Patio is a web application that tries to measure the happiness of a given team periodically by asking for a level of happiness between 1 and 5 (being 1 the saddest scenario and 5 the happiest). This repository hosts the backend of the DWBH project. Cool!
If you'd like to start working on the project. The following sections show you how to do it.
What things you need to run the software:
To install JDK11 you can also use SDKMAN a great tool to manage JVM related SDKs.
To build the code just execute the task build:
./gradlew build
Building the code implies running:
- static analysis
- code style checking
- test execution
- code coverage generation
If you'd like to enable continuous build execute:
./gradlew build -t
Continuous build means that Gradle does not exit and will re-execute tasks when task file inputs change
To execute only tests do:
./gradlew test
If you'd like to test a specific test or set of tests you can use the --tests option to match the name of the test class/es you want to execute:
./gradlew test --tests *Repository*
There are more ways of executing tests, you can take a look at this blog entry
The project uses Spotless for code style checking. To make sure contributors follow the style rules the project uses :
./gradlew spotlessJavaCheck
If you find any error you can format the conflicted files automatically by executing:
./gradlew spotlessJavaApply
To make sure any new file added to src
or etc
have the license header, run:
./gradlew license --rerun-tasks
If any error arises you can apply the license header just executing:
./gradlew licenseFormat --rerun-tasks
Applying the --rerun-tasks
is because sometimes the task result is cached and may lead to
unwanted situations.
The project uses PMD as static analysis checker. To execute PMD for main classes do:
./gradlew pmdMain
And for test classes:
./gradlew pmdTest
This project uses Spotbugs as tool for spotting possible new bugs. To execute Spotbugs just execute:
./gradlew spotbugsMain
When working on development we'll need a PostgreSQL database and sometimes the front end. There's a
file to bootstrap both systems and make them work with the current back development.
Go to your project's etc/docker
(dwbh-api/etc/docker) folder and execute:
docker-compose up -d
Before running the API you may want to configure some properties. By default the application
looks for the configuration file application.yml
. That file doesn't exists by default, but there's
the application.yml.template
that you can copy to application.yml
and change whatever you want there.
When in production environment, there's the application-prod.yml
that uses environment variables to
complete configuration properties values.
Configuration file:
username: ${DWBH_JDBC_USER}
driverClassName: ${DWBH_JDBC_DRIVER}
And environment variables
Name | Description | Default value |
DWBH_JDBC_URL | JDBC url | jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5433/dwbh |
DWBH_JDBC_USER | JDBC username | dwbh |
DWBH_JDBC_PASSWORD | JDBC password | dwbh |
DWBH_JDBC_DRIVER | JDBC driver | org.postgresql.Driver |
By default, if no other email service has been configured a default dummy service will be used to debug email mailing. You can, for example, configure AWS credentials to enable AWS mailing service.
And environment variables:
Name | Description | Default value |
DWBH_EMAIL_SOURCE | Source email | |
DWBH_EMAIL_ENABLED | Enable mailing |
AWS credentials to use AWS services, such as AWS simple mail service.
Configuration file section:
region: ${DWBH_AWS_REGION}
And environment variables:
Name | Description | Default value |
DWBH_ACCESS_KEY | AWS access key | |
DWBH_SECRET_KEY | AWS secret key | |
Configuration file section:
password: SHA-256
secret: ${DWBH_JWT_SECRET}
days: ${DWBH_JWT_DAYS}
algorithm: ${DWBH_JWT_ALGO}
issuer: ${DWBH_JWT_ISSUER}
And environment variables:
Name | Description | Default value |
DWBH_JWT_SECRET | JWT secret | mysupersecret |
DWBH_JWT_ALGO | JWT signature algorithm | HS256 |
DWBH_JWT_ISSUER | JWT issuer claim | dwbh |
DWBH_JWT_DAYS | JWT days before out of date | 7 |
Configuration file section:
apikey: ${DWBH_OAUTH2_KEY}
apisecret: ${DWBH_OAUTH2_SECRET}
Google Oauth2 settings are required if you want front end to be authenticated using Google authentication.
Name | Description | Default value |
DWBH_OAUTH2_KEY | Oauth2 client id | |
DWBH_OAUTH2_SECRET | Oauth2 client secret | |
DWBH_OAUTH2_CALLBACK | Oauth2 callback URL |
must match frontend VUE_APP_REDIRECT_URI
Configuration file section:
In case you'd like to start the instance with a default user you can use the following environment variables:
Name | Description | Default value |
DWBH_DUSER_ENABLED | Whether or not to insert default user | false |
DWBH_DUSER_NAME | Default user's name | |
DWBH_DUSER_EMAIL | Default user's email | |
DWBH_DUSER_PASSWORD | Default user's plain text password |
Both the database and the front end will be installed and bootstrapped. Now you can execute:
./gradlew run
And the api will use the database register in the docker-compose.yml.
IMPORTANT: Remember that the database is using a docker volume, if you would like to get rid of database data you can do it by executing:
docker volume rm NAME-OF-THE-VOLUME
If it's the first time you are running the application, you may want to load some fixtures to the database first. There're a couple of Gradle tasks to load/clean project's data fixtures:
- fixtures-load
- fixtures-clean
loops over the sql files in 'fixtures/load' and executes them
against the database configured in fixtures/fixtures.yaml
. The order of
execution depends on the file name.
./gradlew fixtures-load
loops over the sql files in 'fixtures/clean' and executes them
against the database configured in fixtures/fixtures.yaml
. The order of
execution also depends on the file name.
./gradlew fixtures-clean
You can change where the load/clean files are as well as the database configuration file. In your build.gradle you can use the fixtures extension:
fixtures {
cleanDir '...'
loadDir '...'
configFile '...'
All logging configuration can be found in the logback.xml
file. By default
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>
<logger name="patio" level="DEBUG" />
<root level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
If you'd like to activate SQL queries you can use the following loggers:
<logger name="org.hibernate.SQL" level="ALL" />
<logger name="org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql" level="TRACE" />
The most important technologies you need to be aware of to work on this project are:
- Micronaut - A JVM-based micro-framework
- Micronaut Data - Persistence framework
- AWS API - For AWS services (e.g. mailing)
- JUnit 5 - Java testing library
- Test containers For testing integrations
- Gradle - Building tool
Please see for contribution guidelines.
Thanks to Kaleidos Open Source to make this project possible.