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Array Multi Operator

Ryan Porter edited this page Feb 12, 2017 · 1 revision


This node accumulates the values in the input arrays to a function and outputs the results.

Attribute Name Description Attribute Type
input (i) List of input arrays that will be used in the calculations. doubleArray[]
operation (op) The operation (see below) that will be applied to the input values. enum
elementwise (ew) If true, the output value at each index will be calculated using the values at the index of the input array(s). Otherwise, the output values at each index will be calculated using the input array at that index. bool
output (o) The result of the operation. doubleAngle[]
Operation Description
No Operation No calculations will be performed
Sum Compute the sum of the input values.
Difference Compute the difference between the input values.
Average Compute the average of the input values.
Product Compute the product of the input values.
Quotient Compute the quotient of the input values.
Exponent Compute the exponent of the input values.
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