure = (resolution = (300, 300),) )
# You can update as well the Graph with Observables
julia> df_observable = Observable(DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=60:80,age=20:40))
julia> fig, ax, sc = parallelplot(df_observable)
# If you want to add a Title for the Figure, sure you can!
julia> parallelplot(DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=reverse(60:80),age=20:40),title="My Title")
# If you want to specify the axis labels, make sure to use the same number of labels as you have axis!
julia> parallelplot(DataFrame(height=160:180,weight=reverse(60:80),age=20:40), feature_labels=["Height","Weight","Age"])
# Adjust Color and and feature
# You choose which axis/feature should be in charge for the coloring
# you can as well select, which Axis should be shown
# and label them as you like
# you can change the ColorMap (
# ...and can choose to display the color legend.
# If this Attribute is not set,
# it will only show the ColorBar, when the color feature is not in the selected feature
show_color_legend = true
# Adjust the Axis scale
scale=[log2, identity, log10]
Using ParallelPlots
- Moving to the project folder
julia --project
- You will see
- You will see
- To move to the pkg, type in
Running commands
- Adding external Dependencies
(ParallelPlots) pkg>add 'DepName'
- Run Tests to check if ParallelPlots is still working as intended
(ParallelPlots) pkg>test
- Build
(ParallelPlots) pkg>build
- Precompile
(ParallelPlots) pkg>precompile
- Adding external Dependencies
- move to
folder with command line - run
julia --project make.jl