All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
GraphActiveDirectoryAssociationsList | Get /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | List the associations of an Active Directory instance |
GraphActiveDirectoryAssociationsPost | Post /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Active Directory instance |
GraphActiveDirectoryTraverseUserGroup | Get /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Active Directory instance |
GraphApplicationAssociationsList | Get /applications/{application_id}/associations | List the associations of an Application |
GraphApplicationAssociationsPost | Post /applications/{application_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Application |
GraphApplicationTraverseUser | Get /applications/{application_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Application |
GraphApplicationTraverseUserGroup | Get /applications/{application_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Application |
GraphCommandAssociationsList | Get /commands/{command_id}/associations | List the associations of a Command |
GraphCommandAssociationsPost | Post /commands/{command_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Command |
GraphCommandTraverseSystem | Get /commands/{command_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Command |
GraphCommandTraverseSystemGroup | Get /commands/{command_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Command |
GraphGSuiteAssociationsList | Get /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | List the associations of a G Suite instance |
GraphGSuiteAssociationsPost | Post /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a G Suite instance |
GraphGSuiteTraverseUser | Get /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/users | List the Users bound to a G Suite instance |
GraphGSuiteTraverseUserGroup | Get /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a G Suite instance |
GraphLdapServerAssociationsList | Get /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a LDAP Server |
GraphLdapServerAssociationsPost | Post /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a LDAP Server |
GraphLdapServerTraverseUser | Get /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a LDAP Server |
GraphLdapServerTraverseUserGroup | Get /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a LDAP Server |
GraphOffice365AssociationsList | Get /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | List the associations of an Office 365 instance |
GraphOffice365AssociationsPost | Post /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Office 365 instance |
GraphOffice365TraverseUser | Get /office365s/{office365_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Office 365 instance |
GraphOffice365TraverseUserGroup | Get /office365s/{office365_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Office 365 instance |
GraphPolicyAssociationsList | Get /policies/{policy_id}/associations | List the associations of a Policy |
GraphPolicyAssociationsPost | Post /policies/{policy_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Policy |
GraphPolicyTraverseSystem | Get /policies/{policy_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Policy |
GraphPolicyTraverseSystemGroup | Get /policies/{policy_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Policy |
GraphRadiusServerAssociationsList | Get /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a RADIUS Server |
GraphRadiusServerAssociationsPost | Post /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a RADIUS Server |
GraphRadiusServerTraverseUser | Get /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a RADIUS Server |
GraphRadiusServerTraverseUserGroup | Get /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a RADIUS Server |
GraphSystemAssociationsList | Get /systems/{system_id}/associations | List the associations of a System |
GraphSystemAssociationsPost | Post /systems/{system_id}/associations | Manage associations of a System |
GraphSystemGroupAssociationsList | Get /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a System Group |
GraphSystemGroupAssociationsPost | Post /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a System Group |
GraphSystemGroupMemberOf | Get /systemgroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the System Group's parents |
GraphSystemGroupMembersList | Get /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a System Group |
GraphSystemGroupMembersPost | Post /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a System Group |
GraphSystemGroupMembership | Get /systemgroups/{group_id}/membership | List the System Group's membership |
GraphSystemGroupTraverseCommand | Get /systemgroups/{group_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System Group |
GraphSystemGroupTraversePolicy | Get /systemgroups/{group_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System Group |
GraphSystemGroupTraverseUser | Get /systemgroups/{group_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System Group |
GraphSystemGroupTraverseUserGroup | Get /systemgroups/{group_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System Group |
GraphSystemMemberOf | Get /systems/{system_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a System |
GraphSystemTraverseCommand | Get /systems/{system_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System |
GraphSystemTraversePolicy | Get /systems/{system_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System |
GraphSystemTraverseUser | Get /systems/{system_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System |
GraphSystemTraverseUserGroup | Get /systems/{system_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System |
GraphUserAssociationsList | Get /users/{user_id}/associations | List the associations of a User |
GraphUserAssociationsPost | Post /users/{user_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User |
GraphUserGroupAssociationsList | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a User Group. |
GraphUserGroupAssociationsPost | Post /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User Group |
GraphUserGroupMemberOf | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the User Group's parents |
GraphUserGroupMembersList | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a User Group |
GraphUserGroupMembersPost | Post /usergroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a User Group |
GraphUserGroupMembership | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/membership | List the User Group's membership |
GraphUserGroupTraverseActiveDirectory | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/activedirectories | List the Active Directories bound to a User Group |
GraphUserGroupTraverseApplication | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User Group |
GraphUserGroupTraverseDirectory | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User Group |
GraphUserGroupTraverseGSuite | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group |
GraphUserGroupTraverseLdapServer | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group |
GraphUserGroupTraverseOffice365 | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group |
GraphUserGroupTraverseRadiusServer | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group |
GraphUserGroupTraverseSystem | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User Group |
GraphUserGroupTraverseSystemGroup | Get /usergroups/{group_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to User Groups |
GraphUserMemberOf | Get /users/{user_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a User |
GraphUserTraverseApplication | Get /users/{user_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User |
GraphUserTraverseDirectory | Get /users/{user_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User |
GraphUserTraverseGSuite | Get /users/{user_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User |
