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x/tools/gopls/internal/cmd: go/types data race causes TestImplementations failures gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#72082 opened Mar 3, 2025 by gopherbot
x/tools/gopls/internal/cache/methodsets: "missing object path for %s" bug in gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70418 opened Nov 16, 2024 by jacksoom
x/tools/gopls: crash due to fixed ast.Node.End beyond EOF gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one.
#66790 opened Apr 5, 2024 by nobelsmith
x/tools/gopls: add a debug endpoint to download diagnostic information FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#45602 opened Apr 16, 2021 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: add a setting to control removal of unused imports, and a quickfix FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls/imports gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsDecision Feedback is required from experts, contributors, and/or the community before a change can be made. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#54362 opened Aug 10, 2022 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: refactor: compute complete sets of methods related through interface satisfaction gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#58461 opened Feb 10, 2023 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: clarify supported operating systems gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#59981 opened May 4, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: file watchers should be reevaluated after load gopls/metadata Issues related to metadata loading in gopls gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#60340 opened May 22, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: decide on a default value for "symbolScope" gopls/survey-candidate gopls/telemetry issues that would benefit from telemetry data gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsDecision Feedback is required from experts, contributors, and/or the community before a change can be made. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#60494 opened May 29, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: documentation, error messages, and mod tidy behavior can make adding a dependency confusing gopls/metadata Issues related to metadata loading in gopls gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#60935 opened Jun 22, 2023 by p3tr0v
x/tools/gopls: document a framework for configuration decisions Documentation Issues describing a change to documentation. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#61001 opened Jun 26, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: design UX around version skew resulting from the forward compatibility proposal gopls/metadata Issues related to metadata loading in gopls gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#61185 opened Jul 5, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: poor performance with very large packages in import graph gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls.
#61207 opened Jun 23, 2023 by sff2578
x/tools/gopls: replace/mitigate objectpath workaround for struct fields gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#61674 opened Jul 31, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: document supported postfix snippets Documentation Issues describing a change to documentation. FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#62022 opened Aug 14, 2023 by hyangah
x/tools/gopls: triage process for feature requests gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#62073 opened Aug 16, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: don't downrank symbol results outside of the workspace folder, but in a workspace module gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#63458 opened Oct 9, 2023 by myitcv
x/tools/gopls: remove the "expandWorkspaceToModule" setting gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#63536 opened Oct 13, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: ctrl-click should jump to source, not to autogenerated code FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#65001 opened Jan 7, 2024 by guettli
x/tools/gopls: consider multiplexing operations across all Views (with partial results?) gopls/metadata Issues related to metadata loading in gopls gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#65755 opened Feb 16, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: consider static configuration for multiple builds gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#65757 opened Feb 16, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: investigate better support for CGO_ENABLED=0 gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#65758 opened Feb 16, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: no completion/suggestion/linting working on large projects gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#66787 opened Apr 3, 2024 by didrocks
x/tools/gopls: go to definition within imported modules gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#66827 opened Apr 14, 2024 by rustyx
x/tools/gopls: add end of line commas during completion gopls/completion Issues related to auto-completion in gopls. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#67246 opened May 7, 2024 by seankhliao
x/tools/gopls: missing completion of current module packages gopls/completion Issues related to auto-completion in gopls. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#67528 opened May 15, 2024 by arcenik
x/tools/gopls/internal/cmd: gopls check doesn't wait for didOpen finish before it makes diagnostics request gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68075 opened Jun 19, 2024 by podtserkovskiy
x/tools/gopls: go clean fails with ENOTEMPTY (openbsd) causing gopls test flakes gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68087 opened Jun 20, 2024 by gopherbot
x/tools/gopls: Rename Symbol incorrectly renames symbols when code contains a syntax error gopls/parsing Issues related to parsing / poor parser recovery. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68465 opened Jul 16, 2024 by renthraysk
x/tools/go/packages: use the correct go version for the analyzed project NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68495 opened Jul 17, 2024 by hyangah
x/tools/gopls: source.doc code action: missing NewT func that returns unexported type t gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#69553 opened Sep 20, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: recognize templ user agent in telemetry gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70205 opened Nov 5, 2024 by hyangah
