Releases: yairm210/Unciv
Sort city religion overview by number of followers
Made Prince difficulty 'truly balanced'
- 'Not shown on world screen' applies to promotions and statuses
- 'Never appears as a Barbarian unit' also affects upgrades
- Remove great person point accumulation for units no longer available in this ruleset
- Allow atlas generation when using --data-dir option (e.g. Windows, installed via MSI)
Correct puppet city description - By Ouaz
Added uniques to make AI value resources at set prices
Allow trading stockpiled resources
Added unique to change promotion XP cost - By Emandac
By EmperorPinguin:
- Bugfix: puppet science cost increase
- Fix puppet city description
Add a filter for religions - By SeventhM
- Added 'worked' and 'pillaged' tile filters
- unitFilter catches status names
- before/after/while researching tech uniques accept techFilter
- 'Will not be chosen for new games' works for major nations
Fixed crash when moving selected spies via long-click
Console tile checkfilter works for resources
By EmperorPinguin:
- Add tech cost uniques
- Move CS tribute modifiers to mod constants
tooltip for purchase blocked by unit - By saejo
Add .ico file to Windows zip
MacOS dock icon
Added 'tile setpillaged' to dev console
Fixed duplicate units by spamming upgrade
'upon gaining the [promotion] promotion' activates for free promotions
Added statuses to promotion screen
Hide 'hidden in world screen' resources from overview tab
Solved 'duplicate resource' bug
Fix free populatoion buildings not working when settling cities - By SeventhM
AbsoluteUnits ancient era Settler - by Basil
'Abundant resources' with mods with loads of resources no longer crash
AI: choose policy branch at random between those with the least remaining policies
modding: rename 'experience' with 'XP' for unified naming
Move Spy tech steal modifiers to mod constants - By EmperorPinguin
UI: Fixed edges for edge tiles on word wrap maps
Fixed automated road connections attempting to go through impassible tiles
Modding: Changed stockpile names to be human readable
Units with logistics that attacked but did not move, no longer heal
Added feature to save unitType promotion - By Emandac
Add 'Will be destroyed when pillaged' unique - By PLynx01
modding: Validate tech row value
UI: More visible railroads
Display unexplored tiles 1-tile out from explored tiles
Retain zoom when moving between different city screens
Stats in notifications no longer have number format 'baked in'
Map no longer makes map options left-right scrollable
Only show 'move spies' button if there are places to move spies
Add Shuffle Civ option - By itanasi
Rendering performance improvements
Map example for new games is only an example and does not cause lag
Generate map tab in map editor properly scrollable
Added missing attack notification translations
Fixed unit statuses causing game to be unloadable
By itanasi:
- Add small Skip/Cycle Button
- Settling Suggestion Improvements
Add turn start unique - By SeventhM