GraphUserTraverseLdapServer | Get /users/{user_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP servers bound to a User |
GraphUserTraverseOffice365 | Get /users/{user_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User |
GraphUserTraverseRadiusServer | Get /users/{user_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User |
GraphUserTraverseSystem | Get /users/{user_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User |
GraphUserTraverseSystemGroup | Get /users/{user_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a User |
PolicystatusesList | Get /systems/{system_id}/policystatuses | List the policy statuses for a system |
[]GraphConnection GraphActiveDirectoryAssociationsList(ctx, activedirectoryId, targets, contentType, accept, optional) List the associations of an Active Directory instance
This endpoint returns the direct associations of this Active Directory instance. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Active Directory and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X GET '{ActiveDirectory_ID}/associations?targets=user \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
activedirectoryId | string | ||
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
activedirectoryId | string | ||
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphActiveDirectoryAssociationsPost(ctx, activedirectoryId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of an Active Directory instance
This endpoint allows you to manage the direct associations of an Active Directory instance. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Active Directory and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{AD_Instance_ID}/associations \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"{User_ID}\" } '
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
activedirectoryId | string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
activedirectoryId | string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | GraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphActiveDirectoryTraverseUserGroup(ctx, activedirectoryId, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Groups bound to an Active Directory instance
This endpoint will return all Users Groups bound to an Active Directory instance, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the group's type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this Active Directory instance to the corresponding User Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User Group from this Active Directory instance. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{ActiveDirectory_ID}/usergroups \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
activedirectoryId | string | ObjectID of the Active Directory instance. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
activedirectoryId | string | ObjectID of the Active Directory instance. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphApplicationAssociationsList(ctx, applicationId, targets, contentType, accept, optional) List the associations of an Application
This endpoint will return the direct associations of an Application. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Applications and User Groups. #### Sample Request curl -X GET '{Application_ID}/associations?targets=user_group \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
applicationId | string | ObjectID of the Application. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
applicationId | string | ObjectID of the Application. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphApplicationAssociationsPost(ctx, applicationId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of an Application
This endpoint allows you to manage the direct associations of an Application. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Application and User Groups. #### Sample Request curl -X POST '{Application_ID}/associations' \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"user_group\", \"id\": \"{Group_ID}\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
applicationId | string | ObjectID of the Application. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
applicationId | string | ObjectID of the Application. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | GraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphApplicationTraverseUser(ctx, applicationId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Users bound to an Application
This endpoint will return all Users bound to an Application, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this Application to the corresponding User; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User from this Application. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Application_ID}/users \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
applicationId | string | ObjectID of the Application. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
applicationId | string | ObjectID of the Application. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphApplicationTraverseUserGroup(ctx, applicationId, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Groups bound to an Application
This endpoint will return all Users Groups bound to an Application, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the group's type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this Application to the corresponding User Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User Group from this Application. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Application_ID}/usergroups \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
applicationId | string | ObjectID of the Application. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
applicationId | string | ObjectID of the Application. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphCommandAssociationsList(ctx, commandId, targets, contentType, accept, optional) List the associations of a Command
This endpoint will return the direct associations of this Command. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Commands and User Groups. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Command_ID}/associations?targets=system_group \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
commandId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
commandId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphCommandAssociationsPost(ctx, commandId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of a Command
This endpoint will allow you to manage the direct associations of this Command. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Commands and User Groups. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{Command_ID}/associations \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"system_group\", \"id\": \"Group_ID\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
commandId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
commandId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | GraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphCommandTraverseSystem(ctx, commandId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Systems bound to a Command
This endpoint will return all Systems bound to a Command, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this Command to the corresponding System; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System from this Command. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Command_ID}/systems \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
commandId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
commandId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphCommandTraverseSystemGroup(ctx, commandId, contentType, accept, optional) List the System Groups bound to a Command
