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Added plotting scripts for mass loss error map and NSIDC sea ice comp…
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Kaitlin Alexander committed Jun 20, 2016
1 parent 2128aa6 commit 74be1e1
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Showing 16 changed files with 525 additions and 34 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Python scripts for pre- and post-processing of ROMS simulations. See file_guide.txt for descriptions of what they do and how to use them.
Python scripts for pre- and post-processing of ROMS simulations, and some interactive plotting routines. See file_guide.txt for descriptions of what they do and how to use them.

Created for the circumpolar Antarctic configuration of ROMS-CICE-MCT with a quarter-degree grid; should be easy to adapt to other domains.

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from matplotlib.animation import *

# Create an animation of sea ice concentration for the given simulation.
# Save as an mp4 file. (This doesn't run well on the CCRC desktops so use
# something like a MacBook instead.)
# Save as an mp4 file.
# In order for the mp4 saving to work, you must first type "module load ffmpeg"
# on raijin before opening ipython.
# Couldn't work out how to make this an encapsulated function so it is just
Expand All @@ -14,9 +13,9 @@
# Directory containing CICE output files
directory = '/short/y99/kaa561/roms_spinup_newest/cice/'
# Number of time indices in each file
num_ts = [288]
num_ts = [288, 288, 270, 288, 270, 90]
# File number to start with for the animation (1-based)
start_file = 1
start_file = 6
# Degrees to radians conversion factor
deg2rad = pi/180
# Names of each month for making titles
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,6 +65,6 @@ def animate(i):
return img

# Animate once every time index from start_file to the last file
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, func=animate, frames=range(215,288)) #sum(array(num_ts[start_file-1:])))
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, func=animate, frames=range(17,90)) #sum(array(num_ts[start_file-1:])))
# Save as an mp4 with one frame per second'aice.mp4', fps=1)
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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ def cmip5_eraint_rms_errors():
# Variable names in NetCDF files
var_names = ['Pair', 'Tair', 'Hair', 'cloud', 'Uwind', 'Vwind', 'precip', 'snow', 'evap', 'swrad', 'lwrad']
# Path to ROMS grid
roms_grid = '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/apps/common/grid/'
roms_grid = '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/apps/common/grid/'
# Radius of the Earth in metres
r = 6.371e6
# Degrees to radians conversion factor
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Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def cmip5_plot (var, season, model_names, save=False, fig_name=None):
# and "ocean/"
directory = '/short/y99/kaa561/CMIP5_forcing/'
# Path to ROMS grid file
roms_grid = '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/apps/common/grid/'
roms_grid = '/short/m68/kaa561/ROMS-CICE-MCT/apps/common/grid/'

# Figure out whether this is an atmosphere or ocean variable
if var in ['Pair', 'Tair', 'Hair', 'cloud', 'Uwind', 'Vwind', 'precip', 'snow', 'evap', 'swrad', 'lwrad']:
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11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions convert_era.job
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#PBS -N convert_era
#PBS -P gh8
#PBS -q normal
#PBS -l walltime=3:00:00,ncpus=1,mem=31gb
#PBS -P y99
#PBS -q express
#PBS -l walltime=3:00:00,ncpus=1,mem=30gb
#PBS -j oe

Expand All @@ -13,6 +13,11 @@
# To get it started for eg 1992, type
# qsub -v YEAR=1992,COUNT=0 convert_era.job

module unload python/2.7.3
module unload python/2.7.3-matplotlib
module load python/2.7.6
module load python/2.7.6-matplotlib

echo "YEAR = $YEAR"
echo "COUNT = $COUNT"
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38 changes: 33 additions & 5 deletions file_guide.txt
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Expand Up @@ -162,11 +162,12 @@ Calculates and plots timeseries of basal mass loss and
have to be recomputed if the run is extended; at the beginning of
this script, previous values will be read from the same log file
if it exists.
To run: First edit the limits on i- and j- coordinates for each
ice shelf to suit your grid. Then open python or ipython,
and type "run". The script will prompt you for
the paths to the ROMS grid file, the ocean history or
averages file, and the log file.
To run: Open python or ipython, and type "run". The
script will prompt you for the paths to the ROMS grid file,
the ocean history or averages file, and the log file. If
you are using ice shelf draft data from something other
than RTopo 1.05 you might need to tweak the lat and lon

