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Meeting Minutes for May 20, 2021
- Roll Call (Tony C)
- Quorum Achieved
- Roll Call
- Approve Agenda
- Review/Approve Minutes (May 6, 2021)
- KMIP V3.0
- KMIP wiki review (required profiles and test cases)
- Interop Test
- New Business
- Markup Text
- TCG update
- Next Meeting
- Call for Additional Attendees
- Adjourn Meeting
Motion to approve Agenda
- Tim H moves, Tim C seconds. No objections, abstentions, or comments. Agenda approved
Motion to approve previous meeting minutes from May 6, 2021
- Tim H moves, Greg S seconds. No objections, abstentions, or comments. Minutes for the May 6, 2021 meeting approved.
- Working our way through the content for the Profiles, Test Cases and Usage Guide content as noted for the KMIP 3.0 proposal on the wiki (https://github.com/oasis-tcs/kmip/wiki/KMIP-3.0)
- Tony C asked the authors of the Profiles, Test Cases and Usage Guide if they had received any content from proposal authors. Both Judy F (Usage Guide) and Tim H (Profiles/Test Cases) stated that they had not received content.
- Tony C encouraged the proposal authors to provide the assigned content
- Tony C as started to reach out to TC members who have traditionally participated in Interop events to begin to compile the list of participants in the Interop Test planned for September 2021.
- Tim C asked if there were any costs associated with participating in this Interop Test. Tony C noted that there are no external costs/fees. Only the internal costs (e.g. engineering resources, etc.) associated with an TC member participating in the event.
- Mark J stated that P6R will participate in the Interop Test. Tony C will add them to the participants list.
- Other TC members interested in participating in the Interop Test should contact Tony C.
- Tony C noted that use of Markdown is being raised in other OASIS TCs. Markdown would be used as a replacement for the current MS Word formatted documents.
- TC members briefly discussed their experiences using Markdown and its benefits
- Markdown would make documentation more amenable to machine readability
- Links to several Markdown resources were provided
- Mastering Markdown: https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/
- Markdown Cheatsheet: https://guides.github.com/pdfs/markdown-cheatsheet-online.pdf
- Tony C recommended that TC members familiarize themselves with Markdown and we can include considering changing to Markdown for KMIP 3.1 and later as a topic on the agenda for the KMIP Summit planned for later this year.
Judy F passed on an update from her colleague Chandra N on the TCG Storage WG.
- The TCG Storage WG group have completed a ballot on the key format for key injection for (NVMe) KPIO (key per I/O). The group voted to support the KMIP defined key format as the one to prioritize. The TCG defined key format will be deprioritized for now.
- Once they WG has more clarity on the KMIP key types etc. they (via Chandra N) will be engaging with the KMIP OASIS TC regarding a new profile etc.
Tim C raised that the update going on with ISO 27040 Information Technology - Security Techniques - Storage Security is also raising some other KMIP updates/profile needs. More details will be provided at a future TC meeting.
- Next TC Meeting: June 3, 2021
- None
- Tim H moves, Tim C seconds, No objections, abstentions, or comments.
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/8qlAxojyTV8drjUS9jfRFpvONqQ_EDGfAREXDE9MzNkHr81ZAfiSW7XfaW-kLjuh.u-xC93iJOGWGuaUk Passcode: d!5A8uu1
3.1 (Planning)
3.0 (Current development version)
2.0 (Obsolete)
1.4 (Obsolete)
1.3 (Obsolete)
1.2 (Obsolete)
1.1 (Obsolete)
1.0 (Obsolete)
List of known KMIP Implementations
Recharter related organization list (Historical Information Only)