This endpoint will return all System Groups bound to a Command, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the group's type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this Command to the corresponding System Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System Group from this Command. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Command_ID}/systemgroups \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
commandId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
commandId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphGSuiteAssociationsList(ctx, gsuiteId, targets, contentType, accept, optional) List the associations of a G Suite instance
This endpoint returns the direct associations of this G Suite instance. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example G Suite and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X GET '{Gsuite_ID}/associations?targets=user_group \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
gsuiteId | string | ObjectID of the G Suite instance. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
gsuiteId | string | ObjectID of the G Suite instance. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphGSuiteAssociationsPost(ctx, gsuiteId, optional) Manage the associations of a G Suite instance
This endpoint returns the direct associations of this G Suite instance. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example G Suite and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{Gsuite_ID}/associations \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"user_group\", \"id\": \"{Group_ID}\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
gsuiteId | string | ObjectID of the G Suite instance. | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
gsuiteId | string | ObjectID of the G Suite instance. | |
body | GraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphGSuiteTraverseUser(ctx, gsuiteId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Users bound to a G Suite instance
This endpoint will return all Users bound to a G Suite instance, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this G Suite instance to the corresponding User; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User from this G Suite instance. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Gsuite_ID}/users \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
gsuiteId | string | ObjectID of the G Suite instance. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
gsuiteId | string | ObjectID of the G Suite instance. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphGSuiteTraverseUserGroup(ctx, gsuiteId, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Groups bound to a G Suite instance
This endpoint will return all User Groups bound to an G Suite instance, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the group's type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this G Suite instance to the corresponding User Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User Group from this G Suite instance. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GSuite_ID}/usergroups \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
gsuiteId | string | ObjectID of the G Suite instance. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
gsuiteId | string | ObjectID of the G Suite instance. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphLdapServerAssociationsList(ctx, ldapserverId, targets, contentType, accept, optional) List the associations of a LDAP Server
This endpoint returns the direct associations of this LDAP Server. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example LDAP and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X GET '{LDAP_ID}/associations?targets=user_group \\ -H 'accept: application/json' \\ -H 'content-type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
ldapserverId | string | ObjectID of the LDAP Server. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ldapserverId | string | ObjectID of the LDAP Server. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
GraphLdapServerAssociationsPost(ctx, ldapserverId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of a LDAP Server
This endpoint allows you to manage the direct associations of a LDAP Server. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example LDAP and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{LDAP_ID}/associations \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"{User_ID}\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
ldapserverId | string | ObjectID of the LDAP Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ldapserverId | string | ObjectID of the LDAP Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | GraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphLdapServerTraverseUser(ctx, ldapserverId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Users bound to a LDAP Server
This endpoint will return all Users bound to an LDAP Server, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this LDAP server instance to the corresponding User; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User from this LDAP server instance. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{LDAP_ID}/users \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
ldapserverId | string | ObjectID of the LDAP Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ldapserverId | string | ObjectID of the LDAP Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphLdapServerTraverseUserGroup(ctx, ldapserverId, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Groups bound to a LDAP Server
This endpoint will return all Users Groups bound to a LDAP Server, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the group's type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this LDAP server instance to the corresponding User Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User Group from this LDAP server instance. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{LDAP_ID}/usergroups \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
ldapserverId | string | ObjectID of the LDAP Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ldapserverId | string | ObjectID of the LDAP Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphOffice365AssociationsList(ctx, office365Id, targets, contentType, accept, optional) List the associations of an Office 365 instance
This endpoint returns direct associations of an Office 365 instance. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Office 365 and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X GET '{O365_ID}/associations?targets=user_group \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
office365Id | string | ObjectID of the Office 365 instance. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
office365Id | string | ObjectID of the Office 365 instance. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphOffice365AssociationsPost(ctx, office365Id, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of an Office 365 instance
This endpoint allows you to manage the direct associations of a Office 365 instance. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Office 365 and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{O365_ID}/associations \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"user_group\", \"id\": \"{Group_ID}\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
office365Id | string | ObjectID of the Office 365 instance. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
office365Id | string | ObjectID of the Office 365 instance. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | GraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphOffice365TraverseUser(ctx, office365Id, contentType, accept, optional) List the Users bound to an Office 365 instance
This endpoint will return all Users bound to an Office 365 instance, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this Office 365 instance to the corresponding User; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User from this Office 365 instance. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{O365_ID}/users \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
