✔️ = As good as it's likely to get for this release
🏗️ = Missing / Work in Progress
💎 = Absolutely essential: without reading this you will find it hard going.
🌸 = Interesting but not 100% essential: a "sidebar article"
🚪 = "external" - takes the reader away from the current page, perhaps even offsite
- 🌸 Why the name "H4"? A little history ✔️
- 💎 🚪 H4 and event-driven programming ✔️
- 💎Everything is an event: Listeners, Emitters and Handlers ✔️
- 💎Global Variables and persistent storage ✔️
- 💎Common Command and Control: H4P_SerialCmd and Services ✔️
- 🌸 Static and Utility functions ✔️
- GPIO Handling and "NODE-PINK" Introduction ✔️
- "Things" and "Switches" ✔️
- WiFi and the web UI ✔️
- WiFi AP mode ✔️
- Handling MQTT topics / commands ✔️
- Network Presence Detection ✔️
- Advanced Topics
- Generic Binaries ✔️
- Running a remote update server ✔️
- 🏗️ Additional board defintions
- 🏗️ writing your own plugin
- Known Issues / FAQs ✔️
- Raising an Issue ✔️
- Plugins APIs
- H4P_AsyncHTTP ✔️
- H4P_AsyncMQTT ✔️
- H4P_BinarySwitch ✔️
- H4P_BinaryThing ✔️
- H4P_ConditionalSwitch ✔️
- H4P_ConditionalThing ✔️
- H4P_EmitHeap ✔️
- H4P_EmitLoopCount ✔️
- H4P_EmitQ ✔️
- H4P_EmitTick ✔️
- H4P_EventListener ✔️
- H4P_GateKeeper ✔️
- H4P_HeapWarn ✔️
- H4P_Heartbeat ✔️
- H4P_LinkMaster ✔️
- H4P_LocalLogger ✔️
- H4P_MQTTLogger ✔️
- H4P_PinMachine✔️
- H4P_QueueWarn ✔️
- H4P_RemoteLogger ✔️
- H4P_RemoteUpdate
- H4P_SerialCmd ✔️
- H4P_SerialLogger ✔️
- H4P_Signaller
- 🏗️ H4P_Sunrise
- 🏗️ H4P_TaskSniffer
- 🏗️ H4P_Timekeeper
- 🏗️ H4P_ToneController
- H4P_UPNPServer ✔️
- H4P_WiFi ✔️
- 🏗️ H4P_Voice
- 0: Version 3 taster
- 1: Blinky on steroids
- 2: Why you need it
- 3: GPIO simple start RAW input
- 4: GPIO Filtering & Debouncing
- 5: GPIO NODE-PINK and Debouncing descendants
- 6: GPIO The other children of debouncing: it's about time
- 7: GPIO Stragglers and DIY plumbing
- 8: GPIO Rotary encoders need not be an Enigma
- 9: GPIO Analog Inputs
- 10: Advanced Plumbing
- 11: Internet of Things ain't what they used to be
- 12: Internet of Things can only get better
- 13: Target in Range!: Network Presence Detection
- 14: Running the installer 🆕
(c) 2021 Phil Bowles [email protected]