x/tools/gopls: DidModifyFiles: "non-abs file path %q" bug in port.matches gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70603 opened Nov 27, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: autocomplete returns packages within excluded directories (per build.directoryFilters) gopls/completion Issues related to auto-completion in gopls. gopls/imports gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#52347 opened Apr 14, 2022 by gonzojive
x/tools/gopls: file corruption on case-insensitive filesystems gopls/corruption Issues related to file corruption in gopls gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#57081 opened Dec 1, 2022 by CompeyDev
x/tools/gopls: provide a better error message when a file is excluded due to a package name mismatch gopls/metadata Issues related to metadata loading in gopls gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#58281 opened Feb 2, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: panic in analysis gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#60551 opened Jun 1, 2023 by KaurkerDevourer
x/tools/gopls: update package and imports on willRenameFiles/didRenameFiles FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#60903 opened Jun 7, 2023 by webngt
x/tools/gopls: rename incorrectly renames multiple function definitions gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#62135 opened Aug 18, 2023 by thanethomson
x/tools/gopls: cannot choose the "right" value for completionBudget gopls/imports gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#63459 opened Oct 9, 2023 by myitcv
x/tools/gopls: staticcheck QF1003 quickfix produces corrupted textedit gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#63930 opened Nov 3, 2023 by tttoad
x/tools/gopls: redundant diagnostics due to quick fixes gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#65966 opened Feb 27, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls/internal/lsprpc: TestClientLogging failures gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#66865 opened Apr 16, 2024 by gopherbot
x/tools/gopls: "View package documentation": use type information FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls.
#67158 opened May 3, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: OutgoingCalls mishandles dynamic function calls gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68153 opened Jun 24, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: warn if language version is newer than compile version gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68258 opened Jul 1, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: decide on a long-term testing strategy for integration with older Go commands (and GOPACKAGESDRIVERs?) gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#69321 opened Sep 6, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: no completions provided in some seemingly straightforward cases gopls/completion Issues related to auto-completion in gopls. gopls/parsing Issues related to parsing / poor parser recovery. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#69492 opened Sep 16, 2024 by cespare
x/tools/gopls: packages.Load failure with conflicting and go.mod toolchain versions gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#69646 opened Sep 16, 2024 by remko-bw
x/tools/gopls: identifies arbitrary dotted text in strings as links gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository. upstream-tools
#70033 opened Oct 2, 2024 by marc-ostrow
x/tools/gopls: nil panic loading actionSummary.Err gopls/analysis Issues related to running analysis in gopls gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one.
#66788 opened Apr 3, 2024 by ElianMartinez
x/tools/gopls: resolve comment links to unimported package-qualified symbols such as [net/http.Request] FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#69379 opened Sep 10, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: long initial workspace load durations for workspace with many packages gopls/metadata Issues related to metadata loading in gopls gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#69523 opened Sep 18, 2024 by rma-stripe
x/tools/gopls: pull diagnostic support, continued gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70199 opened Nov 5, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: out-of-bounds slice panic in bug in frob.(*reader).bytes BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71244 opened Jan 13, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: fails to find new std library APIs dynamically gopls/imports gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#63767 opened Oct 27, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: incorrectly suggests internal/singleflight completion gopls/imports gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#64083 opened Nov 12, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: organizeImports does not find package after changing its name gopls/imports gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#67973 opened Jun 13, 2024 by stapelberg
x/tools/gopls: high cpu usage all the time gopls/imports gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70172 opened Nov 2, 2024 by newhook
x/tools/gopls: increase max number of completion candidates for unimported packages FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls/completion Issues related to auto-completion in gopls. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#60988 opened Jun 25, 2023 by 110y
x/tools/gopls: cannot find refs to function type FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#62366 opened Aug 30, 2023 by notrobpike
x/tools/gopls: "extract method" creates invalid code when extracting free "continue" statement gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#63394 opened Oct 5, 2023 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: investigate if 'fixed' syntax needs more accurate positions gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#64335 opened Nov 22, 2023 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: ignore gopackagesdriver in PATH gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#66041 opened Feb 29, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/internal/refactor/inline: support inlining functions with type parameters FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsFix The path to resolution is known, but the work has not been done. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68236 opened Jun 28, 2024 by lfolger
x/tools/gopls: Session.SnapshotOf gets stuck NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one.
