This repository contains the files required to synthesize the BEN CPU onto a TERASIC DE0 (Cyclone III). All the VHDL design files are stored in the "VHDL" folder. A simple assembler for the BEN CPU's instruction set is also made available, source files can be found under "Assembler". PSoC code (for the Cypress LP5) for sampling and sending data to the FPGA/CPU is found under "PSoC". PCB/3D Print/laser engraving files are found in "Fabrication". Finally, documentation for the project is contained in the documentation folder
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your own hardware for development and testing purposes.
Hardware requirements:
- CY8CKIT-059 PSoC 5LP Prototyping Kit
- Terasic DE0
- Adafruit I2S Stereo Decoder
- Various electronic components (Full list can be found in the "Documentation" Directory)
Software requirements:
- PSoC Creator (Only tested and verified on Version 4.2)
- Altera Quartus II 13.1, Web Edition, with Cyclone III Device Support
- Model-Sim Altera (Optional)
- C compiler
- GPP - Windows Binaries can be found here
This installation guide only applies for a windows installation.
Synthesising VHDL and Uploading to the DE0
Before creating a new VHDL project in Quartus, we need to generate our raw source files by running our .vhd files through the Generic Preprocessor (GPP). To make this part easier, a "PreProcessorWindows.bat" script is included in the repository. To use the script, change the output directory to match your own directory of choice, and then execute the script (NOTE: make sure you have added GPP.exe to your Environment Path)
Now we are ready to create new VHDL project in Quartus. Create a new project using the built in "New Project Wizard". The wizard has four pages of project configuration settings that can be modified. In each settings-page do the following:
Select any project directory of your choice
Add all the source files generated using GPP:
- Control.vhd
- Stack.vhd
- ALU.vhd
- Master.vhd
- MemoryController.vhd
- Memory.vhd
- RegistryInternal.vhd
- btndriver.vhd
- b2bcd.vhd
- ssgddriver.vhd
- Interrupt.vhd
- I2SDriverIn.vhd
- I2SDriverOut.vhd
- I2SMonoIn.vhd
- I2SMonoOut.vhd
Additionally add the following files from the Git Repository:
- VHDL/IP_Cores/Multiplier_1.qip
- VHDL/IP_Cores/PLL.qip
- VHDL/IP_Cores/MemAuto.qip
- VHDL/IP_Cores/MemInit.mif
When selecting device:
- Select "Cyclone III" under "device family"
- Under "Target Device" select "Specific device selecten in 'Available devices' list"
- Then select "EP3C16F484C6 in the "Available Devices" window
- For "Package", "Pin count" and "Speed grade", pick "Any"
The final settings tab requires you to select EDA and synthesis tools:
- In the "Design Entry/Synthesis" row, select "Custom" in the tool column, and "EDIF in the "Format(s)" column
- In the "simulation" row, select "ModelSim-Altera" in the tool column, and "VHDL in the "Format(s)" column
- Pick in all other boxes
Now you are finished creating the project, and all relevant files should be present.
Before compiling the project, make sure to set "Master.vhd" as the top level entity, as shown in the screenshot below:
To compile the project, double click the compile button (note that this may take several minutes):
Finally, to upload the synthesized cpu to the DEO FPGA, double click on "Program Device (Open Programmer)" and then press start:
To make the assembly program work as instended please follow these 2 steps.
- First open the Assembly folder. Here you can see all assembly programs that is written to the CPU. To create your own program for the CPU you must create a .asm file and write the desired program inside.
- Open the "Assembler" folder Here is a assemble.bat script. Change the bat script to point at the new program you created in step 1. Run the bat script and press y.
The assembly code is now converted to a MemInit.mif file and is saved at EIT-4 -> VHDL -> VHLD_RAW.
From here on the program is now ready to run.
OBS. for more details and information on how to write the correct syntax please look in the assembler manual.
- The JMP will (sometimes?) jump an (or two?) extra address
- Two interrupts following each other will pop the stack twice, and thus reset the PC to 0
- Frederik Skyt Dæncker Rasmussen
- Jakob Karup Thomsen
- Mikkel Damgård Hardysøe
- Max Wæhrens
- Peter Fisker
- Magnus B.B. Christensen