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Tags: nipreps/dmriprep




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oesteban Oscar Esteban

A new minor release going forward with some of the items of our roadmap.
The most salient features are the integration of FSL Eddy and the adoption of the new *SDCFlows 2.0*

  * FIX: PEPOLAR & mapped fieldmaps not showing up in reports (#158)
  * FIX: Update to new *NiWorkflows* API (#156)
  * FIX: Change in _svgutils_ API (0.3.2) breaks our reportlet generation (#151)
  * FIX: Correctly check *SDCFlows*' registry of ``IntendedFor`` files (#141)
  * FIX: Honor ``--nprocs`` flag (#142)
  * ENH: *fieldmap-less* integration from *SDCFlows* 2.0 (#153)
  * ENH: Temporary integration of FSL Eddy (#144)
  * ENH: Connect fieldmap estimation to preprocessing pipeline of individual DWI runs (#140)
  * ENH: Refactor workflow for simplicity - explicit iteration over DWIs (#138)
  * ENH: Run fieldmap estimation using *SDCFlows* 2.0 (#137)
  * FIX/MAINT: Drop Python 3.6 + Revise Python environment (versions pinned) in Dockerfile (#146)
  * MAINT: Refactor Dockerfile with better use of miniconda (#155)
  * MAINT: Update *SDCFlows* pinning to the latest 2.0.0 release (#152)
  * DOC: Revise *dMRIPrep*'s road-map (#147)
  * DOC: Add FSL ``topup`` reference in citation boilerplate (#148)
  * DOC: change "functional" to "diffusion" (#143)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
oesteban Oscar Esteban

A new minor release going forward with some of the items of our roadmap.
The most salient features are the integration of FSL Eddy and the adoption of the new *SDCFlows 2.0*


* FIX: Change in _svgutils_ API (0.3.2) breaks our reportlet generation (#151)
* FIX: Correctly check *SDCFlows*' registry of ``IntendedFor`` files (#141)
* FIX: Honor ``--nprocs`` flag (#142)
* ENH: Temporary integration of FSL Eddy (#144)
* ENH: Connect fieldmap estimation to preprocessing pipeline of individual DWI runs (#140)
* ENH: Refactor workflow for simplicity - explicit iteration over DWIs (#138)
* ENH: Run fieldmap estimation using *SDCFlows* 2.0 (#137)
* FIX/MAINT: Drop Python 3.6 + Revise Python environment (versions pinned) in Dockerfile (#146)
* MAINT: Update *SDCFlows* pinning to the latest 2.0.0 release (#152)
* DOC: Revise *dMRIPrep*'s road-map (#147)
* DOC: Add FSL ``topup`` reference in citation boilerplate (#148)
* DOC: change "functional" to "diffusion" (#143)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
oesteban Oscar Esteban

A minor release including T1w-DWI registration with FreeSurfer's ``bbregister``.
This minor release also includes some documentation improvements and a fair
amount of maintenance tasks, the most salient of which is migrating our test
data to a DataLad + GiHub + OSF infrastructure that will allow more flexibly
update test datasets.

  * ENH: Use ``bbregister`` upstreamed to *NiWorkflows*, with sloppy mode (#131)
  * ENH: Port ``bbregister`` T1w-DWI registration from *fMRIPrep* (#125)
  * DOC: Link NeuroHackademy session's video. (#120)
  * DOC: Update readme and delete contributing guidelines in favour of nipreps website (#127)
  * DOC: Add base SVG file for the "figure1" (aka the workflow) flowchart (#124)
  * MAINT: Move test data to a full-datalad settings (#134)
  * MAINT: Move packaging tests from TravisCI to GitHub Actions (#135)
  * STY/MAINT: Preparing the first large overhaul of *dMRIPrep* (#130)
  * MAINT: Adding J. Veraart and E. Dickie to the contributors list (#126, #133)



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
oesteban Oscar Esteban

A long overdue minor release initiating the 0.3.x series and including the milestones set for the 0.3.0 version in our roadmap.

A full list of changes can be found below.

* FIX: Revise vector tests broken when addressing other issues (#103)
* FIX: Minor refactor of DWI/brainmasks utilities and dtypes (#101)
* FIX: Test pin to ``reports_bug`` branch (#59)
* FIX: CircleCI ``on_fail`` command (#61)
* ENH: An initial implementation of SD estimation. (#97)
* ENH: Minor refactor reorganizing base workflows, in prep for #97 (#110)
* ENH: Use new ``DerivativesDataSink`` from *NiWorkflows* 1.2.0 (#108)
* ENH: Port the new *anatomical fast-track* from *fMRIPrep* (#109)
* ENH: Data-driven *b0* identification tool (#107)
* ENH: Do not raise error in all instances of *b*-vecs/vals inconsistencies (#100)
* ENH: Update ``DiffusionGradientTable`` interface to support vector reorientation (#89)
* ENH: Update image utility output path behavior (#81)
* ENH: Adopt ``config`` module (#88)
* ENH: Added ``ds001771/sub-36`` dataset and FS derivatives (#67)
* DOC: Add nipreps developers and year to ``LICENSE`` file (#69)
* DOC: Roadmap documentation (#58)
* DOC: Document the fact that we are using popylar/GA for usage tracking (#63)
* MAINT: Remove the leftovers of AFQ in ``.afq/`` (#106)
* MAINT: Refactor the workflow to use *Nipype* iterables (#105)
* MAINT: Add ds001771 to the smoke-tests battery (#91)
* MAINT: Revisions after previous maintenance commit (#83) (#85)
* MAINT: Update dependencies (#83)


rel(0.2.2): Update CHANGES [skip ci]



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rel(0.2.1): Update CHANGES and .zenodo.json [skip ci]


fix: Building wheels with py36 now via Docker


add: base command line script, transferred from fMRIPrep



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Merge pull request #99 from nipy/snyk-fix-acf19386262c346f95c84a4fd71…


[Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerable dependencies



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Merge pull request #11 from akeshavan/removeS3

rf/wip: removing boto3 requirements, removing some s3-related functio…