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -501,6 +502,33 @@ Make a circumpolar Antarctic plot of speed overlaid with
times as you like, and you only have to specify which
parameters have changed since the last plot. Make a map of unexplained error in annually averaged simulated
basal mass loss from each ice shelf that is over 5,000 km^2 in
Rignot et al., 2013.
To run: First make sure your logfile from is up to
date, as this script reads simulated basal mass loss
timeseries from this logfile. Then open python or
ipython and type "run". The script will
prompt you for paths to the ROMS grid file and the
mass loss logfile, and whether to save the figure (and
if so, what filename) or display it on the screen. Make a figure comparing sea ice concentration from NSIDC
(1995 data) and CICE (latest year of spinup under
repeated 1995 forcing), for the given month.
Input: First edit the variables nsidc_head, nsidc_head_0,
nsidc_head_1, and nsidc_tail (near the top of the
file) to suit the paths to NSIDC output on your
filesystem. Then open python or ipython and type
"run". The script will
prompt you for the CICE output file, the month
to plot, and whether to save the figure (and if
so, what filename) or display it on the screen.
As with the other interactive plotting scripts,
the interface will repeat as many times as you
like, and you only have to specify which
parameters have changed since the last plot.


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Expand Up @@ -141,15 +141,15 @@ def massloss (file_path, log_path):
# Make sure y-limits won't cut off observed melt rate
ymin = amin([ismr_low/factors[index], massloss_low, amin(massloss[index,:])])
ymax = amax([ismr_high/factors[index], massloss_high, amax(massloss[index,:])])
if ymin < 0:
ymin = 1.05*ymin
ymin = 0.95*ymin
if ymax < 0:
ymax = 0.95*ymax
ymax = 1.05*ymax
ax1.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
ticks = ax1.get_yticks()
min_tick = ticks[0]
max_tick = ticks[-1]
dtick = ticks[1]-ticks[0]
while min_tick >= ymin:
min_tick -= dtick
while max_tick <= ymax:
max_tick += dtick
ax1.set_ylim([min_tick, max_tick])
# Title and ticks in blue for this side of the plot
ax1.set_ylabel('Basal Mass Loss (Gt/y)', color='b')
for t1 in ax1.get_yticklabels():
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@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

# Make a map of unexplained error in annually averaged simulated basal mass loss
# from each ice shelf that is over 5,000 km^2 in Rignot et al., 2013.
# Input:
# grid_path = path to ROMS grid file
# log_path = path to log file created by
# save = optional boolean to save the figure to a file, rather than displaying
# it on the screen
# fig_name = if save=True, path to the desired filename for the figure
def massloss_map (grid_path, log_path, save=False, fig_name=None):

# Limits on longitude and latitude for each ice shelf
# These depend on the source geometry, in this case RTopo 1.05
# Note there is one extra index at the end of each array; this is because
# the Ross region crosses the line 180W and therefore is split into two
lon_min = [-62.67, -65.5, -79.17, -85, -104.17, -102.5, -108.33, -114.5, -135.67, -149.17, -155, 144, 115, 94.17, 80.83, 65, 33.83, 19, 12.9, 9.33, -10.05, -28.33, -180, 158.33]
lon_max = [-59.33, -60, -66.67, -28.33, -88.83, -99.17, -103.33, -111.5, -114.33, -140, -145, 146.62, 123.33, 102.5, 89.17, 75, 37.67, 33.33, 16.17, 12.88, 7.6, -10.33, -146.67, 180]
lat_min = [-73.03, -69.35, -74.17, -83.5, -73.28, -75.5, -75.5, -75.33, -74.9, -76.42, -78, -67.83, -67.17, -66.67, -67.83, -73.67, -69.83, -71.67, -70.5, -70.75, -71.83, -76.33, -85, -84.5]
lat_max = [-69.37, -66.13, -69.5, -74.67, -71.67, -74.17, -74.67, -73.67, -73, -75.17, -76.41, -66.67, -66.5, -64.83, -66.17, -68.33, -68.67, -68.33, -69.33, -69.83, -69.33, -71.5, -77.77, -77]
# Observed mass loss (Rignot 2013) and uncertainty for each ice shelf, in Gt/y
obs_massloss = [1.4, 20.7, 135.4, 155.4, 51.8, 101.2, 97.5, 45.2, 144.9, 4.2, 18.2, 7.9, 90.6, 72.6, 27.2, 35.5, -2, 21.6, 6.3, 3.9, 26.8, 9.7, 47.7]
obs_massloss_error = [14, 67, 40, 45, 19, 8, 7, 4, 14, 2, 3, 3, 8, 15, 10, 23, 3, 18, 2, 2, 14, 16, 34]

# Degrees to radians conversion factor
deg2rad = pi/180
# Northern boundary 60S for plot
nbdry = -63+90
# Centre of missing circle in grid
lon_c = 50
lat_c = -83
# Radius of missing circle (play around with this until it works)
radius = 10.1

