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Greg-Scott edited this page Mar 4, 2025 · 36 revisions

KMIP 3.0


KMIP v3.0 Specification & Profiles (Normative documents) are currently at Working Draft Stage.

WD Link Location


The KMIP TC will test v3.0 functionality at TBA.

Current Proposals

Topic Actions Spec Profile Test Cases Usage Guide Who Open/Closed Due Date Status
PKCS#11 XML adopt XML representation of PKCS#11 for the KMIP PKCS#11 Profile and associated test cases - Y Y Y Tim C & Tim H Closed 11-Mar-2021 Proposal Approved at Face 2 Face Meeting on 20-Feb-2020 - PKCS#11 XML approval in PKCS#11 TC (14-Oct-2020) - PKCS#11 XML profile delta Approved at the KMIP TC Meeting on 11-March-2021
Split Key add new Split Key Polynomial attribute, add the two missing links and add the four omitted attributes to KMIP Y - Y Y Chuck W Closed 31-Jul-2020 Spec Delta approved at TC Meeting 30-Jul-2020, Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD03, Usage Guide Text, Test Cases
Client Mutual Authentication Provide spec deltas for Spec & Profiles to asses impact Y Base Y Y Tim C Closed 22-Oct-2020 Proposal approved 20-Feb-2020 for spec & profiles delta; Spec delta approved 22-Oct-2020 changes
Miscellaneous (batch) Proceed with removing the Batch Count, Batch Order Option and Unique Batch Item ID in KMIP Y - Y - Anthony B Closed 30-Jul-2020 Spec delta approved 30-Jul-2020 - Applied in KMIP Spec V3.0 WD03
Obliterate Move forward with spec deltas for the new ‘Obliterate’ operation. This operation will NOT remove the UUID Y - Y Y Anthony B Closed 27-Aug-2020 Spec delta approved 27-Aug-2020 - Applied in KMIP Spec V3.0 WD04
Obliterate (Naming) Open Straw Poll for preferred name for this operation Y - - - Tony C Closed 15-May-2020 Straw poll required - closed with vote for Obliterate - Results
Name Representation Move forward with Spec deltas for simplifying the Name representation to just TextString Y Base - - Tim H Closed 21-May-2020 Approved 21-May-2020 Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD02
Link Representation Move forward with this proposal and produce KMIP Spec deltas for the new Link Representation Y Base - - Tim H Closed 04-Jun-2020 Spec delta - Approved 4-June-2020 - Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD02
Name Lifecycle Move forward with this proposal and produce KMIP Spec deltas for Name Lifecycle and the ‘hold’ concept Y Base Y Y Tim H Closed 06-Aug-2020 Spec delta - Approved 06-Aug-2020 - Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD03
Grouping Objects Move forward with this proposal and produce KMIP Spec deltas for Grouping Objects Y Base Y Y Tim H Closed 06-Aug-2020 Spec delta - Approved 06-Aug-2020 - Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD03
Group Hierarchy Move forward with this proposal and produce KMIP Spec deltas for Group Hierarchy Y Base Y Y Tim H Closed 10-Sep-2020 Spec delta - Approved 10-Sept-2020 - Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD05
Lists of Groups Move forward with this proposal and produce KMIP Spec deltas for List of Groups Y Base Y Y Tim H Closed 30-Aug-2020 Proposal approved 21-Feb-2020 for spec delta; spec update included in kmip-spec-v3.0-wd02-grouping-objects - Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD02
Automation Architecture Move forward with this proposal and produce KMIP Spec deltas Y Base Y Y Tim H Closed 30-Jul-2020 Spec delta - Approved 30-Jul-2020] - Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD03
User Handling (Clients and Credentials as Users) Move forward with this proposal and produce KMIP Spec deltas Y Base Y Y Tim H Closed 01-Oct-2020 Spec Delta - Approved 1-Oct-2020 - Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD06
Identifiers or References Move forward with this proposal and produce KMIP Spec deltas Y Base - Y Tim H Closed 6-Aug-2020 Proposal approved 21-Feb-2020 for spec delta effectively as part of Name Lifecycle - included in Links Representation - Applied to KMIP Spec V3.0 WD02
Revoke & Deactivate Move forward with this proposal and produce KMIP Spec deltas Y Base Y Y Tim H Closed 17 Dec-2020 Spec Delta approved 17-Dec-2020 - Applied in KMIP Spec V3.0 WD08
Change split key references to SAM TC specification Track this update Y Greg S Open
NIST PQC Identifiers Adding Cryptographic Algorithm Identifiers for NIST PQC FIPS-203, FIPS-204, and FIPS-205 Y Y Y Y Tim C Open 14-Dec-2023 Proposal approved 14-Dec-2023

Pending Proposals

Topic Actions Spec Profile Test Cases Usage Guide Who Open/Closed Due Date Status
Other System Objects More detailed proposals are needed Y TBA TBA TBA Tim H Open TBA Spec delta approved 17-Dec-2020; spec update included in
LMS Signature Proposal Proposal required - Standardized algorithm from NIST SP 800-208 Recommendation for Stateful Hash-Based Signature Schemes. proposal & test case required TBA TBA TBA TBA ??? Open TBA Noted in meeting of 12-Jan-2023
XMSS Signature Proposal Proposal required - Standardized algorithm from NIST SP 800-208 Recommendation for Stateful Hash-Based Signature Schemes. Specifically because XMSS is already defined as a cryptographic identifier in KMIP 2.0 - proposal & test case required TBA TBA TBA TBA ??? Open TBA Noted in meeting of 12-Jan-2023
Hash then Sign Proposal Members report that this is contained in NCCoE PQC Migration project analysis document and expects work to be at a point in early Feb for this to be shared with the TC TBA TBA TBA TBA ??? Open TBA Noted in meeting of 12-Jan-2023

Items from public comments not captured elsewhere that need to be reviewed and managed to resolution

No Issue Title Description Proposed Actions Who Date(s) Approved Links to Ballots and/or Minutes where approved Added to Which Document by Editor(s) Content reviewed by whom during committee review/Date
1 Cryptographic Usage Mask Public Comment picked up and repeated to KMIP TC List Email comment re cryptographic usage mask after key revocation Draft proposal to address issues across versions/documents Tim H TBA TBA TBA TBA

Previously Proposed Topics

Topic Actions Spec Profile Test Cases Usage Guide Who Open/Closed Due Date Status




3.1 (Planning)

3.0 (Current development version)

2.1 OASIS Specification

2.0 (Obsolete)

1.4 (Obsolete)

1.3 (Obsolete)

1.2 (Obsolete)

1.1 (Obsolete)

1.0 (Obsolete)

TC Meetings

Meeting Minutes - Work in Progress

Latest Meetings

February 13, 2025

January 16, 2025

Areas of Interest

List of known KMIP Implementations

Recharter related organization list (Historical Information Only)

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