#67289 opened Apr 2, 2024 by williambao
x/tools/gopls: "edit does not belong to syntax of package %q" bug in golang.Rename gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70049 opened Oct 25, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls/internal/test/integration/misc: TestTelemetryPrompt_Response failures gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. telemetry x/telemetry issues Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68659 opened Jul 30, 2024 by gopherbot
x/tools/gopls: support "inline all" and "inline away" FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#66370 opened Mar 18, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: enable telemetry prompting for all gopls-backed editors gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#67821 opened Jun 4, 2024 by hyangah
x/tools/gopls: CodeAction: an error in one CodeAction provider should not block another FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71275 opened Jan 14, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: SEGV while clearing memory in newobject BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71561 opened Feb 4, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: "type name %q without type spec" bug in Hover (via telemetry) gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#64241 opened Nov 17, 2023 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: support change signature refactoring FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#38028 opened Mar 23, 2020 by stamblerre
x/tools/gopls: hover: doc link markup ignores import mapping of current file, omits links FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#61677 opened Jul 28, 2023 by nikos-atwise
x/tools/gopls: rename doesn't propagate to the implementors gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#65098 opened Jan 14, 2024 by denpeshkov
x/tools/gopls: extract function on if err != nil is unidiomatic gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#66289 opened Mar 13, 2024 by golopot
x/tools/gopls: "could not locate file for primary type checker error" bug reported by telemetry gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#66765 opened Apr 10, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: "internal error reading (shared cache|typerefs data)" (ENOSPC?) bug report (via telemetry) gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#67433 opened May 16, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls/internal/analysis: noresultvalues diagnostic triggers "end > end of file + 1" bug (via telemetry) gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68105 opened Jun 21, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: improve the 'implementation' query on interfaces gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#68641 opened Jul 30, 2024 by koonix
x/tools/gopls: refactor.rewrite.removeUnusedParam: avoid literalization for recursive spread call gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Refactoring Issues related to refactoring tools Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70554 opened Nov 25, 2024 by tttoad
x/tools/gopls: stubmethods: "could not find the enclosing function of the return statement" bug in GetIfaceStubInfo gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70666 opened Dec 3, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: Rename: crash due to Info.Defs[id]=nil bug in checkStructField gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70968 opened Dec 23, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: sigpanic in persistent.(*mapNode).forEach (bad SP) BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71115 opened Jan 3, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: "missing reachable node for %q" bug in evaluatePackageHandle BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71352 opened Jan 20, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: "nil handle" assert in getPackageHandles BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71353 opened Jan 20, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: "missing reference to package %s" bug in getOneTransitiveRefLocked BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71354 opened Jan 20, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: "expected exported symbol" assert in getOneTransitiveRefLocked gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71356 opened Jan 20, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: crashes due to apparent data race (gopls v16+ on linux) BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71425 opened Jan 24, 2025 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: Code completion in gopls is not working, unable to find the packages to import gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71462 opened Jan 28, 2025 by tyanxie
x/tools/gopls: filter out overlays in the module cache FeatureRequest Issues asking for a new feature that does not need a proposal. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71816 opened Feb 18, 2025 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls: FoldingRange omitempty causes EndCharacter=0 to be omitted, changing its semantics in clients that distinguish 0 from missing BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. Documentation Issues describing a change to documentation. gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71489 opened Jan 30, 2025 by jansorg
x/tools/gopls: runtime abort in go statement BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71814 opened Feb 18, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: deprecate 'Structured' hover kind gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#70233 opened Nov 6, 2024 by findleyr
x/tools/gopls/internal/telemetry/cmd/stacks: TestReadPCLineTable/gopls failures gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71805 opened Feb 17, 2025 by gopherbot
x/tools/gopls: nil deref in Exporter.ProcessEvent BugReport Issues describing a possible bug in the Go implementation. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#71928 opened Feb 24, 2025 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: "unexpected files in command-line-arguments package" bug (via telemetry) FixPending Issues that have a fix which has not yet been reviewed or submitted. gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#64557 opened Dec 5, 2023 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: "could not compute pos to range for %v: %v" bug (reported by telemetry) gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#65960 opened Feb 27, 2024 by adonovan
x/tools/gopls: Hover: panic in lookup{ObjectByName,DocLinkSymbol} gopls/telemetry-wins gopls Issues related to the Go language server, gopls. NeedsInvestigation Someone must examine and confirm this is a valid issue and not a duplicate of an existing one. Tools This label describes issues relating to any tools in the x/tools repository.
#69616 opened Sep 24, 2024 by adonovan