# Read log file
time = []
f = open(log_path, 'r')
# Skip the first line (header for time array)
for line in f:
# Reached the header for the next variable
# Set up array for mass loss values at each ice shelf
massloss_ts = empty([len(obs_massloss), len(time)])
index = 0
# Loop over ice shelves
while index < len(obs_massloss):
t = 0
for line in f:
massloss_ts[index, t] = float(line)
t += 1
# Reached the header for the next variable
index +=1

# Find the time indices we care about: last year of simulation
time = array(time)
min_t = nonzero(time >= time[-1]-1)[0][0]
max_t = size(time)
# Find the average mass loss for each ice shelf over this last year
massloss = empty(len(obs_massloss))
for index in range(len(obs_massloss)):
massloss[index] = mean(massloss_ts[index, min_t:max_t])

# Read the grid
id = Dataset(grid_path, 'r')
lon = id.variables['lon_rho'][:,:]
lat = id.variables['lat_rho'][:,:]
mask_rho = id.variables['mask_rho'][:,:]
mask_zice = id.variables['mask_zice'][:,:]

# Make sure longitude goes from -180 to 180, not 0 to 360
index = lon > 180
lon[index] = lon[index] - 360

# Get land/zice mask
open_ocn = copy(mask_rho)
open_ocn[mask_zice==1] = 0
land_zice = ma.masked_where(open_ocn==1, open_ocn)

# Initialise a field of ice shelf mass loss unexplained error
error = zeros(shape(lon))
# Mask out land and open ocean points
error = ma.masked_where(mask_zice==0, error)

# Loop over ice shelves
for index in range(len(obs_massloss)):
# Find the range of observations
massloss_low = obs_massloss[index] - obs_massloss_error[index]
massloss_high = obs_massloss[index] + obs_massloss_error[index]
# Find the unexplained error in mass loss
if massloss[index] < massloss_low:
# Simulated mass loss too low
error_tmp = massloss[index] - massloss_low
elif massloss[index] > massloss_high:
# Simulated mass loss too high
error_tmp = massloss[index] - massloss_high
# Simulated mass loss within observational error estimates
error_tmp = 0
if error_tmp != 0:
# Modify error field for this region
if index == len(obs_massloss)-1:
# Ross region is split into two
region = (lon >= lon_min[index])*(lon <= lon_max[index])*(lat >= lat_min[index])*(lat <= lat_max[index])(mask_zice == 1) + (lon >= lon_min[index+1])*(lon <= lon_max[index+1])*(lat >= lat_min[index+1])*(lat <= lat_max[index+1])*(mask_zice == 1)
region = (lon >= lon_min[index])*(lon <= lon_max[index])*(lat >= lat_min[index])*(lat <= lat_max[index])*(mask_zice == 1)
error[region] = error_tmp

# Convert grid to spherical coordinates
x = -(lat+90)*cos(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
y = (lat+90)*sin(lon*deg2rad+pi/2)
# Find centre in spherical coordinates
x_c = -(lat_c+90)*cos(lon_c*deg2rad+pi/2)
y_c = (lat_c+90)*sin(lon_c*deg2rad+pi/2)
# Build a regular x-y grid and select the missing circle
x_reg, y_reg = meshgrid(linspace(-nbdry, nbdry, num=1000), linspace(-nbdry, nbdry, num=1000))
land_circle = zeros(shape(x_reg))
land_circle = ma.masked_where(sqrt((x_reg-x_c)**2 + (y_reg-y_c)**2) > radius, land_circle)

# Determine bounds on colour scale
max_val = amax(abs(error))
lev = linspace(-max_val, max_val, num=40)

# Set up plot
fig = figure(figsize=(16,12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, aspect='equal')
# First shade land and zice in grey (include zice so there are no white
# patches near the grounding line where contours meet)
contourf(x, y, land_zice, 1, colors=(('0.6', '0.6', '0.6')))
# Fill in the missing cicle
contourf(x_reg, y_reg, land_circle, 1, colors=(('0.6', '0.6', '0.6')))
# Now shade the error in mass loss
contourf(x, y, error, lev, cmap='RdBu_r')
cbar = colorbar()
xlim([-nbdry, nbdry])
ylim([-nbdry, nbdry])
title('Bias in Ice Shelf Mass Loss (Gt/y)', fontsize=30)

# Finished
if save:

# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":

grid_path = raw_input("Path to grid file: ")
log_path = raw_input("Path to mass loss logfile: ")
action = raw_input("Save figure (s) or display in window (d)? ")
if action == 's':
save = True
fig_name = raw_input("File name for figure: ")
elif action == 'd':
save = False
fig_name = None
# Make the plot
massloss_map(grid_path, log_path, save, fig_name)


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