office365Id | string | ObjectID of the Office 365 suite. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
office365Id | string | ObjectID of the Office 365 suite. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphOffice365TraverseUserGroup(ctx, office365Id, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Groups bound to an Office 365 instance
This endpoint will return all Users Groups bound to an Office 365 instance, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the group's type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this Office 365 instance to the corresponding User Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User Group from this Office 365 instance. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{O365_ID/usergroups \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
office365Id | string | ObjectID of the Office 365 suite. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
office365Id | string | ObjectID of the Office 365 suite. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphPolicyAssociationsList(ctx, policyId, targets, contentType, accept, optional) List the associations of a Policy
This endpoint returns the direct associations of a Policy. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Policies and Systems. #### Sample Request curl -X GET '{Policy_ID}/associations?targets=system_group \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
policyId | string | ObjectID of the Policy. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
policyId | string | ObjectID of the Policy. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphPolicyAssociationsPost(ctx, policyId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of a Policy
This endpoint allows you to manage the direct associations of a Policy. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Policies and Systems. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{Policy_ID}/associations/ \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"system_group\", \"id\": \"{Group_ID}\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
policyId | string | ObjectID of the Policy. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
policyId | string | ObjectID of the Policy. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | GraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphPolicyTraverseSystem(ctx, policyId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Systems bound to a Policy
This endpoint will return all Systems bound to a Policy, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this Policy to the corresponding System; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System from this Policy. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Policy_ID}/systems \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
policyId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
policyId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphPolicyTraverseSystemGroup(ctx, policyId, contentType, accept, optional) List the System Groups bound to a Policy
This endpoint will return all Systems Groups bound to a Policy, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the group's type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this Policy to the corresponding System Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System Group from this Policy. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Policy_ID}/systemgroups \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
policyId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
policyId | string | ObjectID of the Command. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphRadiusServerAssociationsList(ctx, radiusserverId, targets, contentType, accept, optional) List the associations of a RADIUS Server
This endpoint returns the direct associations of a Radius Server. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Radius Servers and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{RADIUS_ID}/associations?targets=user_group \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
radiusserverId | string | ObjectID of the Radius Server. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
radiusserverId | string | ObjectID of the Radius Server. | |
targets | []string | ||
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphRadiusServerAssociationsPost(ctx, radiusserverId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of a RADIUS Server
This endpoint allows you to manage the direct associations of a Radius Server. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Radius Servers and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{RADIUS_ID}/associations \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"type\":\"user\", \"id\":\"{USER_ID}\", \"op\":\"add\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
radiusserverId | string | ObjectID of the Radius Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
radiusserverId | string | ObjectID of the Radius Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | GraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphRadiusServerTraverseUser(ctx, radiusserverId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Users bound to a RADIUS Server
This endpoint will return all Users bound to a RADIUS Server, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this RADIUS server instance to the corresponding User; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User from this RADIUS server instance. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{LDAP_ID}/users \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
radiusserverId | string | ObjectID of the Radius Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
radiusserverId | string | ObjectID of the Radius Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphRadiusServerTraverseUserGroup(ctx, radiusserverId, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Groups bound to a RADIUS Server
This endpoint will return all Users Groups bound to a RADIUS Server, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the group's type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this RADIUS server instance to the corresponding User Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User Group from this RADIUS server instance. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{RADIUS_ID}/usergroups \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
radiusserverId | string | ObjectID of the Radius Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
radiusserverId | string | ObjectID of the Radius Server. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphSystemAssociationsList(ctx, systemId, contentType, accept, targets, optional) List the associations of a System
This endpoint returns the direct associations of a System. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Systems and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{System_ID}/associations?targets=user \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
targets | []string | ||
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
targets | []string | ||
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
date | string | Current date header for the System Context API | |
authorization | string | Authorization header for the System Context API | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphSystemAssociationsPost(ctx, systemId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage associations of a System
This endpoint allows you to manage the direct associations of a System. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Systems and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{System_ID}/associations \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"attributes\": { \"sudo\": { \"enabled\": true, \"withoutPassword\": false } }, \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"UserID\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | SystemGraphManagementReq | ||
