Haven't really tested this in WSL and the setup script won't work in regular Windows. So it might be worth manually copying them into place
- If you're on OSX then start by installing Apple's Command Line Tools, which are prerequisites for Git and Homebrew.
xcode-select --install
- Clone repo into new hidden directory.
# Use SSH (if set up)...
git clone git@github.com:mbgeorge48/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
# ...or use HTTPS and switch remotes later.
git clone https://github.com/mbgeorge48/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
- Run the setup script which will do most of the setting up for you
bash ~/.dotfiles/setup.sh
If you're setting up a work machine you can add work
as an arg in the setup.sh
script, like so bash ~/.dotfiles/setup.sh work
For things not included in setup.sh
Follow this guide to setup your GPG key
Once you have the keys on your machine simply run
gpg --import public.key
gpg --import private.key
After Brew installs Pinentry run echo "pinentry-program $(which pinentry-mac)" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
to save the pin entry path
Restart gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
If the GPG key is throwning an error you can run this to help debug it
echo "test" | gpg --clearsign
You may want to set a default value for
- default-cache-ttl
- max-cache-ttl
in your ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf if not using any pin entry software
If you're reusing a key...
#Download existing private key from somewhere
mv path/to/id_blabla ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_blabla
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_blabla
You might want to do something extra in the case you have 2 seperate ssh keys for the same site i.e. you've got a personal and a work GitHub account, if so you would want something like this in ~/.ssh/config
Host github.com
Hostname github.com
User git
AddKeysToAgent yes
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_blabla
Host work-github.com
Hostname github.com
User git
AddKeysToAgent yes
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_blabla_work
Then when you're cloning from the work-github host you just change the url in the git clone to swap github.com
to work.github.com
Follow this guide to setup you SSH key
Test your ssh connection to GitHub with
ssh -T git@github.com
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:mbgeorge48/dotfiles.git
Bit of a random one but last time I reinstalled the game I lost it all so wanted to keep a backed up copy
The autoexec lives ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg
The launch options I'm using are -refresh 144 -tickrate 128 +fps_max 0 -novid -nojoy nosteamcontroller -fullscreen +exec autoexec.cfg
The autoexec lives ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg
The launch options I'm using are -freq 144 -precachefontchars -novid -nojoy nosteamcontroller -fullscreen +exec autoexec.cfg
- Add some instructions on how to gather things like the brewfile and vscode extensions