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Install from binary packages using apt get

Martin Molina edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 3 revisions

This installation method downloads the built modules of Aerostack. This installation method is especially appropriate for users who want to use Aerostack components and are not interested in modify their functionality. This installation method does not require building Aerostack components in your computer (e.g., compiling and solving dependencies with required modules).

Configure your apt-get command

  • Requirements: Linux Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic or Linux Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic.

  • Setup your sources.list for apt-get to accept software from upm.aerostack:

      $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/aerostack-latest.list'
  • Setup your keys for apt-get:

      $ wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Installation method (full version)

This method downloads all the components of Aerostack.

  • Update the package lists of apt-get:

      $ sudo apt-get update
  • Install full Aerostack (all aerostack modules and dependencies will be installed)

      $ sudo apt-get install aerostack-melodic

Installation method (for an Aerostack project)

This method is appropriate to download an Aerostack project. The installation method only downloads the Aerostack modules that are needed for a project. The user has to provide the name of an existing project.

  • Update the package lists of apt-get:

      $ sudo apt-get update
  • Install one Aerostack project. The name of the project follows this pattern aerostack-<ros-version>-projects-<projectname>, for example: aerostack-melodic-projects-basicmissiongazebo. To install the project corresponding to the previous example, you can write:

      $ sudo apt-get install aerostack-melodic-projects-basicmissiongazebo

Installation method (separate Aerostack modules)

This method downloads one or several selected modules of Aerostack.

  • Update the package lists of apt-get:

      $ sudo apt-get update
  • Install one Aerostack module. The name of the module follows this pattern aerostack-<ros-version>-<foldername>-<modulename>, for example: aerostack-melodic-stack-behaviors-behaviorpackages-navigationwithlidar (in general, instead of just one folder name, the name of the module may have several folders in sequence). To install the module corresponding to the previous example, you can write:

      $ sudo apt-get install aerostack-melodic-stack-behaviors-behaviorpackages-navigationwithlidar
  • Instead of installing just one module, you can also install a group of modules that are in a particular folder. For example, the following command will install all the modules that are in the folder motioncontrolsystem:

      $ sudo apt-get install aerostack-melodic-stack-behaviors

Removing installation

To remove the installed components, write the following command:

    $ sudo apt-get remove aerostack-melodic*
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