date | string | Current date header for the System Context API | |
authorization | string | Authorization header for the System Context API | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphSystemGroupAssociationsList(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, targets, optional) List the associations of a System Group
This endpoint returns the direct associations of a System Group. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example System Groups and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/associations?targets=user \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
targets | []string | ||
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
targets | []string | ||
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
GraphSystemGroupAssociationsPost(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of a System Group
This endpoint allows you to manage the direct associations of a System Group. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example System Groups and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{GroupID}/associations \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"{UserID}\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | SystemGroupGraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemGroupMemberOf(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the System Group's parents
This endpoint returns all System Groups a System Group is a member of. This endpoint is not yet public as we haven't completed the code yet.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
filter | []string | Supported operators are: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, between, search, in | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
sort | []string | The comma separated fields used to sort the collection. Default sort is ascending, prefix with `-` to sort descending. | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphSystemGroupMembersList(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the members of a System Group
This endpoint returns the system members of a System Group. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Group_ID}/members \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphSystemGroupMembersPost(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the members of a System Group
This endpoint allows you to manage the system members of a System Group. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{Group_ID}/members \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"system\", \"id\": \"{System_ID}\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | SystemGroupMembersReq | ||
date | string | Current date header for the System Context API | |
authorization | string | Authorization header for the System Context API | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemGroupMembership(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the System Group's membership
This endpoint returns all Systems that are a member of this System Group. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{Group_ID/membership \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
sort | []string | The comma separated fields used to sort the collection. Default sort is ascending, prefix with `-` to sort descending. | |
filter | []string | Supported operators are: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, between, search, in | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemGroupTraverseCommand(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Commands bound to a System Group
This endpoint will return all Commands bound to a System Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the group's type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this System Group to the corresponding Command; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Command from this System Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/commands \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemGroupTraversePolicy(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Policies bound to a System Group
This endpoint will return all Policies bound to a System Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this System Group to the corresponding Policy; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Policy from this System Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. This endpoint is not public yet as we haven't finished the code. ##### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/policies \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemGroupTraverseUser(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Users bound to a System Group
This endpoint will return all Users bound to a System Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this System Group to the corresponding User; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User from this System Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/users \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemGroupTraverseUserGroup(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Groups bound to a System Group
This endpoint will return all User Groups bound to a System Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this System Group to the corresponding User Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User Group from this System Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/usergroups \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the System Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemMemberOf(ctx, systemId, contentType, accept, optional) List the parent Groups of a System
This endpoint returns all the System Groups a System is a member of. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{System_ID}/memberof \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
filter | []string | Supported operators are: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, between, search, in | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
date | string | Current date header for the System Context API | |
authorization | string | Authorization header for the System Context API | |
sort | []string | The comma separated fields used to sort the collection. Default sort is ascending, prefix with `-` to sort descending. | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemTraverseCommand(ctx, systemId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Commands bound to a System
This endpoint will return all Commands bound to a System, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this System to the corresponding Command; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Command from this System. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{System_ID}/commands \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemTraversePolicy(ctx, systemId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Policies bound to a System
This endpoint will return all Policies bound to a System, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this System to the corresponding Policy; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Policy from this System. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. This endpoint is not yet public as we have finish the code. ##### Sample Request curl -X GET{System_ID}/policies \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemTraverseUser(ctx, systemId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Users bound to a System
This endpoint will return all Users bound to a System, either directly or indirectly essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this System to the corresponding User; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User from this System. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{System_ID}/users \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
date | string | Current date header for the System Context API | |
authorization | string | Authorization header for the System Context API | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphSystemTraverseUserGroup(ctx, systemId, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Groups bound to a System
This endpoint will return all User Groups bound to a System, either directly or indirectly essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this System to the corresponding User Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the User Group from this System. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{System_ID}/usergroups \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
date | string | Current date header for the System Context API | |
authorization | string | Authorization header for the System Context API | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphUserAssociationsList(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, targets, optional) List the associations of a User
This endpoint returns the direct associations of a User. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Users and Systems. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/associations?targets=system_group \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
targets | []string | ||
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
targets | []string | ||
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphUserAssociationsPost(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of a User
This endpoint allows you to manage the direct associations of a User. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example Users and Systems. #### Sample Request ``` curl -X POST{UserID}/associations \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \ -d '{ "attributes": { "sudo": { "enabled": true, "withoutPassword": false } }, "op": "add", "type": "system_group", "id": "{GroupID}" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | UserGraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphUserGroupAssociationsList(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, targets, optional) List the associations of a User Group.
This endpoint returns the direct associations of this User Group. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example User Groups and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/associations?targets=system \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
targets | []string | ||
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
targets | []string | ||
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphUserGroupAssociationsPost(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the associations of a User Group
This endpoint manages the direct associations of this User Group. A direct association can be a non-homogeneous relationship between 2 different objects, for example User Groups and Users. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{GroupID}/associations \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"system\", \"id\": \"{SystemID}\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | UserGroupGraphManagementReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupMemberOf(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Group's parents
This endpoint returns all User Groups a User Group is a member of. #### Sample Request{group_id}/memberof
Not public yet, as the code is not finished,
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
filter | []string | Supported operators are: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, between, search, in | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
sort | []string | The comma separated fields used to sort the collection. Default sort is ascending, prefix with `-` to sort descending. | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphConnection GraphUserGroupMembersList(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the members of a User Group
This endpoint returns the user members of a User Group. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/members \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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GraphUserGroupMembersPost(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) Manage the members of a User Group
This endpoint allows you to manage the user members of a User Group. #### Sample Request curl -X POST{GroupID}/members \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \\ -d '{ \"op\": \"add\", \"type\": \"user\", \"id\": \"{User_ID}\" }'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
body | UserGroupMembersReq | ||
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
(empty response body)
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupMembership(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the User Group's membership
This endpoint returns all users members that are a member of this User Group. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/membership \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
filter | []string | Supported operators are: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, between, search, in | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
sort | []string | The comma separated fields used to sort the collection. Default sort is ascending, prefix with `-` to sort descending. | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseActiveDirectory(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Active Directories bound to a User Group
This endpoint will return all Active Directory Instances bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding Active Directory; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Active Directory from this User Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/activedirectories \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseApplication(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Applications bound to a User Group
This endpoint will return all Applications bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding Application; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Application from this User Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/applications \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseDirectory(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Directories bound to a User Group
This endpoint will return all Directories bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding Directory; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Directories from this User Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/directories \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseGSuite(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group
This endpoint will return all G Suite Instances bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding G Suite instance; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the G Suite instance from this User Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID/gsuites \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseLdapServer(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group
This endpoint will return all LDAP Servers bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding LDAP Server; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the LDAP Server from this User Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/ldapservers \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseOffice365(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group
This endpoint will return all Office 365 instances bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding Office 365 instance; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Office 365 instance from this User Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/office365s \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseRadiusServer(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group
This endpoint will return all RADIUS servers bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding RADIUS Server; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the RADIUS Server from this User Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/radiusservers \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseSystem(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Systems bound to a User Group
This endpoint will return all Systems bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding System; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System from this User Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/systems \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserGroupTraverseSystemGroup(ctx, groupId, contentType, accept, optional) List the System Groups bound to User Groups
This endpoint will return all System Groups bound to a User Group, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User Group to the corresponding System Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System Group from this User Group. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{GroupID}/systemgroups \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
groupId | string | ObjectID of the User Group. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserMemberOf(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) List the parent Groups of a User
This endpoint returns all the User Groups a User is a member of. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/memberof \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
filter | []string | Supported operators are: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, between, search, in | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
sort | []string | The comma separated fields used to sort the collection. Default sort is ascending, prefix with `-` to sort descending. | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserTraverseApplication(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Applications bound to a User
This endpoint will return all Applications bound to a User, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User to the corresponding Application; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Application from this User. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/applications \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserTraverseDirectory(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Directories bound to a User
This endpoint will return all Directories bound to a User, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User to the corresponding Directory; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Directory from this User. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/directories \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserTraverseGSuite(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) List the G Suite instances bound to a User
This endpoint will return all G-Suite Instances bound to a User, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User to the corresponding G Suite instance; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the G Suite instance from this User. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/gsuites \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserTraverseLdapServer(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) List the LDAP servers bound to a User
This endpoint will return all LDAP Servers bound to a User, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User to the corresponding LDAP Server; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the LDAP Server from this User. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/ldapservers \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserTraverseOffice365(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Office 365 instances bound to a User
This endpoint will return all Office 365 Instances bound to a User, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User to the corresponding Office 365 instance; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the Office 365 instance from this User. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/office365s \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserTraverseRadiusServer(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User
This endpoint will return all RADIUS Servers bound to a User, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User to the corresponding RADIUS Server; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the RADIUS Server from this User. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/radiusservers \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserTraverseSystem(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) List the Systems bound to a User
This endpoint will return all Systems bound to a User, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User to the corresponding System; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System from this User. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/systems\\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]GraphObjectWithPaths GraphUserTraverseSystemGroup(ctx, userId, contentType, accept, optional) List the System Groups bound to a User
This endpoint will return all System Groups bound to a User, either directly or indirectly, essentially traversing the JumpCloud Graph for your Organization. Each element will contain the type, id, attributes and paths. The attributes
object is a key/value hash of compiled graph attributes for all paths followed. The paths
array enumerates each path from this User to the corresponding System Group; this array represents all grouping and/or associations that would have to be removed to deprovision the System Group from this User. See /members
and /associations
endpoints to manage those collections. #### Sample Request curl -X GET{UserID}/systemgroups\\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
userId | string | ObjectID of the User. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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[]PolicyResult PolicystatusesList(ctx, systemId, contentType, accept, optional) List the policy statuses for a system
This endpoint returns the policy results for a particular system. ##### Sample Request curl -X GET{System_ID}/policystatuses \\ -H 'Accept: application/json' \\ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\ -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}'
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ctx | context.Context | context for logging, tracing, authentication, etc. | |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
optional | map[string]interface{} | optional parameters | nil if no parameters |
Optional parameters are passed through a map[string]interface{}.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
systemId | string | ObjectID of the System. | |
contentType | string | [default to application/json] | |
accept | string | [default to application/json] | |
fields | []string | The comma separated fields included in the returned records. If omitted the default list of fields will be returned. | |
filter | []string | Supported operators are: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, between, search, in | |
limit | int32 | The number of records to return at once. Limited to 100. | [default to 10] |
skip | int32 | The offset into the records to return. | [default to 0] |
sort | []string | The comma separated fields used to sort the collection. Default sort is ascending, prefix with `-` to sort descending. | |
xOrgId | string | [default to ] |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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